Chapter 7

"At the mansion where the vampires live"


When Shirley got home, she was pretending to be fine, but she's not. She kissed Mark, whereas Mark lied to her about the last time he smoked, Mark went to the woods earlier that day so he could smoke before nightfall and the scent would have completely left his body before his meeting with Shirley and he also used a deodorant, and now, it hurting Shirley. 


Inez : - You are trying to be fine, but you are not. 

Shirley : - Who told you that? 

Inez : - Have been watching you since you came back. 

Shirley : - You always observe things ... Actually, you are right. 

Inez : - What happened? 

Shirley : - I did something terrible. 

Inez : - What is it? You can talk to me! 

Shirley : - Have been monitoring someone, there is a mansion not too far from here... 

Inez : - I know of that mansion, what is it with it?

Shirley : - (grunts) It's a bigger mansion compared to ours, we needs the mansion..... It will be, or let me say it should be our fortress. There's a boy of my human age that lives in that mansion, i thought i could get to them through him, but something strange is happening. I am falling in love with him. 

Inez : - Shirley, he's human.... How could you? 

Shirley : - I know, i really don't know how, today i almost have sex with him, even though he's on weed. 

Inez : - What?! Are you insane? 

Shirley : - He lied to me today, he told me he didn't smoke, i know he does and I still kissed him. I almost vomit my liver today, (she grunts) It hurts, Inez, his saliva burns down my throat, my chest and my stomach. There's weed in his saliva. 

Inez : - If you want sex that bad, why don't you go to the mainland and find a male of your choice you can compel and do whatever you want with him? 

Shirley : - I first thought it was only lust that i have for him, and it getting out of my hands and now,  i started realizing it's love. 

Inez : - (breathe out loud). Then you can turn him to a vampire,  so you guys could live together forever if you truly love him. 

Shirley : - (screamed and grunts) It hurts, Inez.... It really hurts. 

Inez : - You can't remain like this, if Eldon sees you like this..... You know what, let me go and get you someone you can feed on, it would get better. 

Shirley : - No,  i will go. 

Inez : - If you think you are fine, Shirley, you are not. At least let me come with you. 

Shirley : - If two of us leave at the same time, what if Eldon comes back before we do? 

Inez : - That means,  we will not stay out there long. 

Shirley : - (holding her stomach in pain) Damn it! Why did i even tried that! 

Inez : - You will live, have tried it before, that's one of the reasons you should train yourself with those things,  the weed, the salt the.... 

Shirley : - (screamed) It hurts!!! 

Inez : - After this, i will start training you with those things,  you have to get used to it all. What if you are being detected and was put into test..... You would fail? 

Shirley : - It is not everyone that will be like you, Inez!


They were outside about to go, Shirley was adjusting her dress and Inez was closing the door. 

Then, there's a movement that swooshed on them. Eldon is back, he wanted to stop them from going out, but, 

......"We need to be prepared, we only have this night left, the party is tomorrow and we have to go and gather the ones i have turned and make them ready to collect the ones we will turn tomorrow and also if anything goes wrong, if the police came, so i have to go and get them prepared, get in the car let's go"....   Said Shirley. 

....."It's okay, don't take much time, we have some things to discuss and get everything ready for our guests tomorrow, go and come back quickly, i will be waiting.... "

Eldon replied.  

....." We will be back as soon as possible"...  Said Inez. 

Shirley's face got squeezed because she's in pain, Eldon noticed but she tried to hide her face, she faced the car backing Eldon and Inez, Eldon was moving to her and Inez asked him a question to distract him. 

..."(clears throat) Hum, hmm, So what if the humans come with police tomorrow? ".... She asked. 

Eldon stopped walking to where Shirley is, he went to Inez and said. 

..."That is a good question, that is why we have to plan ourselves properly tomorrow and don't leave any suspicious thing behind.  (He paused for a while and spoke shortly after).....It seems you girls are keeping something from me"..... He said. 

...." No, why should we?"..... Inez said.

..."We will be back as soon as possible ".... Shirley said. 

Eldon scoffed and went to the mansion, the two of them also entered the car and drove off. 


Flashback! Flashback!! Flashback!!! 

4th February 1454.

Town of Oraibi, Arizona. 


There was a murder case and the Watchmen are searching for the murderer. 

The scene was said to be that of a witch or wizard, one of the watchmen said the brutal killing of the dead young man can't be of animal killing, he believes it to be either a witch or a wizard that must have performed magic on the dead young man. 

