Strong as Dino

Hello everyone my name is SU Ling ; i am an explorer …cool right...(Nuah not really) , yeah I know … teheh ; beside my cool job that make me travel the world i love to read web novel in my spare time ; there's web novel I read it over 29 time and when it come to 30 ; i die by running car ((cliché i know …Argh)).

When I woke up I find myself in that novel buhoohooo and my life come upside down .

((yes that Novel and it calls « let's rule the world together wife » it's about martial art and adventure, i love adventure bcz am an explorer and Botanist; so… yeah am kind of epinephrine person or you may say injected with chicken blood…Ahuh)) .

You may ask how you knew Ur in that novel!? .

Well remember that web novel I was so obsessed with, yeah that one, No am not the main character in it Or the Evil heroine no not at all.

Am just a small character but am the main reason why the ML and FL met and fall in love .

I know what you thinking and am not the match maker either ... hey don't laugh it's an important character , thought I'll die in the half of the story T_T … Argh, fine it's sucks buhuhuhuu , am gonna die as sacrifice to the FL princess Lui Min Yaya yep that her name.

the princess of LUI clan the most strong martial artist in that era , they say the youngest one from that clan can defeat a grownup man without breaking sweat , their kung fu are mysterious and no one know the true secret .

Let's back to me ; the lowly me… well as I said before my name "SU Ling " the same name as the owner of the deceased body , I was in Singapore doing tourism with my friend and they suggested to take cruise ; so I want with them and then ….I fell into the water and drowned ; yep that's how I died .

When I woke up I find myself in a room with an ancient Chinese furniture and beside me a woman on her early thirty but she's really pretty and adorable.

she was looking at me with her beautiful big green eyes, that's make you wanna hug and pat her (cute…totally cute).

apparently the carbon copy of her , no she's not my mom she's my aunt "SU XUAN XIE" , she's the one who's been raising the original Su Lou after her mom died giving birth to her .

"L'iner sweetheart you finally wake up you scare us to death" said aunt xuan xie with teary eyes while she's hugging her to death.

"ugh aunty you crashing me , I can't breathe" su Ling said.

xuan xie said with big smile on her face "sorry sweetie" fufuf with awkward laugh "you know how strong we are heheh".

Su Ling role her eyes in the back of her head ( yes I know ) .

Ah right from the memory I got about this family they are so good in tracing and they are rich and every single one of them is strong … I mean really strong…like they have dinosaur blood or something like that .

the male are the most powerful while the female are the brain so the business and trade goes to them and the tracing fighting and muscle job goes to the male .

"miss you finally wake up you make xi xi scared to death wuwuwuwu" xi xi su ling personal maid said.

"stop crying xi xi my head hurts"

"right xi xi go and tell them L'iner has wake up" Su xuan xie said to the maid.

"Right am going now mistress" xi xi said while running to the door .

After a while my father which is "SU DONG FUNG", grandfather "SU FUNG RUI" my twin brothers "SU BU LUI and SU BU Lou" where all inside the room .

After a long crashing hug from grandpa he said "L'iner what's our most important rule that the SU family has to learn from born?!" .

With flustered face Su ling said "never get near to pond , water fall, big rivers and sea"

"And why is that?" grandpa said with grumpy face.

Su Ling answer "because water is our natural enemy".

sigh ... Yep that's true no one of the Su family can swim ; no matter what they do they cannot swim even in pond.

that's how the original su Ling died ; she just wanna pick up a Lotus from a pond she use rope and wrapped it around a tree; it was good plan but to her bad luck that tree was all eaten inside out so during Su Ling strength and pulling to get the flower the rope broke the tree and she fell to the pond and drown and here I am in her body.

I was fortunate the third master of the MING family "MING XIO FANG" was passing by and he saved me.

grandpa su fang rui looking at su ling lost in her thoughts and said "L'iner you know how much that we love you".

she nod her head then he sighed then said "your grounded until I decide when you'll be out" .

"grandpa….but…..Augh fine" su Ling said with irritated face

while he pat su Ling head he left to his work with her father and the other .

Time fly fast and it been six years past over that accident and su Ling now at her fifteen.