Chapter 6


Mrs Carol said her goodbye to her after she walk her down the compound a little. Shirley was walking fast, she's highly impatient, she wanted to get out of the compound immediately as if she knows that, Mrs Carol was going to call the police. She manages to walk down the wide compound of the mansion and out the big gate finally.

Immediately she got out of the compound, she went to where no one could see her , she made sure no one was looking at her and she started the vampire walk, she started moving swiftly, she ran down to the place she normally pass when going to the woods behind the mansion. 

Mark who is in the woods for some hours was already taking his leave.  He has been sitting on a log for hours, now the snow is more falling and the cold winds are blowing with it now that it's dark, he actually didn't planned staying there for that long. He couldn't stand the cold any longer.  By the time Shirley got there, she only saw someone walking away.... She shouted Mark, when Mark looked back, it was her, the one he has been waiting for for hours.  ...."Had it been i was a bit delayed longer i wouldn't have met you here".... Said Shirley.   No i was only going to take some things from the mansion. They both smile and excited as Mark replied her. 


Shirley : - What are the things you were going to take? 

Mark : - Hum!, hum!, I wanted to go and take hum, sweater, gloves with my head warmer.... I was going to take those. 

Shirley : - When last did you smoke? 

Mark : - Trust me, its been a while. 

Shirley : - A while? I was here yesterday, am i wrong?  

Mark : - I don't know that, it seems like a lifetime to me, i really don't know when last you were here and i said a while because i do normally smoke the weed from time to time before you asked me to stop. 

Shirley : - Well, because of your "A while" i will sit beside you to keep you warm. I hope the scents in your blood will not really harm me. 

Mark : - The scents in my blood? 

Shirley : - Yes. 

Mark : - I surely don't know what that means. 

Shirley : - You don't need to, just keep by my side so i can keep you warm.  

Mark : - To keep me warm? 

Shirley : - Just sit, sit beside me, you won't feel the cold. I don't want you to go back in there, i don't want to sit here alone. 

Mark : - Okay, i am not leaving you then. 

(Mark was sitting beside her and the temperature begins to feels normal like there has never  be snow) 

Mark : - Wow! (chuckles) this is cool. 

Shirley : - Is that all? 

Mark : - What? 

Shirley : - Is that all you were going to take? 

Mark : - (sighs) ...And weed! 

Shirley : - We spoke of, we agreed you wouldn't  smoke anymore. 

Mark : - Have been waiting here since and now i am cold. 

Shirley : - Why would you be here since, why don't you wait until nightfall?

Mark : - You think i am lying? 

Shirley : - No,  no, i never said anything about that. 

Mark : - Then what is your point? 

Shirley : - I am not saying Mark is lying. Look, Mark, I know how long you have been here.

Mark : - How could you possibly knows that? 

Shirley : - I also waited for about an hour or so, and i didn't see you. 

Mark : - Where were you waiting? 

Shirley : - Come on Mark, i was in the mansion, with your mum and others. 

Mark : - Really? 

Shirley : - Yeah, I came to drop an invitation for your family, we will be having a party at my place. 

Mark : - Wait,  i thought you were staying around here in the woods? 

Shirley : - It's kind of complicated, hard to explain, just forget that.....  The party will be held in our mansion. 

Mark : - Mansion? 

Shirley : - Don't be deceived, it is nothing compared to yours. 

Mark : - So,  who collected it from you? The invitation, whatever! 

Shirley : - Your mum herself. 

Mark : - What did she say? Are we going? I mean,  I mean, did she say we are coming? 

Shirley : - She's too busy admiring my cloth and we never discuss about that. 

Mark : - Even if they didn't come, even if i am not allowed, i will still find a way to come, for you! 

Shirley : - (confused and depressed) But why? Why wouldn't they come or, or allow you to? 

Mark : - My mum,  my dad and others have been saying a lot of things happens around here, she could perhaps not allow us going, we have not been sleeping with our eyes closed since we arrived here. 


Shirley tried to stop the discussion, she realized that what they are planning to achieve with the party could not be successful.  And she doesn't want Mark to continue talking about it, so he won't have answers from her or request for answers from her.


Shirley : - (laughs) How could you guys sleep with your eyes opened?

Mark : - No, it only a figure of speech. 

Shirley : - I know, i am only teasing you. 

Mark : - It was mentioned that bad things happens in this compound..... We were asked to be very vigilant. 

Shirley : - Are you being vigilant with me? 

Mark : - I trust you, i don't know why and i shouldn't be doing this, but i am kind of free around you.  


At that moment when Mark said what he said, Shirley also felt like she's in love with him, she tried to ignore the feeling, but it keeps coming. 

 "I am here to capture him, I am here to get to his family through him, we need those people in that mansion and we need the mansion" she said to herself as she's gone in deep thinking. She instantly forgot she's sitting with Mark and they were discussing. 

Mark who has been asking her a question over three times now, asked the same question the fourth time. 

"With my researching, i think what's causing all the incidents that happens is vampires, i think vampires live around here, you should becareful out there, do you have enough people to guard you if anything happens? Mark asked,   This time she heard him and don't know what to say.  Instead, she draw him closer and kissed him to distract him. 

Mark couldn't believe it, he stopped her, look her in the eyes holds her head and kisses her again. They were romancing, and started taking off their clothes, they were about to have sex.  

