Crush meeting

One sunny day in Jiang Wei capital city there were a famous tea house called <> it was famous and most of his client are rich or royalty.

in the third floor at the last room there were three men gathering while drinking their tea and discussing their business.

"say , ur highness who do you think will win in this year in the competition" said Su Bu Lui while sipping his tea .

his royal highness "prince Jin" our ML "prince Rong Lee Xie" was sitting across su bu lui wearing a black robe with golden lines in the chest and shiny golden belt in his waist, he was tall even when he was sitting, his body well built with a big muscles and wide chest, he have a handsome face with ruby eyes if you keep looking at those eyes you'll thing they gonna freeze you to death, it was just his normal stare his friend already get used to it ; but it was ice cold.

Before prince Jin could say anything ; there were a loud scream with cracking sound coming from the roof .

"Kyaaaah…cough…cough" a small person put one hand on his mouth while the other one was casting the dust…. " Thank god I landed on soft object it doesn't hurt…where am I !!?" a soft sweet voice asked with confused.

after the fog from dust of the roof come off ; small girl with big green eyes and adorable face appeared she was sitting on soft yet hard object ; the object was warm but rough (this chair is weird) or how she felt .

It was su Ling our heroine.

Su ling feel someone was watching her so she turned around to find six per of eyes looking at her with confuse . anger and depressing look .

"tehehe" su ling laugh awkwardly .

" L'iner what are you doing here?" su bu lui said to her with glare.

"hey brother..Brother xio fang" she said waving her hand to them awkwardly , then she felt a cold chilling run throw her back .

"Until when you wanna keep sitting on me" Rong Lee Xie said with cold manly voice.

su ing could swear that's was the most manly voice that you could ever heard, "huh" when she turned to see where she was sitting ; it made me flustered and blushed hard .

( I was sitting in man lap for the love of god ).

so she look up to see his face it's scare the hell of her ,she was like a cat been step on her tail (ohh my Goooood!!).

Those ruby eyes ... that stare at her, made her wanna cover with blanket … a thick one they was beautiful but cold as an ice lake in the middle of January in the north pole , it was frosty (for the love of God , I thought I was sitting on Jack Frost lap T_T ).

She jump up at her feet while saying awkwardly "sorry_ sorry my bad".

Her brother asked her what she's doing on the roof .

"yeah right brother you have to help me" she said forgetting everybody was there and concentrate on her brother .

He said with bit anger "L'iner what did you do this time?".

she grip his sleeve with worry face and said "auntie wanna take me to meet Ming xio zain".

"Ahh…that again" while he was blinks with his eyes "but I don't get it why you hate him so much!?" .

su Ling tightened her lips (that's bcz his pedophile but when I tell them no body believe me how depressing … well he didn't do anything to me or I cut him doing something but I know that look in his eyes I saw it when I was on one of my exploration trip in X country; that look I will never forget it , it gives me Goosebumps) .

"Plz brother you have to help me I don't wanna marry him" she said with teary eyes she look like puppy or that what she's trying to do.

"Wait whose gonna marry who?" ask with shock in his eyes Ming Xiao fang .

su ling said "Me! ... they wanna marrying me to that pedophile" saying with angry face while pointing to herself .

"L'ineeer ... that's his cousin" bu lui said with embarrassing voice he know she doesn't like him but still …

"I don't care if even his brother I hate him ... I rather Die than marrying Him" she yell.

there were pin-drop in the room ... after a while she sit next to her brother bu lui with "Hump" crossed her arm's to her chest while pouting , she looks so adorable that you wanna pinch her cheek that what Rong Lee Xie think in that moment .

"so what's the dial with marriage? and why you wanna marry my cousin ?and why do hate him! and what with the pedophile matter…explain…like now" Ming Xiao fang asked while he grabbing his friend neck with irritation.

su ling turn her eyes looking at him with awkward face (damn I forgot about him…ugh).

"hehe brother Xiao fang don't get me wrong you know how I like you right, it just…." He cut her saying "cut the crap and explain" Xiao fang looking at su ling with firm face.

after she let a big sigh with gloomy face she said "aunty wanna marry me to xio zain because his perfect man as she sais" while rolling her eyes (perfect my ass).

"and the hate and pedophile thing!!!" Xiao fang said while sipping his wine "ohh that…mmm".

"Yes" Xiao fang looking at her with interesting eyes; (damn what should I do with my big mouth) , su ling nature was chatty so she talk first then think later .

then she remember there was someone else in the room with them , she look at him with big startle while blinking her big green eyes and said:

"oh brothers _mmm I think we forgot something very important here" while she pointing with her eyes to Rong lee xie , Su bu lui and Ming Xiao fang follow where her gaze and they get a big startled they totally forget about him due to his silent .