Oraibi at that age was a developing small town, almost everyone recognize everyone. When the murdered case happened, almost all the town people all have the same opinion, "it is done by Eldon" except the Watchmen, even some of the Watchmen knew, but according to the law, just like today's police, they don't believe in rumors only evidence. 

The dead young man's parents gave up because having hope in the Watchmen would yield to nothing. However,  his uncle refused to give up, he went to the town council and protested. He told them it was done by Eldon,   ..."Eldon did this, he's a vampire, a does this and escapes with it"..... He said.

....."We don't know that, Mr, do you have any prove? "... One of the town council replied.

..."For how long will this continue, until he killed all of us?"..... He said.

...."What do you want to have us do?"... Another of the town council asked.

...."Put him to trial, vampires are blood lust.  In seconds he will lose control and you will all see that we are right..... He said.

The town council decided to go with the trial, they warned the man that no one should go near Eldon until he failed the trial and the town council will know what to do with him. 

That same evening, Brewster, the eldest of "the greats", the deadliest and most powerful vampire that ever lived heard about the new development, he immediately went to the boy he loved so much, Eldon, to inform him. 

...."You have to leave now or they will kill you".... Brewster said. 

..."They can't kill me, you said no one can kill a vampire, and i am a vampire now"... Eldon replied. 

..."Yes,  you are a vampire now, but not for long, you have just turned to vampire and you are doing it all wrong".... Brewster said angrily. 

..."You told me to only feed on one person a day, and i have to do it only in the woods not to make suspicious scenes,  that was exactly what I did".... Eldon replied. 

..."You are still doing it all wrong, you should have properly buried the body, now you have exposed yourself finally, and probably us too"... Said,  Brewster. 

...."I can prove them wrong if i pass the trial, i onky need to stay focused on being humanity and don't see the blood as meal like you have always thought me"... Eldon told him. 

..."No,  you can't possibly pass the trial, you are really new to being a vampire, you would surely fail the trial, once you are being detected, they will get your heart off your body, and you will also make all of us suspicious".... Brewster replied. 

...."What do i do now, i am afraid "..... Eldon asked. 

..."I want you to travel to Westminster England, And i don't want the same mistake to repeat itself, go, now! Leave, they are already coming for you, the Watchmen will come to arrest you anytime from now, you have to go now".... Said,  Brewster. 

..."But you are not through with the trainings you are giving me"..... Eldon speaks emotionally. 

..."I will come to join you there, i need to inform my brothers and sisters to be very careful, they are my responsibility. All of the people sings your name, they knew it's you, i need to inform them, it is no longer safe here"..... Brewster told him. 

Eldon hugged him emotionally and turned away from him, he took his diary and quickly put some clothes in a bag, he was about to open the front door when they heard the whistling of the Watchmen, they were already coming to arrest him, they were chanting their slogans and marching towards the house both of them were.

Eldon stopped, looked Brewster in the eyes with fear and immediately stepped back from the door. Brewster told him to take the back door and leave before they (The watchmen) surrounded the house. 

..."Go, i will delay them, go now or they kill you"... Brewster said. 

Eldon carried the bag in haste, he was leaving when Brewster grabbed his arm and told him. 

..."I will come and hunt you down myself if you repeat the same mistake you did here"..... Said, Brewster. 

He pat him on the head and he left. 

After Eldon has gone, the Watchmen marched into the house. Brewster has determined to kill all the Watchmen with his vampire powers, he was bursting his fingers and getting ready to fight, then there was a knock on the door, the door opened without anyone inviting the visitor. One of Brewster brothers, Dwennon has just arrived in town, he was arrested wrongly in place of Eldon because of their resemblance and the same age. Brewster argued with them to let them know they were arresting the wrong person and free him,  however, they never listened. Brewster stopped arguing because he has believe his brother will surely pass the test, he has been a vampire for centuries and they (the greats) are well trained with all sort of anti vampire items. 

When the trial begins, Dwennon started shivering he couldn't withstand the blood. Where he came from, he has been detected and arrested for very long years, he managed to escape where he's been held captive and ran to his brother's place for sanctuary. He has not been feeding.....(Vampires do grow weaker the more they don't feed on human blood).....He couldn't even stay in the town he was arrested to feed on anyone when he escaped because over there, everyone now knows about the vampires because of their severe killings and they all walk around with a lot of anti vampire stuff . His eyes started changing, vains started stretching down his face down his body, he couldn't withstand it, he wanted to escape, but, the anti vampire chains used to hold him makes him powerless. All the town council and the people of the town were amazed, they do talk about vampires but they never knew they were real.  Dwennon then realizes his time have come to die, he's now at the fourth trial on a row, going to the fourth prison on a row if not killed,  it has been from prison to prison for him,  he stopped fighting it, he's ready to die. He spoke to his brother through the mind chatting, he explained everything that has been happening to him. He dearly asked him not to fight, he manages to get his brother out of the mess through explanation and pleading to the town council.  He was killed and all the people went to their homes joyfully hoping they have killed all the vampires in their town. 

