New feeling

Inside the carriage su ling was sitting cross rong lee xie , she was shrinking on her sit trying to hide her presence.

"why are you so silence all of sudden , you was chatty back there" lee xie ask .

(You're the man who kill me in the novel , why would I want chat with you!!!; I start to think it's stupid idea to go with him) she give him wary smile then said

"what do you wanna know ur highness?" , of course she know that he didn't take her for whimp , he must want something from her.

he look at her and said "why do you think ming xio zain a child molested?".

she murmured under her breath "I have my own reason" .( no one will bleive me anyway, so leave me alone).

lee xie raise his eye brow he obviously heard her , so he just will keep continued asking her until she tell the truth.

Suddenly the carriage pulls really hard , it almost make su ling fall on the ground "Liang Zhen?" he yell with irritation, he almost fall.

"There were running child in front the carriage" so Liang zhen couldn't do anything but stop the carriage.

There were a ruckus coming from outside , so ling get curious so she looked out of the window there were a lot of people gathering around something, after Liang zhen checked out the satiation , he come back and said "ur highness there's man beating a child on the street" .

"Surpass them and move on" lee xie said with a firm voice.

"ur highness he said someone is beating a child" she said with knit brows (aren't you gonna do something about it!!) .

"so what you wanna me to do?" he leand back then close his eyes .

"but ur prince you should attend to ur people"she said.

he open his eyes and look at her as he looking at idiot , su ling looked him back (just forget it those damn royal brats will never know the sufferance of the commoner) without uttering a word su ling jumped from the carriage and head to the rackuss .

"Liang zhen follow her" lee xie said while closing his eyes.

su ling squeeze her self among the people and when she get there she find big bearded man hitting child about six years old, she asked neirbie old lady there and the later told her that the child stole bread from that man and that's why he was hitting him.

Su Ling stoud in front of the child and said "stop beating him he's gonna die like that I'll pay for what he stole" she said stretching her arms.

The beard man look at su ling and said "even if you pay for him this time he'll do it again, that's not the first time , would you pay for that too".

she knit her brows and said "ok I ll pay for it, how much?".

The beard man scaned su Ling from head to toe ; scratching his long beard.

'she doen't look rich she's dress up simple without jewels or expensive accessories' ; so he though she just commoner and pretty one too.

The beard man have a dirty mind so he looked at su Ling with lust .

Then he said "how do you want to compance me, his dept is big".

Su ling saw that look in his eyes so she understanded his meaning "yes I'll do it how much you want?" .

he smile wildly and said "how about we forgot about the money and try other way…how about you become my concubine I'll treat you well".

su ling get shocked, she thought he want gold or jewels but "a concubine" that's new; so she just stood there numb .

when the old lady saw su ling look she though she's scared so she shouted at the beard man "you shameless man she just wanna do a good deed's and you wanna take advantage of her".

the beard man get angry and shoved the old lady to the ground and said "that's not your business old hag get lost" .

su ling look at the old women then at the beard man in daze; he though she's scared of him so he keep going on .

he hold Su ling hand and said "what do you say beauty, you may not know me but my cousin is the city magistrate and he is…bla bla bla….and we have….bla bla" .

that's all what su ling could hear she was in daze , just a while ago she was gonna engaged to a pervert and now there's another one (am I attracting those pervert or something like that!!!).

she said "let go" with small voice.

he though she frightened so he get excited "don't worry am gonna play nice with you" Su ling face darkened , she titled her head and said :

"but I won't play nice with you"(if you don't take ur damn hand of me); when he heard that he get even happier it was he's lucky day so he smile and said

"ohh.. i though ur respectable girl but I like the sultry one, don't worry I'll make you know how's real man feels" .

Su ling face darkened as bottom of the pot ; now she was really angry to the point of shaking , she left her eyes to him and said "san yue" then a man in black appeard out of nowhere standing beside her.

"Yes mistress" the man in black atture respond.

"pick up the child and find Dr jin huo and say I send him for treatment" ;

doctor jin huo was one of su ling subardinate ; the man in black is su Ling shadow guard and he's name "san yue".

San yue looked at her with complicated eyes, "go now"su ling said with cold tone.

San yue pick up the child and disappear, 'that man done for it; the most thing mistress hates is disrespect and talk dirty word to her' and that man have done both of it.

"How about give you un adverse payment first" su lou said with sly smile .

"I know you'r a h***r you just pretending aren't you? So how about a kiss first" the man said lauhing excitedly.

Su lou look at him in the eyes then smiled and said "sure! Where do you want it in the lips, cheeks …" .

