For The Good Of The People You Must Die!

Habiki stood back up, he had never heard of Kentaro wielding such mysterious jutsu. With his teeth, Habiki bit a big piece of flesh and spat it on the ground.

Blood began flowing out, it soon turned into a sword. With his eye, Habiki had created it. He prepared to face Kentaro's attacks.

A mud clone came out of Kentaro's body, the clone ran towards the village. While he was busy with Habiki, the clone would be helping the others to push the human bombs away.

Kentaro's figure disappeared like a flash, the next thing Habiki knew was that he had been kicked on the neck.

He fell to the ground, Kentaro swung the blade multiple times but Habiki was each time faster to dodge them while being on the ground.

He kicked Kentaro on the chest and jumped back up. He tackled Kentaro to the ground with a kick on his legs.

Habiki ten threw his bloodsword, he aimed for Kentaro's head. The bloodsword was stopped by this invisible force and was repulsed.

Kentaro's lungs began getting visibly bigger, the next second flames were spewed out of his mouth.

Habiki had jumped back in time, he was impressed by Kentaro's versatility. Habiki formed countless hand seals with his left blood arm.

Before he could form them all, one large wind blade was coming towards him. Habiki dodged the wind blade using his own blood.

From the wound, blood came out and created a solid bloodwall in front of Habiki. When the wind blade had been dispersed, the blood entered back inside the body via the wound.

"I am immortal, Kentaro! The eye you have gifted me, it gives me the control over my blood, I can even produce more blood if I lose an excessive amount of it."

Kentaro slowly motioned his finger up to down. Under the feet of Habiki, a mud clone came out and punched him on the chin.

The mud clone then turned into liquid mud and splashed on Habiki's face. While he was being blinded by the mud, Kentaro ran towards him.

Just as he was about to crush his throat, Kentaro met with gaze of the blood-red Ketsuryugan. Kentaro's whole body felt numb, he fell head first to the ground.

Habiki removed the mud that was on his face and looked at Kentaro who was at his feet.

"You really thought that you were powerful enough to resist my eye? I have put you in the most horrible genjutsu possible, may suffer until dea-" Habiki looked blankly at the body turning to mud.

Ten meters behind Habiki, Kentaro was slowly coming out of the ground.

"Habiki, since earlier, you're fighting against clones. Hahaha, in place of strengthening your perception, this eye has turned you blind."

Habiki turned around in disbelief, he was in the dominant position in his mind. He couldn't understand when Kentaro entered the ground to make a clone fight in his place.

"It's time I get serious, I have played enough with you. Let me show you the gap between our strengths."

In the village, the forty-nine Kedoin had and were giving much resistance. Those who were at the verge of dying would inflate and explode.

Many shinobi who tried to the Kedoin died like this, but since Kentaro's clone had jumped into the fray, everything was going smoother.

Almost every human bomb had been pushed outside of the village to explode. Unfortunately, the cost of pushing them away was the destruction of the forest of pillars.

It pained the Fujimoto to see all those pillars being broken to pieces, they were the symbols of their ancestors.

"Only those few human bombs remain. Let's push them away before they explode here." Under the lead of Lord Ichika and the help of Kentaro's clone, the Shinobi started to push the last ones outside.

The last explosions resounded outside of the village. They had successfully taken care of all the human bombs.

"Let's go after the remaining Kedoin bastards!" Lord Ichika wanted to kill them badly.

"What about Lord Kentaro, doesn't he need help?" a shinobi asked.

Lord Ichika shook his head. He knew from the bottom of his heart that Kentaro didn't need any help.

Far from the village, the rocky field had turned into a mud field. Habiki was laying on the mud like a dead man.

Kentaro slowly walked towards him and placed his foot on Habiki's chest, he put pressure on it.

"Kentaro....we're from the....same blood. You can't kill me!" The gravely wounded Habiki wanted to reason with Kentaro.

"I am not the old me anymore, pity does not exist in my dictionary. Habiki Fujimoto, on this bloody night you will die, for you have gravely sinned." Kentaro kicked Habiki on his chest with his foot.

"From all the things you could have possibly done, you chose spy on me. This lead to this, you have killed those I swore to protect. For the good of the people you must die!"

Habiki smiled like a madman, he began laughing maniacally. Blood flowed out of his mouth, the blood turned to sharp pieces of blood.

Those sharp pieces of blood went straight towards his right eye, Habiki tried to destroy them.

A gust of wind stopped the sharp blood pieces immediately. Kentaro punched Habiki in the face, he then placed his fingers on his right eye.

"Time to give it back." Kentaro pushed his fingers inside and pulled the eye out of its socket.

"AAAAAAHHHHH!" Habiki was moving like a worm on the mud because of the pain, he was suffering. With this eye taken away from him, he could forget about vengeance.

Kentaro placed the eye in his kimono, he looked at Habiki for one last time before killing him.

"To make sure that you won't come back, I will turn you to dust." Kentaro joined his hands together to form a triangle.

The sound of the particle style struck fear inside of Habiki's heart, he looked at the forming cube in horror.

"Please, Kentaro! I....I'm sorry! Forgive me!" Habiki was pleading until the end.

"Particle style: Atomic Dismantling Jutsu."

The cube immediately reached Habiki since he was at Kentaro's feet. His body instantly turned to dust.

Kentaro looked far to his right, things were not done yet, he had to take of one last thing.