Brewster went home bitterly, fresh from watching his brother being killed.  Two neighbors he got, one mocked him, the other sympathize with him.  He does not reply to any of them, when night falls, he went to them both and murdered them, after murdering them, he took their corpses to the woods and buried them deep into the ground leaving no traces. 

Starting from that moment, Brewster became brutal, he kills without thinking twice or looking at the consequences. 

Afterwards, the missing rate of that town became higher and higher, people of the town keep missing. 

There was a night, when Brewster was on his hunting as usual, he saw a teenage girl alone in the dark woods, he thought, "this is an easy kill".  He swifted to where the girl was standing , by the time he almost got there, he noticed the girl was standing there purposely, he was standing a couple of meters away from the girl,  then he saw four sticks that form square shape around him earthed into the ground, they were meant to capture him, ....."It's a trap".... He said. 

He saw movements in the woods, people coming towards him trying not to get noticed, however, he noticed and saw them. When he swift backward, a very heavy chain net which is made of anti vampire material sprung out from the ground amidst the sticks and connects to the trees behind him, he only hit himself on the chain net when trying to escape and falls on the ground. The people rushed towards him, Brewster is very rugged and strong minded even before he became vampire, with all the equipments used to capture him, he still escaped. 

He took off from the scene and went to other town.  

after some months he was at a bar when he overheard some people's discussion.

...."Yes, the watchmen are saying it, they said, a vampire must have escaped to our town, he escaped from the popular town of Oraibi".... The first man said. 

..."I have never heard of vampire, what is that? "..... Asked by man 2. 

....."They are humans that sucks blood".... Replied another man. 

....."No,  they were formerly human, but now a different creatures that feed on human".... Said the first man. 

....."Feed on human? ".... Said by man 2.

....."Actually, they suck blood"... The first man replied. 

....."How can they possibly suck blood, are they mosquitoes? ".... Said by man 2.

..."That is not what matters, what matters now is that we have to be vigilant, those things, are dangerous creatures, but never worry yourself that much, they walk in the day"..... Said by the first man. 

..." What do you mean they don't walk in the day? "... Asked by man 2.

..."They don't have the ability to hunt on the day time, and you can do whatever you want to them in the day time as they are vulnerable"... Replied by the first man. 

Brewster was carried away listening to them, a woman was at his front talking to him already but he couldn't hear because he was listening to those men's conversations. 

..."Hello handsome, you doesn't seems relax, what's the matter with you.. You need someone to cool you down? "..... The woman asked. 

Brewster's not in the mood at the moment to speak to anybody, he's only holding his cup of scotch drinking and adding to what's in the cup over and over. He looked at the woman, scoffed and look away. 

The woman asked,  ....."What?! I am not your type or you think i am not good enough, come on, try me"....

....."Go away, i will do with my scotch, i am okay with it".... Said,  Brewster. 

....."Ah! I know that voice, tell me i am wrong, tell me you are not what i think you are"..... Said the woman.

Brewster looked at her sharply, his heart beats, he was surprised and scared. With a shaky voice he asked.

..."So what am i, woman, what am I to you?".....

....."You are the type that wants me, I know you want to lay me on a bed just like I do"..... Said the woman.

At the bar, there was lots of heavy bangs on the wall next room... The two male and female that were romancing started feeling uncomfortable with the bangs. It's starting to get abnormal, the male got up and walked to the room, the people inside did not lock the door, they were in hurry to fuck. When he touched the door, it opened, he put a foot in and look, there he saw two people naked, fresh from having sex, it could be tell with the look, the sweat.

The only strange thing from the scene is that the male was standing holding the female in his arms, his mouth was full of blood and his scissors was nothing like the normal human being. He screamed so loud that other people from other room heard even with the loud music that was playing. He ran but vampires are quicker, Brewster banged him on the wall and put his mouth on the man's neck and sucked his blood. People are already there to watch how Brewster sucked the man nakedly.

People are at the both ends of the exit, the watchmen are already coming to capture him, he have no choice but to force his way, he mudered people to escape, he left the town that afternoon and headed to Westminster, England. 
