Crushing meeting 2

Rong lee xie look at them with a complicated stare while he was leaning on one hand and the other was holding a cup of tea "just continued as am not here".

The three of them felt nausea and embarrassment, su ling leaned on her brother with hushed voice asked "who is he? Plz tell me his Ur good friend and won't tell anyone about what happened today".

she was really whispering but doing their high cultivate and all , they heard her loud and clear .

"L'iner…sorry ur highness she still young and she was pampered by my aunt a lot", (whose highness!! oh my God plz don't tell me…a prince!!!)

"L'iner apologies to his highness prince Rong lee xie" bu lui said.

Su ling stand up with horror on her face while her cheeks were burning, she bow a little and said "sor-sorry Ur highness…why it have to be you !! I mean it's not supposed to meet you now !. not that i complain or anything , you don't look how I thought you will be" she agape then said " I was voicing my thoughts now right!!!" due to her panic su ling was saying her thoughts .

"uh_uh" both bu lui and Xiao fang said at the same time while looking at her with disapproval eyes like they saying 'you did it again' they know she talk rubbish when she's nervous she'll start talking without a break .

su Ling put her hand on her mouth and sat on the couch (ohh my God I met the ML and I disrespect him and sit on his lap and then i showed him my stupid personality; now he's really gonna kill me for sure bohohoo) .

while su ling turning to disco ball , Rong lee xie was looking at her with small smile in his eyes he never met a female doesn't concerned about her image in front of people, she didn't just doesn't care, she was care free and that something you wouldn't find it in female those days .

' I think my royalty intimidate her looking at how red face she is and turning her brother sleeve, it looks funny yet adorable her frustrated face make me wanna squeeze her red plump cheek!!! wait what am saying...lee xie are you out of Ur mind.

"cough …cough" Xiao fang cough to break the awkward silence looking at Rong lee xie and said "ur highness this is SU ling ; Bu lui baby sister don't mind her she's always like that with us hehe" he said with low chuckle.

(well that's true I always forget myself when I with those two) su Ling thinking

lee xie look at Su ling and said "don't worry Ms Su am pretty sure that we are all friends here and ... I don't bad mouth people too" Rong lee xie said while sipping his tea .

(ok although he look a bit scary I need to finish this marriage thing first) Su ling look at lee xie with small smile and nod her head to him then she just turn to her brother saying "see! he doesn't mind, am sure he's nice person , now to the important thing do you want to know why i fall from the roof" pointing at the roof.

"aunty was chasing after me with sparkling pink dress and she wanna take me to Ming xio zain house to discusses the engagement with him T_T I don't wanna too brother; he scaring me" she said with desperation on her eyes.

"with your strength why would you scare of him!?"said Ming Xiao fang .

"good question brother fang , let me explain did you remember when where kids and were playing and I put a big warm in your head what was your reaction then" with twitching mouth Xiao fang said "I had Goosebumps and frozen for half hour back then ugh_ I think I still has that feeling " he said with disgust look.

"See _that's how I feel every time I see him" su ling said.

"But L'iner his a good guy with handsome face, rich and fine marital art skill"

su ling pursed her lips " not you too brother…aunty always say that"; "but l'iner it's bcz you don't know him well that's why" bu lui explaining to her .

"aunty said that too, and am not convinced yet or ever , hey brother fang can I stay at ur house tonight I'll stay with shin hua".

"sure but that's not a solution you know, and beside she's gonna find you there" Xiao fang saying while sipping his wine .

" yeah you right _hmmm I probably should go to that place no one beside us know ab_" they cut her with loud voice "out of question you're not going there".

lee xie look at them and said to himself 'it's obvious dangerous place' considering how they scream at her then he said "you can come at my place nobody will disturb you" he shock himself 'why did I said that !!'.

all of them look at him with weird eyes then su ling said with blinding smile "really your highness I now you're the best as expected from <> he wouldn't let damsel in distress, I would never admire someone doesn't deserve it".

then her smile froze (damn I did it again me and my big mouth, it's not wrong though why do you think I read that novel 30 time; 29 actually , the thing I love is his martial art and his strength I love man with muscles; plus his so handsome ) then her smile stifle .

bu lui give her knowing look and said "you rather go with someone you don't know than to listen to ur family".

"he's ur friend and he wouldn't do anything to me just look at his face does he look like bad guy , well his face look scary No offense ur highness but I rather be with him than be with that creepy dude !!" she point to lee xie while pouting .

"None taken" lee xie say with amusing look in his eyes, (this girl really talk without controlling her mouth) beside he know how scary his face could be.

Then she continued "beside do I look like that beauty he will lost his mind over it" she said while hanging her hand in the air, "and he had already a fiancée for love of God"...

"Wait whose fiancée _ you didn't tell us ur engaged ur highness" Xiao fang ask they both look at lee xie with questioning eyes .

"That's bcz I didn't even know and whose may be that fiancée of mine?" Looking at su ling.

she froze (right he's not suppose to knows about the engagement, he known after they come back from there adventure together to find their parents already matchmaker them) .

"emmm _everyone in the capital knows and you know I think ur highness and princess Lui Mina Yaya a perfect match with her beauty and back ground and her martial art skill, as I said ur perfect match" she said while smiling a dreamy smile .

(why do I feel cold all of sudden); he herd from his followers that her father come to his brother the emperor Rong tian yue and wanna matchmaker them but nobody knows.

' that was secret meeting so how did this tiny girls know?' he look at her while she trying to hide behind her brother she obviously know something he doesn't know and he need to know it too .

Prince Jin rise with all his glory and took Su ling hand and walk to the door then said "she will be my guest for now" and he just walk away leaving them choked and confused.

Being dragged Su ling was confused and lost for words on , looking again from the back (damn!!! He is really tall; I think the NBA will fight for him until they shade a lot of blood) prince Rong lee xie was about 190 cm .

"Prepare the carriage were heading to the mansion" he told his subordinate.