Liang zhen was just standing there watching ( after all his highness didn't say to do anything… but did she lost her mind doing that thing on braod daylight on public ) He thought.

Liang zhen didn't completed his though when he heard loud slap "Pah" ; when he turn around he sow su ling hand hang in mid air and the man spat out a white small things ; he had blood over his mouth , Liang zhen didn't get shocked enough to heard another slap "Pah" and another one "pah_pah_pah…" .

Su Ling was slaping the beard man, she didn't stop until the man face swallow like pig and he spat out all his teath , the beard man was lying down on the ground shaking like leaf was played by the wind .

Everyone around had their jar hitting the ground with shocking look in there eyes; they would never expect that from a small girl like her.

Su ling walk and helped the old lady standing , after that she turn around and talk with loud and clair tune "the most thing I hate is to be disrespectful to old people and … me , you just wasn't enough shameless to beat a child over a bread _ NOO you wanna make me ur concubine…Me…you really have big guts".

Su ling sigh and said "how could you talk to a lady with that mouth of yours huh! , look_ there's a ladies in here… you frighten them and there's children all over the place what if they peek up after you huh! , then what we should do?".

"you should be happy that you meet me… Am "Peace Lover"… so I just give you a small lesson for the future, ok" after she finished her speech she reach her hand to the beard man.

'whose frightened , you're the most scary woman I ever met' he thought, he was so scared from her that he start crying .

su Ling mouth twitch she just wanna give him some money , she sigh and said

"Don't cry, that's not a good thing coming from big man like you…ok" she sigh then put a golden ingot in his hand and walk away.

(he make me look bad why was he crying for!!!) She gets at the carriage with grumpy face.

"who made you angry" lee xi said with smirk her fickle mood make him think she's funny.

Su ling exhale then said "can we get home early I need a shower I feel dirty".

Lee xie rise one brow ; Liang zhen follow after her to close the door , he has this weird look on his face .

'what happen there?' lee xie wonder ; just a minute now she was like scared cat her tail between her legs , then she get back as lioness; 'I can see it on her eyes ; she make me feel… I don't know how to fell…interesting', though while his lips perked up a little.

When su ling get ou from the carrige she get mush , she never saw a huge gate like prince Jin palace ; it was huge white gate with draw of two standing horses on the side.

(wow …what's will be entering that gate a cargo truck more like cargo boat, if that just the gate I wonder hows the palace gonna look like?) .

while she was lost on her own world "prince Jin" was instracting Liang zhen to go to the housekeeper ciao to tidy up the ''spring courtyard'' so su ling can use it .

su ling was right; when she get at the manor her mouth drap open on the ground ; on the way to the main hall was big as play field ; she was just looking right_left then left_right she doesn't know what to think ;every place was enormess.

(you know if frued was here he will say "possassing big thing motive to cover the lack in other places you know!" … Naaah! That couldn't be right_right , his that big I don't think his lack there...uh-huh ) su Ling nodding her head .

Lee xie left su ling in the main hall and head to his study room to do some paper work , if he only know what she think she gonna be spating blood for sure .

When housekeeper ciao heard from Liang zhen he asked with surprising eyes "are you sure you heard his highness said the Spring courtyard" .

"yeah am pretty sure" Liang zhen said shrugging his shoulders, before Liang zhen get off he said "uncle ciao you better told the maids to be respectful to his highness guest or they might lose there teeth" then he walk away laughing .

the housekeeper ciao look at him with puzzled look then he shake his head and heads to do his job.

At the study room Liang zhen was reporting what happen back in the street , lee xie was reading some papers while listening to the report then after Liang zhen finish his report; lee xie signal him to get out .

Liang zhen exit the room and close the door behind him , lee xie lean on the chair recaling what happen today.

The reason that made lee xie didn't throw her when she fall on his lap was simple he didn't feel any threat coming from her ; beside he felt her soft and light body;he thought that was laughbale bcz even his niece didn't sat on his lap .

And the way she start chatting with her brother without any reservation , she even said doldly that she admire him , 'I met a lot of admire but that was the first time I feel like that…weird…funny…interesting…' .

If I have to describe her she would be like a little kitten with her big green eyes, her eyes was full of innocence and honest there was no malice or vicious not like other female he met before and that what made him interested in her.

The woman he know always acted as saint or white lotus …Not her she look carefree … even with the child incidence she didn't try to hide her true self.

she resemble a kitten , lee xie lost in his thoughts didn't realize that he was smiling wildly.