Escaping From The Mushroom Forest

"Hahhahahaha! Your little friend has just abandoned you! But do not worry, we will soon send him to hell for you."

Daichi and the three other Kaguya's encircled Huntaro, He was as good as dead.

"Motherfuckers, I will kill you all!"

"You are a funny one aren't you, dead man? Now shut your mouth and accept your fate." Daichi found it very amusing.

Huntaro made a final assault, he now could only die with honor. The moment he moved a single finger, the Kaguya pierced him with their katanas.

Huntaro was dead.

"Daichi, do we go after the coward who just ran away?"

"Absolutely, let's search for him" taking the same path that Kentaro took to escape, Daichi was already very excited thinking about what he'll do to him.

Kentaro was running without looking at his surroundings, he had only set foot in this forest for one hour but his whole group were already slautered.

"I must make sure that nobody is following me"

Performing hand seals and placing his two palms on the ground, Kentaro was about to discover if he was being followed or not.

"Earth style: earth tremor sense technique."

This jutsu allowed Kentaro to sense the vibrations in the ground and god, he felt them.

That could only mean that he was being followed by one or more people. He was obviously being followed by four shinobi.

Hiding behind a tree, he awaited for them to be in his vision.

After two minutes they were finally there. Kentaro had two options, continue running or face them here and now.

He chose the latter. The problem was that they were four and he was alone, but he, Kentaro Fujimoto, was ahead of time.

"Earth style: earth clones" five clones were made out of the earth. It was very impressive to see in real life.

The clones were identical to Kentaro, they even had his katana.

The five clones were tasked to attack the Kaguya's in surprise, when they expect the least to be attacked.

The earth clones were smart, they could operate by themselves. Noticing that the Kaguya were a little bit distracted, the clones attacked.

Jumping on the Kaguya out of nowhere, the clones managed to hurt them a little bit. Unfortunately for Kentaro, his clones were destroyed with only two hits.

"What the hell was this jutsu?! Since when does such a technique exist." The Kaguya were siplmy shocked.

"Stay focused, he must be close" Daichi didn't show his amazement, he was now even more hurried to kill Kentaro.

Once they finished with him, they could steal this mysterious jutsu.

"Fucking clones, not even able to kill one of those savages." Kentaro was deep in his thoughts, what jutsu could he use now?

He had nearly spend all of his Chakra, one last jutsu and if he couldn't kill them, then he could consider himself dead.

"Okay, let's go Kentaro your not a fucking pussy!" coming out of his little hideout, Kentaro faced the Kaguya.

"Well well, look who we have here, hahaha"

"Shut the fuck up bastard, I will avenge my comrades. Go to fucking hell."

"Earth style: alive burial technique!"

The ground underneath the Kaguya split open, swallowing them like quicksand. Only five seconds and they were already completely under the ground.

The ground grew solid again, they were buried alive.

"Damn, this jutsu is extreme. I have to find a place where I can be safe for today."

Wandering around the forest, Kentaro found a particularly large mushroom. He decided to shift the ground beneath the mushroom to make a little underground cave.

He layed in and just thought about what to do next.

Ding! "+14 000 points"

"Those bastards finally died from asphyxia, I'm gonna check the system shop. System shop!"



World map: acquired

Chakra manipulation: acquired

Water affinity: 50 000 points

Wind affinity: 75 000 points

Earth affinity: aqcuired

Lightening affinity: 125 000 points

Fire affinity: 200 000 points


Earth style jutsu pack: acquired

Water style jutsu pack: 100 000 points

Wind style jutsu pack: 100 000 points

Lightening style jutsu pack: 100 000 points

Fire style jutsu pack: 100 000 points




"Everything is so fucking expensive in the system shop." Kentaro wanted to buy the water affinity but he hadn't enough.

"I'm getting tired of all this shit, I've only been in this world for two days and I've already faced death couple of times now. It would be a fucking miracle to be alive in two years time."

All this nervousness was building inside of Kentaro, it was bad. He decided to take a little nap to relax.

He closed his eyes.

The sounds of locusts woke Kentaro up. Kentaro left his underground cave, it was night.

"Nobody fights at night, so I must be safe, for now."

Returning to where the battle had taken place some hours ago, crows were feasting on Haruto's face.

Kentaro felt bad inside, he had abandoned Haruto. Using his earth style, he shifted the ground.

He made one big hole to bury them all in. Walking to Akira, Kentaro carried Akira and throwed him in the hole.

He did the same with Haruto, Nanako was cut in two. He had to carry the halfs separately. Throwing the first half in the whole, Kentaro walked to the second half.

Looking at her lovely face, Kentaro couldn't help but shed a tear. He knew her for only one day but she was very kind to him, it pained him to see her like this.

Throwing her second half in the hole, Kentaro proceeded in closing it. Sora Kosa had to be brought back to the castle town.

Carrying him on his back, Kentaro began running northwest, he just had to reach Hayakama village and he would technically be safe.

In the future, if he would want to avoid the same things that happened today, becoming stronger was imperative.

"Only strength rules and is respected in this world, I must become stronger!"