Subliminal Sage Arts

The paw sweep came from the left, the monkeys that were close to it stopped the paw with a joint hit of their staves.

Their golden staves hit the incoming paw, Kentaro and the other monkeys hit Matatabi on the nose.

The hits were powerful, the hits on the nose were particularly painful to Matatabi. From the air she fell down to the mud.

"BOOUM!" the ground broke when she crashed down on the mud field. Kentaro and the one hundred monkeys fell down towards Matatabi.

"Taste the power of the staff!" they all hit Matatabi at the same tame. They made sure not to come in contact with Matatabi's fiery body.

Matatabi would have have never guessed that a normal looking staff would be so powerful. She spinned around aggressively on the mud.

Matatabi tried to whip them all with her massive and heavy tails. The monkeys protected themselves with the staff.

They were sent flying, but at least they did not die. The staff was intact, it was solid enough to resist a tail whip.

Kentaro was sent flying with the monkeys too. He straightened himself and looked at his fellow monkeys.

"Matatabi has enormous agility, you saw how she spinned around on the mud and attacked us with her tails."

"Boss, I'm scared. I've never faced a beast like that before." Goro was the captain of the monkey squad, he was a young but strong monkey.

"Goro, there is no need to be afraid. There is nothing that is stronger than our way. Do not doubt, do not worry, no matter what! Together, monkey strong!"

Hearing this, Goro was motivated to the brim. The other monkeys were ready to engage back against Matatabi.

"You heard the boss! Together, monkey strong!" Kentaro took his red kimono off, he stayed topless with his black pants.

His closed his fists and beat on his chest, all the monkeys did the same.

"Sage Art: Monkey Drum Beat!"

They filled their fists with natural energy, creating a gigantic wave and sending it towards Matatabi.

The green waves of natural energy didn't seem too dangerous, they weren't intimidating at all.

"This doesn't look like a great deal." Matatabi looked at the waves approaching her at a fast pace, she was considering this attack to weak to have an effect on her.

Matatabi chose to charge, she met with the waves. Suddenly, she fell down in pain. Her ears were bleeding, the waves pentetrated inside and wreak havoc in her ears.

"Matatabi, don't underestimate my subliminal Sage Arts! I shall let you taste them today."

Matatabi stood up in rage, she had enough of Kentaro. She opened her mouth, an immense quantity of flames were spewed out.

Like a dragon, Matatabi spewed them as if they would never end. Kentaro looked at the flames getting closer.

"Everyone, let's make Matatabi tatse her own flames!" Kentaro and the monkeys quickly formed a line.

They placed the end of their staves towards the incoming flames. As soon as the end of the staves came in contact with flames, they absorbed it.

Matatabi noticed that the quantity of her flames were diminishing rapidly. She stopped spewing them and tried to understand what was happening.

Just as all the flames were absorbed, Kentaro and the monkeys swung their staves vertically towards Matatabi.

What she noticed was that the end of the staves each gave an orange hue. Soon after, her own flames were sent towards her.

Matatabi entered the flames and got out from the other side, the monkeys panicked. Kentaro clapped his hands and mud snakes coiled around Matatabi.

She was briefly stopped, but very soon destroyed the mud snakes. Kentaro formed numerous hand seals at an incredible speed.

"Sage Art: The Eight Beads Of Reasoning!"

From the sky, eight massive and ominous red beads decended. They fell on the gigantic body of Matatabi, immobilizing her completely on the mud field.

"Whoaa! Boss, you summoned the eight beads!" Kentaro slowly walked towards the agitated Matatabi.

"Human! Let me go, why are doing all this for!?" Matatabi was at Kentaro's mercy.

"Matatabi, I am doing this for my loved ones, I am doing this so that thousands of lives could be saved in the future, I want to bring a change to this world." Matatabi opened her mouth.

She tried to spew flames at Kentaro, but she soon found out that she was unable to do it.

"The eight beads of reasoning, one of the three great sage arts I wield. They completely unable you to use your chakra when the eight of them are on your body, which is your case."

Matatabi couldn't believe what Kentaro said, she tried to channel her chakra and move the beads away from her body.

They were so heavy, Matatabi soon understood that everything she would try from now on would be futile.

"I am a kind man, Matatabi. I will ask you one last time. Will you follow me gently without resisting or will you force my hand and make me seal you away?" Kentaro motioned to one of the monkeys.

The monkey ran towards Kentaro, he handed him the opened blue pot. Kentaro looked at Matatabi and placed it close to her eyes.

"Tch! Who do you think you are? You can ask me a thousand times, the answer will be the same! I won't go anywhere, here is my home."

Kentaro placed the blue pot on the mud, he formed hand seals. Since he couldn't come in contact with Matatabi's fiery body, Kentaro was going to seal her with another jutsu.

"Sage Art: The Beads' Punishment!" the red beads began glowing, each of them drained Matatabi's chakra.

Since tailed beasts were creatures completely made out of chakra, the beads would make Matatabi dissappear by completely draining the chakra that made her.

Matatabi began shrinking, after five minutes, Matatabi had completely disappeared. She was divided in eight parts, each part in one of the eight beads.

"Seal!" the eight parts of Matatabi that were inside of the eight beads were suctioned by the blue pot.

Kentaro closed the blue pot when Matatabi was fully sealed. The eight beads sank in the mud and disappeared.

DING! "Mission completed: beat the Two-tailed beast."

DING! "+200 000 000p"

DING! "Mission completed: seal the Two-tailed beast."

DING! "+200 000 000p"

"Two down, seven to go."