
"What's going on here?" lee xie ask with cold voice .

Su lou didn't even heard him during her anger ; she asked the maid that was catching her throat "I asked you ,who give you that medicine" .

The maid was an old mama was taking care of princess yuwa when she was born , so when the maid saw prince Rong lee xie her red face from su Lou grip light up ad she start pleading him.

" your highness help me she's crazy she hurt the princess and now she accusing me cough... cough" the old mama said coughing hardly.

su lou got even angrier and tighten her grips on her throat even more.

"answer me who give you that or I swear I will brake your neck…you said ur the only one who make the medicine…who give it to you?" su Lou said grining her teath .

Rong lee xie can't stand what's going on there anymore, so he grab su lou hand and shake the maid from it , the old mama fell on the floor with bang then she catch her throat and start coughing hard , she was out of breath if his highness didn't save her she'll be dead in su lou hand for sure .

The old mama look at su lou with hatred and said "ur highness I beg you to give this old slave justice ,Miss Su hurt the princess then she framed me , I saw her feeding the princess some kind of pill and poke her with needles" the old mama said while weeping .

su lou get outraged (that old hag wanna to frame me while she was the main culpater ) , su lou try to move taward the old mama but Rong lee xie was cutting her hand so hard and tightninig his grips so she can't move ; lee xie pulled su lou near the wall and smack her on it with bit of force .

"Ahh…what are you doing?" su Lou said with painful expression.

"who send you to hurt yuwa? _talk" lee xie said with angry tune .

su lou was dumbfound she look at him as if he was alien and said "wait_what!? You catch the wrong guy here pal" she said to him grinning her teath.

(are you kidding me , am the good guy here, what the heck dude )

"That old mama was with yuwa since she was born , why would she want to harm her!!on the other hand you just met her recently" he said after he tightened more on su lou hand .

Lee xie was traping su Lou between him and the wall , one hand gripping her chin and the other on her hand ,he put one leg between her legs , in position made su Lou looked like carved mummified ; althow she look funny like that but the situation does not allow you to laugh.

Lee xie was staring dagger at su Lou , su Lou gave the look back to him.

"you got bulls , you dare look me back in the eyes" lee xie said coldly , he was one step of tearing her up yet she dare look back.

"No I don't have those, not the last time I checked…and clear mind never fear dirty wind" su Lou said with smirk.

Lee xie get shocked by her word, he would never expect those words from fragile lady like her, 'she…agh , I don't now what to say , isn't always been afraid of me…so why the taugh acting…' .

"Listen up shorty, you better confess or aren't you afraid of death" lee xie said narrowing his eyes to her.

"Death…who doesn't fear it" su Lou close the distance between them and said "to make su Lou confess on something she didn't do, am afraid your dreaming sweetheart".

(how dare that stingy man call me shorty, you're the shorty , your whole family shorty, you stingy man humpf )

The look that su lou was giving him right now made lee xie blood freeze in his vein and his heart start beating wildly.

it wasn't fear he's been in battlefield since he was thirteen, it was infimaluer feeling he never had before.

Su Lou green eyes at that moment were sparkling and shed some kind of weird light, lee xie felt that he's gonna be sucked inside them if he keep staring at them but at the sametime he want to look longer.

She was dangerous and bold really bold that was lee xie thoughts but the reality could be tricky if he only knows what's going on her mind , he will be pest.

(oh _my _God, am threatining the <> , the first knight of the kingdom … did he believe me!! ; let's be positive here am good actress I win the third years acting compition in my high school … but still ; he fall for it …right … damn su Lou how dare you act toughth and meighty in front of him…buhuhu am definitely gonna die ….happy thoughts …owssa inhale_exhale , good job su Lou, we need to focus and be positive )

(damn when he look at me back there I almost wet my pants it was definitely my biggest sin I ever done in this life , I shouldn't come with him ).

« Talk who send you , she's just child how could you ? » lee xie ask again with rage, he tightened his grip over su Lou chin , su Lou felt that her chin gonna broke it was throbbing with pain.

But that wasn't Su lou main problem now , she couldn't believe what she was hearing; why would she wanna hurt a child, su lou forgot that child is princess in the first place and the favorite one to the emperor.

"I wouldn't never hurt a child beside the poison was on her medicine" su lou said while glaring daggers at the old mama who still catching her breath on the floor.

At that moment there were a foot steps could be heard coming from outside they look like they were running.

it was the imperial doctor Du ming chang with housekeeper ciao , the imperial doctor Du run to the bed where princess yuwa was laying down and take her pulse .