"I couldn't stop now, and i shouldn't continue, because my scissors will grow out longer, my eyes will change, i will be stronger and he's just human, he won't be able to cope with me and i can't compel him to make him forget, he got weed in his blood and now, he wanted to have sex with me, shit!  just do whatever it takes, Shirley". She said to herself as they were taking off their clothes and romancing. It's getting to the point where Shirley's losing the humanity left in her, she's feeling the powers inside her now, the vampire abilities are setting free.  "I will only kill him,  I will lose him, and also lose everything concerning him, his family and the mansion " she thought, Mark grabbed her waist and turned her facing her to a tree and Mark was standing right behind her,  about to deep inside her vagina, some siren was blowing which they heard.  It is  the police that are coming, the police that Mrs Carol called. 


In the mansion. 


It was the police that arrived along with Mrs Carol's fashion designer. When she made the call,  she gave them whereabouts of her fashion designer and asked them to come with the fashion designer. About ten police vehicles and two cops in each came, well armed. 

They got out of the police vehicle, the kind of facial expressions the fashion designer has, told something is wrong.  The police and the fashion designer went into the mansion to go and meet Mrs Carol who has been waiting for them.

"Please ma'am forgive me i was scared that's all, please". The fashion designer went on her knees as she plead.

"She embarrassed me, she embarrassed my guests, no i can't take that". Mrs Carol, said.

"If that is all, It doesn't worth arresting her". The Police replied. 

"She frightened the kids,  she frightened my guests.... That could lead to cardiac arrest. Mrs Carol said angrily. 

"Well, we will have to do something anyways, i actually thought you saw anything strange". The police told her. 

The fashion designer was taken away by Mrs Carol's orders. Her sister went calmly to her and told her that just because she's wealthy and rich doesn't mean she should be rude and don't respect others. She thought of it and later asked the police to release the fashion designer and she make apologies to her. 


In the woods. 

Shirley : - (she shouted, stop) The sirens, is that not police?

Mark : - I think so. (he leave her waist) 

Shirley : - (pulling up her pant) Why are they here? What are they doing in the mansion? 

Mark : - I don't know, aren't we here together! (he exclaimed angrily because the police arrival stopped them from having sex) 

Shirley : - You are angry..... You are angry,  aren't you? 

Mark : - (angrily) What?! I am not! No!!!

Shirley : - You are angry because we stopped. 

Mark : - It's my first time with you, nothing should stop us. 

Shirley : - (she speaks passionately)  I know you are angry, we will have our time together, the time will be there, the freelance will be there, we will have enough time to sex each other as we want, but now, i have to go. 

Mark : - (surprised) Go!? You mean, you want to go right now? 

Shirley : - I have to go, love. (looking Mark in the eyes and smilling)

Mark : - Are you serious right now? 

Shirley : - Tomorrow, Mark... We would see tomorrow. (she's leaving) 

Mark : - At least give me a kiss. 


She agreed to kissing him,  Mark quickly hop to where Shirley was standing, while hopping, his trousers were falling because he didn't zip or uses his belt. Shirley was smiling at him romantically, he hopped to her and kissed her, he deep his left hand inside her garment, brought out her breast and sucks it. Shirley who is eager to go because she didn't know if the police are coming for her or not didn't know what to do as Mark sucks her breast trying to lure her back into having sex, however, she pushed Mark away, redressed herself, smiles romantically and left. Mark also smiles, dressed himself properly and headed for the mansion. 

He was singing joyfully a romantic song, dancing excitedly to his loud voice and using his right hand to rob his head, meaning bravo. 


At Mr Hudson's mansion. 


Mrs Carol inform her husband about the invitation, at the time she told him, Mr Hudson was with his friends.  He did not want his wife to start arguments with him, so he just nodded his head and says.....  " Yes, we will go, dear"....       Afterwards, his friends left and he ran to his wife to call her senses back to normal, when Mr Hudson got to his wife's room, he said   

...."Really? Are you out of your mind, an invitation? And you want to go? Have you forgotten all that happened in this premises started with an invitation?".....   

....."Nothing is going to happen".... She replied. 

Mr Hudson started shouting at her. 


Mr Hudson : - I wanted to quit buying this mansion, you and your stubbornness pushed me till i bought it. 

Mrs Carol : - Calm down, you bought it because you are rich enough to do that, you see,  people formulate things because they don't have the money to buy this place, but you did, you should be proud of yourself, it's a great thing you did, come on. 

Mr Hudson : - Wait woman, Let me ask you question.  This place, do you believe a word from the things that are being said about the premises, just leave the mansion out, but the premises, do you believe just a thing from what they says?

Mrs Carol : - Of course, i do believe. 

Mr Hudson : - What is your problem then? 

Mrs Carol : - (calmly)  The thing is, what i know is,  hum... You know, the people take it beyond what it actually is, it is not up to the way they say it. Relax, honey. We gonna be fine. Once we stay indoor. 

Mr Hudson : - You said, "once we stay indoor". And you want us to go to a party? 

Mrs Carol : - We will be indoor there! 

Mr Hudson : - Okay, who and who is going? 

Mrs Carol : - All of us. 

Mr Hudson : - All of us? With the kids? 

Mrs Carol : - Of course, you just said the premises is a bad place, do you want us to leave our children behind? 

Mr Hudson : - When is the party? 

Mrs Carol : - Tomorrow night, December 17th. 

Mr Hudson : - Jeez! 


He went to his room and inform the police about the party without letting his wife know of it. 

He did that to have back up in case anything goes wrong.  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++