Flying kites

After eating lunch su lou decided to visit princess Rong Yuwa she miss her cuteness so she decide to search for her ; she brought a kite with her, the kite was designed as big sparrow extended his yellow wings .

"Knock… knock" su lou knocked the door; one of the princess maids opened the door and jested for su lou to enter but she stood there without a word , the maid knit her brows 'why she didn't enter'.

when the princess didn't see her coming, she went to the door wondering why su lou didn't come in .

"why didn't you come in ?"yuwa asked su Lou.

"My hua I have a good surprise for you , do you wanna see?" su lou said with bright smile , the princess looked at su Lou and her hands behind her back , she was hiding something behind her back , yuwa stretch her neck to see what she was hiding .

"no no no _ that won't do ,we have a rule you have to guess what I get to you" su lou said smiling at yuwa confused face.

Su lou uttered a riddle "Am free as the air I can go high up there join me for a walk so we both send free , who am I might be … my hua? huh" su lou said while smiling , yuwa start thinking scratching her head for answer, while the maids was smiling it's obvious they got the answer .

"I know I know it's … kite…kyyya… big sister Lou did you bring a kite for me?" yuwa said while jumping in happiness.

they always gifted her jewels and precious thing ,a child doesn't need that kind of thing, su Lou was the first to gifted her a toy ,of course she will be happy about it , her maids were happy too for her; she was so delight and always smiling ever since she met Su lou .

"that true my hua, let's go and fly it outside" su lou said while showing the kite to the princess.

After a while they were at the garden flying the kite they were jugging laughing all over the place, it was a beautiful scenery to look at or that what was xi xi and mi mi and the other maids thinking back there ; But every joy has an end .

All of the sadden the princess fall on the ground squeezing with a pain and spat out a mouthful of blood "cough ..ghur…pain" yuwa said while shivring , she was clitching at her chest with both hands .

"ahuh…hurt…big si..ter.umum... pain" yuwa said spating more blood , her face was white as cheets and there were blue vien in her face and neck her lips was turning blue and she was shaking none stop, su lou throw the kite and run to the princess with the other maids .

"my hua what happen to you" su lou said after she squat beside yuwa , she left her hand and take her pulse her sight darken; without anthor word su lou pulled a leather band was full of silver needles from her belt and opned on the ground and start putting the needles on the vital points of the princess yuwa.

"big… pain" yuwa said looking at su Lou with teary eyes , she want the pain to stop it was so hurtful that she couldn't breath.

Yuwa black silky hair were souked with her sweat stiking on her face and her beautiful black eyes become red with her hot tears , her mouth were trembling, she couldn't taked any more her eyes roled to the back of her head and pastout.

Su Lou hands trembled and her eyes become moisty , she need to treet her quickly or she's gonna die , su Lou wiped her falling tears and exhale and said to her self " it's ok su Lou you could do it…she's gonna be fine…hic…I'll save you my hua…hic".

She couldn't stop her tears from droping all over her face but she need to hurry yuwa live depends on her, so she wipe her tears with one hand and the other hand was doing acuipointing ; she keep it doing that for three minutes until yuwa poisin stoped moving taword her iternal organs .

Su lou screamed at the maids "go get his highness and a doctor …Now" one of the maid was wake from her daze and run to find prince Rong lee xie .

After she finished her acupointing point , she left yuwa in her hands and run to her room , the maids run after her with tears in there eyes they were scared they never saw something like that and it happened to the little princess.

In the study room Rong lee xie was doing his papers work as usual ,when all of the sadden a maid barged in the room while crying and talk gibberish .

"ur highness hic_blood _hic the princess fall _miss su pock her with a needles" lee xie heart sank his face darkened .

"Liang zhen go get the imperial doctor now"said to ; lee xie throw the paper in his hand and start running at fast speed .

When he enter the room he fond su lou catching one of the maid from her throat the other maids were scared squatting in the end of the room , yuwa was sleeping on her bed her collar bone was stained with blood , lee xie face darkned.

it was a total chaos .