Eternal Slumber

Black Zetsu looked at the fight from far away, he saw how Kentaro had been fooling around with Habiki by using a clone in the beginning of the fight.

The more he looked, the more he was getting worried. There was one question he was asking himself....

'How can he have access to the powers of the Deva path? I couldn't believe it when I saw him using it against the Two-tails. But now! I am forced to believe it since he used it against that one-armed fool too!'

Black Zetsu looked at how Kentaro spewed enormous amounts of mud without weaving hand seals.

The fight after that had been one-sided, Kentaro ragdolled Habiki until he made him crumble.

'Hehehe! Yes, kill your own family, Kentarooo.' to see Kentaro killing Habiki and recuperating his eyes made Black Zetsu smile.

To sow discord and chaos in Kentaro's plans and life was his objective. Doing so will render him to busy to go in the land of fire to kill Indra's reincarnate.

'The fight is over, it's time for me to leave and find another fool to use against Kentaro.' as he was about to leave, he saw Kentaro using something he had never imagined he was capable of.

'A Kekkei Tota! This man is too dangerous to be left alive.' Black Zetsu began walking away.

Kentaro was looking far away to his right, he sensed the presence of someone. Kentaro had planned to go and see who this mysterious individual was.

Kentaro ran as quickly as he could, he reached the slow Black Zetsu in a few seconds.

"I understand now, you were behind all of this." Black Zetsu stopped walking away and freezed like a little kid who had been caught stealing candy.

"All this time....the one who I sensed observating me was you." Kentaro looked at Black Zetsu in disbelief.

What did Black Zetsu have against him? That's what Kentaro asked himself.

Black Zetsu turned around and looked at Kentaro with a vicious gaze.

"Kentaro, what is your true identity? You talk as if you know me." Black Zetsu was more than intrigued.

"Zetsu, if I were to tell you my true identity, you won't believe me. I shall give you a chance, why are you scheming against me? Don't dare to lie or pay the consequences!"

Black Zetsu was still looking viciously at Kentaro, but in his mind, he was scared. Only his mother knew of his name.

"Months ago, I saw you dominating the reincarnations of Indra and Asura. You must know them, you seem to be cultivated."

Kentaro looked at Black Zetsu with slightly widened eyes, he was shocked to discover that he had observed him fighting against Madara and Hashirama.

"A man that is stronger than them both, isn't it incredible! I saw you fighting the tailed beasts, with your raw power you dominated the giant fiery cat. I truly admire your power, Kentaro!"

Kentaro wasn't going to buy Black Zetsu's beautiful talk, he knew that he was the greatest schemer and manipulator in the entire naruto verse.

"You seek to create a world of peace, I can help you achieve that. I only need you to collect all the scattered tailed beasts."

Black Zetsu was starting to walk closer to Kentaro, he tried to show him his sincerity.

"I will also need you to forget about your squabbles with Madara. Together with him, you'll go kill Hashirama. His cells, I need them. Only then will our plan for true peace be achievable!"

Kentaro started laughing, if he was ignorant about Black Zetsu's true goal he would have really bought it.

Seeing Kentaro laugh started to make Black Zetsu panic a little bit. He was sure that he had failed to convince him.

"Your plan for true peace, you say? I told you to not lie to me. Do you think that I'm a fool? Your plan to revive your so-called mother will not work, I shall make sure of it!" Kentaro opened his right hand towards Zetsu.

"Impossible!" Black Zetsu had never expected Kentaro to know about this too. He turned around and started running away.

A little purple orb was created in front of Kentaro's hand. The purple orb was sent towards the running Zetsu.

"I shall seal you away, you are a danger for the future of this world. Only chaos and discord will you sow. How many wars, how many lives for your petty goal!?" the purple orb touched Black Zetsu's back.

"What are you doing! Mother will take revenge for me!" Black Zetsu began slowly flying up in the air, when he was high enough, he stopped.

"Yes, sealing you away is the best thing to do. The Village Hidden In The Stones will be a safer place without you being around." Kentaro formed five hand seals.

"Astral Creation!"

The ground began shaking and cracking, Kentaro joined his hands together.

When he did, big pieces of earth were ripped and were attracted to the orb that was on Black Zetsu's back.

"AAAAHHH!" Kentaro held his hands high in the air, he started to bleed from the nose. He was still too weak for this jutsu.

"Damn you, Kentaro! Do you think that you are capable of sealing me away? I will escape and find a way to get rid of you! I will not permit you to get in between mother's revival!"

Black Zetsu's figure disappeared under the incoming rocks and pieces of earth. Slowly but surely, the satellite was created.

"That is why....I will make sure that you never escape." the weak Kentaro formed three hand seals.

"Mud style: Eternal Slumber!" the ground around the area completely turned to mud. A devilish face was slowly carved in the mud.

The devilish face opened its mouth, showing his knifelike teeth and the black hole that was his throat.

"Shuten! Make him live eternal slumber!" The satellite descended down from the sky towards Shuten's devilish mouth.

When the satellite was deep inside of his mouth, Shuten closed it and disappeared inside of the ground.

Kentaro was panting, he had a more complicated time sealing the weak Black Zetsu than fighting Habiki.

"Everything has been taken care of. I have double sealed Zetsu, he shouldn't be able to escape." Kentaro stood up and walked towards the village.