
It was clear that Kentaro had taken care of Habiki. The villagers looked around the streets, they saw how destroyed and how bloody they were.

Kids were crying for their parent's death. To many, this reinforced their will. Their will to become stronger, to become as strong as stone.

Yuka and Amaterasu had discovered that Hatsu was not the real Hatsu. Inside of Kentaro's room, the half-naked body of Nikita was laying dead on the ground.

Yuka did not let Fumiko come upstairs, she didn't want her to see this. Amaterasu looked in horror at Nikita's snapped neck.

Mū was sitting on the living room's couch, he was lucky that the explosions did not destroy the house.

His muscles were worn out to the maximum because of the training, he couldn't even lift his own arm.

'I wouldn't have been able to protect Kentaro's family in my current state. We're lucky that there were no explosions near here.'

Mū could finally relax himself and breath, there was no danger anymore.

Outside of the village, Kentaro had finally reached the forest of pillars. He looked at the hundreds of destroyed pillars.

"Father, I have failed to protect this sacred place. Letting Habiki live was one of my greatest mistakes." Kentaro realised the consequences of his mistake.

The place who had served the Fujimoto clan as a home for the past millenia had been completely destroyed because of his choice of letting Habiki live.

"I should've killed him on the first occasion! I can only walk forward and not repeat this mistake in the future." Kentaro walked further while looking sorrowful.

All those graves and the bodies were destroyed by the human bombs who were pushed outside of the village.

This was the price of survival. It was clear that living here was not an option anymore, a new home had to be created.

Kentaro entered through the destroyed stone gate. He looked at the medical-nins of the Sara clan taking care of the wounded.

The many red painted stone houses were no more. The Elders had been crushed to death, a human bomb had exploded next to the white building were they were always in.

The clan who had lost the most men was the courageous Ichika clan. They were the first to go and meet the enemy, Lord Ichika was even gravely wounded in the process.

Kentaro was proud to have such allies. Not even one second did they hesitate to defend this home where they only lived for a week.

Walking further, Kentaro saw the bee users of the Kamizuru clan trying to keep the kids who had lost someone busy with their bees.

They had not fought because their jutsu couldn't have helped against the human bombs.

Daitan was looking at the disaster with a shocked expression. Never in his life would he have guessed that they were gonna get attacked after uniting.

"Kentaro, h-how could this have happened! I thought that nobody would dare to do this..." Kentaro approached Daitan and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Why wouldn't they dare? Because we have united? Don't forget that nobody knows about our union." Daitan nodded blankly.

"We must be prepared to face all kinds of enemies. Do you know who caused so much destruction?" Daitan turned his head to the left to look at Kentaro.

"My....own cousin. I've failed the people I've sworn to protect! Not even a simple promise was I able to uphold!" Kentaro was extremely disappointed in himself.

"Zero pity! Yes, this shall be forged in the hearts of the shinobi of the stone. If only I had zero pity back then to kill this bastard directly, nothing would've happened!" Daitan took a deep breath and patted Kentaro's back.

"Son, don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Don't forget that you are our leader. If you're mad, the people will be mad. If you're scared, the people will be scared. If you're motivated, the people will be motivated. Be our voice, gather everyone and tell them what the next step is."

Kentaro knew that what Daitan said was true, he couldn't be like that, not at the moment. Kentaro had to shut his emotions down and show to the people that there was hope.

When the wounded had been taken care of and that the dead had been moved to another place, Kentaro gathered everyone in the center of the destroyed village.

"Death, death is the only thing I smell and destruction is the only thing I see. Our brethren are dead to protect our lives from those monstruous explosions."

The people didn't react, they only listened to Kentaro's loud and emotional voice.

"We have to leave this place, we must build a new home. I know of a place, it has many mountain ranges. We could build our village in the center of the mountain ranges, enemies will not be able to attack easily." Kentaro had chosen to build the village in the original location.

The people were reluctant to leave, but there was no other choice. Staying here would only be bad for their mental health.

The people went back to their homes, if they were not destroyed. They placed clothes and all kinds of things in cloth bags.

The thousands of inhabitants slowly left through the destroyed stone gate. The hundreds of shinobi had to be on their guards and escort everyone to the mountain ranges.

Thirty minutes later, the destroyed village had been abandoned. Kentaro stayed behind with a couple of Fujimoto, they looked at the village from far away.

"Are we really going to leave like that? What about our clan's secret scrolls and jutsu?" Wanda wanted to at least take what their ancestors had left for them.

"I will write them down on scrolls. The jutsu of our ancestors and the secret scrolls, I know about their contents, there is no need to worry." Kentaro wanted to put Wanda to rest.

Kentaro looked far behind him, the thousands of people were but little figures. It was the moment to do it.

"To ensure that our secrets will not be discovered, I shall turn this place to dust." Kentaro took two steps forward, he formed a triangle with his two hands.

'What does he mean?' Wanda and the others looked at Kentaro in confusion.

A sudden burst of power created, wind blew everywhere. In front of Kentaro, a big white cube with a chakra sphere in the center was created.

"My brethren, this is the power of turning anything to dust." Kentaro launched the big cube towards the village.

"Even though it's big, it's not the size of the whole village." hearing this, Kentaro turned around and started walking away.

Wanda and the others still looked at the cube, it stopped when it was in the center of the village.

Suddenly, the cube greatly expanded, the whole village was inside of it. The sound of the particle style turning something to dust resounded.

The massive cube started getting smaller until it disappeared, the others looked in shock.

"H-He turned the village to dust?" Wanda and the others were in complete disbelief.