My hua

lee xie send someone to get her things and her maid xi xi , after xi xi coming she started tidying su lou things right away .

Of course lee xie send someone to noted the su family at her place in case her brother forgot to tell them , he convance them that he need her for work ; of course they can't say "No" even they want too , he wasn't any ordinary man , he was "Prince Jin" the prince of war , the savior of the kingdom and so on titles and names his people give him.

after staying three hours in her room su lou get bored so she asked one of the maids named "mi mi" if there is a garden neirbe .

mi mi take her to a beautiful garden ; at first she hesitate then she though if his highness put her in spring courtyard then it's ok to take her to the "shyn min" courtyard .

Su lou start admiring the flower it was a very beautiful scene, the garden was full with deferent kind of flower with multiple colors; she walks step by step enjoying the view, she really enjoyed the fresh breeze ; when she suddenly heard sound of hiccup coming from the corner; she get curious and want to find the sound .

Su Lou saw a little girl sitting around stone table while crying her heart out , su lou big weakness was children ; in her previous life she was a lonely child she always wished to had sister or brother but that never happened; her parents die in car accident and she left alone to be risened in her aunt care.

Althew her aunt wasn't bad but she never show love to her and that's what made su Lou decide to become explorer and roam the world.

Su Lou died at her 29 and her big wish to make child but all doctor said that's imposibale for her to get prignante and that make her empty inside ; so when she saw a kid she will run to him without thinking like what happened with the child in the street .

Su lou approach the child and said "why are you crying my Hua?".

when the girl heard strange vioce she left her head to see who it was.

When her head lefted su Lou agaps; the little girl look like doll or that what she though ,the little girl have big black eyes , smooth black hair crowned with jewles , white fair skin, red cheeks ; she was wearing pink dress with flower draw on it .

su lou heart pound ; the little girl was so beautiful you could confused her with a reall jade doll .

"Who are you?" the little girl asked su lou with small shaky voice.

"Am Su lou his highness guest" su lou said with warm smile .

"Uncle didn't tell me we have a guest today" princess Rong Yuwa said with puzzled.

(uncle!! whose uncle ? ... wait I remember now the reason that the ML & FL met; it was bcz they were looking for a cure for his niece "princess Rong Yuwa" and su lou was the guide to that forest , how can I forget that luck) .

su lou smile at her then take a sit next to her "why were you crying my Hua ; just tell this big sister here and she will avenge you ".

yuwa look at su lou then said "my name is not hua _ my name is Rong Yuwa" (oh my god she's so cute can I eat her ).

Su lou beamed with big smile "I know but when I was coming from over there, I saw the most beautiful flower among this garden" yuwa start giggling.

"now tell me my hua why were you crying?" su Lou ask

yuwa gloomed and said "I don't want to take that medicine any more, it's bitter I don't like it".

(yeah! right she was poisoned that's why she had to take that medicine every day; poor baby , that damn jealous empress she didn't just poisoned the mother to death; she even intoxicate the child and then she trump up to some other concubine ; the emperor knows but he couldn't do anything to her bcz she was from LUI Clan ‪

Su lou let a sigh then say "but my hua don't you wanna become big as big sister here" she said pointing to her self; yuwa nod her head su lou smiled and said

"how about I make it taste good would you drink it?"su Lou said; yuwa nod again .

"xi xi go and get the box next to my bed, mi mi go and get her medicine" after awhile both of the maids get back with the stuff .

Su Lou open red wooden box and said "my hua say ahhh" su lou said holding small brown heart shape thing between her fingers.

Meanwhile in a study room prince Rong lee xie was sitting recite his paper work.

" knock … knock" there were a knock on the door "come in" lee xie said ; housekeeper ciao enter the room with worry look in his eyes and start speaking "your highness the princess refuse to take her medicine again and she was crying …again" .

lee xie sigh then stand from his sit and start walking to the door and said "where's she now"

"at the garden your highness" housekeeper ciao said while bowing , that happen every while now and he has to coaxes her to drink her medicine.

"mmmm…it's soft ,sweet and delicious what's this?" yuwa ask with happy face

Su Lou laugh then told her "it's called chocolate my hua do you like it?"

Princess yuwa nod her head like woodpecker "i never tasted anything like that before …even in the palace ".

su lou chuckle "of course you can't find it any where it's my treasure " ; (well that kind of true I across a merchant who was selling the seeds of the cacao and I buy it and make it , my aunt almost faint after taste it ; now she's addicted to it , well chocolate still not known in this era_yet) .

"do you want more"su Lou ask; yuwa nod excitedly .

Su Lou prop her chin then said "look here my hua there's no free lunch in the world; you have to give me something in return".

Not far away stand prince rong lee xie and housekeeper ciao listening to their conversation , when su lou said that last sentences housekeeper ciao knit his brows then he shake his head ; it's obvious what she's gonna ask.

there were alot of noble ladies who come with un excuse to visit the princess but the real reason was to get his highness attention , (I though miss su a nice lady her family was rich and respectful ; I think I misjudge her there's no deferent between them all).

"w_what you want?" yuwa asked with sad voice; they all do the same thing no one come for her , then she said with glomy face "you want me to said a good word about you to my uncle" .

"why would I want that?" su lou said with confuse look .

"you said ur my uncle guest and you want something in returns…so_" yawa explaining .

su lou froze for a moment then she get what princess yuwa was talking about su Lou sigh and said "you mean me and your uncle ! Heck No , ah! that will never gonna happened " su lou shaking both her hands with big No.

"why is that! don't you like my uncle? uncle is the best" said while pouting .

"Am sure he is… it just _ Not for me … don't get me wrong I do admire him _not him particlery just his fighting skill, I think his cool but I can't imagine myself with the Exterminator ".

Su Lou murmued between her lips "and he scare me to death " (and your lovely uncle goona be the reason for my death‪ ).

lee xie heard what she said , subconsciously he start clinching his hand , "why am I that scary to her!?" he wonder.

"who???"princess yuwa asked with confusion.

su lou wave her hand as don't mind me.

"Then what you want, I don't have much ,my father emperor have a lot of things… do you want me send a maid to the palace to get_" yuwa said .

su lou cut her "No_No… we don't need to disturb his majesty over small things" (idon't want to get executed in a guilt of deceiving a princess ) .

su lou laugh awkwardly and said "emmm let me think" then she look at her and said "how about to be my friend" su lou said with smile .

"just that! … sure I'll be glad to have friend I don't have any!" yuwa said with sad gaze, she always want a friend and bcz she's sick and her royal identity ,it made it hard for her.

su lou smile warmly (poor child … she's been casting away just bcz the empress hate her).

After a small chat su Lou and princess yuwa had a pinky promise and yuwa drink her medicine and take the box of chocolate from su Lou; and happily chatting and laughing immersing in their own world forgoting every thing else .

"Let's go" lee xie said to his housekeeper, it's obvious she doesn't need him at that moment .