
Relying on the map, Kentaro managed to get out of the forest pretty quickly.

Fifty minutes were needed for him to arrive at Hayakama village, the guards spotted him quickly.

Seeing the yellow uniform and the bracelet, they knew that kentaro was a mercenary working for the clan.

The young man who had given the document to Kentaro recognized him.

"Friend, are you hurt?!" checking and asking if everything was good, the guards then picked Sora up.

"You can rest here for the time being, we will transfer his body to the castle town. So be at ease."

Kentaro was very thankful, first he gave him the document and now this.

"Thank you very much, you have helped me so much but I don't even know your name."

"My name is Todo Kusa, and you friend, I don't know your name either."

"Nice to meet you Todo, my name is Kentaro Fujimoto. Thanks to you, I have been hired."

Kentaro expressed his thanks, it was better late than never. Todo moved his hands in a way to show that it wasn't worth the thanks.

"Follow me Kentaro, I will bring you to my house. You can stay there, I have to guard the village so I can't keep you company."

Nodding his head, Kentaro followed Todo to a small house, it was simple.

Entering the house, Kentaro noticed that they were people inside. A woman and two children.

The woman had her back turned to the door while stewing what seemed to be soup and the two children where sleeping on a wooden bed.

"Todo, you have finally come. Go wash your hands and come sit down, I have prepared chicken soup." after finishing her sentence, she looked towards the door.

Her eyes fell on Kentaro, he was a stranger after all.

"Baby, I will come back later. Take care of our guest, he has just escaped from the mushroom forest."

Leaving the house, Todo left Kentaro with his family. He felt grateful to Todo.

"Hello madam, my name is Kentaro Fujimoto" Kentaro presented himself very respectfully.

"Nice meeting you Kentaro. Please do not call me madam, my name is Himari. You are exhausted aren't you? Sit down I will serve you some soup."

Kentaro sat down and stayed quiet, but his stomach didn't.

Himari placed the bowl of soup in front of him. The second it was placed on the table, Kentaro ate it all.

Himari sat on the table and looked at Kentaro eating. When he finished, he noticed her gaze and he found It very awkward.

"Kentaro you said your that your surname was Fujimoto, right?" asked Himari


"You must be a strong user of the earth style, like all the clan members of your clan. What are you doing here? Have you perhaps betrayed your clan?"

Betrayed?! Kentaro would not dare, at least not with the little strength he possesses.

"No Himari, I haven't betrayed my clan. I am just in search of a challenge, to face shinobi of other clans and measure myself to them."

His lie should be credible enough.

"When will you return to your clan? They will surely get worried if you take too much time to come back."

One day he will meet his fellow brethren. For now he has to help Lord Kusa take control over the whole region.

"When the time comes, I will go back. But this instant, I belong here. Can I have another bowl please?" Kentaro wanted to change the subject.

Standing up and serving another bowl to Kentaro, she couldn't help but think about what he had gone through to have so much blood on his clothes.

Finishing his food, Kentaro was shown where he could wash himself, Himari also gave him a clean brown robe as she had the intention of cleaning his clan uniform.

"Todo is lucky to have you as his wife, you know that right haha."

She gave him a faint smile, maybe he had just better shut his mouth.

Going outside and undressing, Kentaro was completely naked. Himari had showed him that this was the spot to wash himself.

He had to fill buckets of water and pour the water over himself. The soap in this world was the same than on earth, only the smell was much more natural.

"Hey, Kentaro if you ne-" It was Todo. He opened the door that led outside and saw the snake that was crawling between kentaro's legs.

Something like that, he had better never seen.

He just closed the door back without saying what he was about to say.

After having finished, Kentaro dressed himself in the brown robes that where given to him and entered the house.

Himari had placed blankets on the ground, that's where he had to sleep.

"I would like to thank you for your hospitality. I am very touched."

"It's alright Kentaro, it is our pleasure to host a true shinobi!"

A true shinobi...., Kentaro wasn't sure about that.

The night was calm and it was the first time in this world that he had a good night.

Kentaro woke up in the morning, he felt pressure on his legs and torso. Opening his eyes he saw two little kids jumping and walking on him.

"Ryu! Toka! What are you doing! Let mister sleep!" what a brutal way to wake up.

Himari excused herself for her kids behavior but Kentaro didn't mind. He soon went outside to find Todo.

"Hey, Kentaro! Have you had a good night?"

"Yes I have, I will never forget your hospitality. I have a question, is there an armory in Hayakama village?"

Todo found it a weird question "Yes, we have an armory and targets. Do you want to train, is that why you ask?"

Kentaro nodded his head, he followed Todo to the armory. It had everything Kentaro needed: targets, kunai, shuriken... Everything was there.

"I would like to train, is that possible?"

"Yes you can train. Take the targets and go train in my yard."

Todo took his leave and Kentaro took everything he needed.

It was time to train, and seriously!