Here come Pinocchio

After Rong lee xie put the old mama under arrest and asked the imperial doctor Du some other question about yuwa currant condition and the remained medicine that the princess yuwa had taken before .

As doctor Du explain the components of the medicine and how if you put the <> it will becom poisoned.

The <> wasn't a harmfull plant you could find her every where but if you mixed it with high ingredient like red ginsing and toornip roots it will become a deadly poison .

it turnd out that old maid mixed some of that plant with the medicine the princess was taking .

and now lee xie have to apologies to su lou for his wrong accusation , lee xie let a sigh and scratch his forehead and went to find su lou.

when he was heading out to find su lou he bumped at eunuch Li sang , Li sang was his brother Eunuch he was fallowing him before he become the emperor .

"what are you doing here?" lee xie asked with puzzled , eunuch li sang usually stay at the palace close door he never went outside if weren't urgent matter or the emperor send him personally.

" your highness prince Jin , his majesty asked for your presence in the main hall" eunuch Li said while bowing respectfully .

'why his majesty is here? I guess news travel fast than I thought' lee xie told himself , he sigh then he followed eunuch Li to the main hall.

When he enter the main hall he found su lou kneeling on the ground head down and commander An shouting at her and his majesty the Emperor Rong Tian Yao sitting in the high sit with big frown on his face , the atmosphere doesn't look good , he really need to clean his mansion.

"long leave the emperor you may live a thousand years" lee xie said while kneeling .

"you may rise, continued commander An" the emperor dismiss prince Rong lee xie and signal him to sit , lee xie sat next right to the emperor .

"as I said ur majesty she has a bad attention to harm princess rong yuwa and we have find a witchcraft at her belonging" then he show a wooden doll in his hand .

'Witchcraft! … her!!?' lee xie blinked and stare at su Lou with puzzled

Su Lou mouth twitched she sigh and said "as I said before am his highness prince Jin guest and that… just a toy I was planning to gifted to my hu_i mean to princess rong yuwa" she said the last sentences glaring at commander An.

" your majesty why would I want to harm the princess if that true his highness wouldn't let me stay close to her" then she glance at lee xie.

The emperor already know that she didn't harm the princess ; actually she saved her life he heard from his spies but he must make sure of the situation.

"that , I could consider it reasonable but what about the witchcraft" the emperor said with frown , awitchcraft he didn't seen that for while now.

Su lou want to cry but lack in tears "your majesty it's just a doll-toy… your majesty it couldn't harm anyone",

"lies your majesty I have saw a lot of doll-toy and that doesn't look like one" commander An said with accusing tone .

(that's because it's <> doll … something a head of your time you head stone ) .

" your majesty that doll has a story behind her that's why she look like that and elders tell that story to kids at bed time … there is nothing wrong with it" su lou said while bowing her head trying to hide her disdain and fraightned.

( plz don't put me on stick and burn me alive buhuhu , I just want to cheer my hua so I get that doll who I made it before at home in my spare time, and now I am gonna die because of it )

"how do you explain the tall nose and the strings on the doll , I say she's a witch your majesty" commander An said with disgust .

(you're the witch your whole family is witch … you f***g µ£¨P@5è-$m%¨…cave man) su Lou finished cursing at commander An and start to explain to the emperor .

"as I said before the doll has story behind her that's why it look like that" su lou calmely explaining .

"you poke my curiosity let's hear that story" the emperor said after he leand back on his chair looking at su Lou with smirk.

Su lou start narrate the tale how the wooding doll become a a real boy and why his nose become taler and how he get separated from his father and how he gets back to him after that .

Su lou narrate all the event with excited and sparkling eyes her joyful speech made all the people inside the hall get excited too while hearing the story.

"The End" su lou finished the story with light bow to the audience .

The emperor clap his hands and smile cheerfuly after hearing the tale "hohoho good-good I never heard something like that i like it , Reward … two bolt of fine silk from Liang Zou kingdom to miss su".

(thank God he like it , fewww…I think I escaped this time ) su Lou pat her head mentally .

commander An didn't share the some opinion with the emperor so he clear his throat and said knitting his brows "but your majesty it's doesn't make any sense and it's impossible for a wooden doll to become a real boy and … what's the point of making children laurning something usless like that!!" he said wihle sqeezing his eyes at su Lou face.

the emperor turn to su Lou waiting for explanation ; su lou let breath of air and said "commander An is ur family a militery by generation?" .

Commander An puffed his chest proudly and said "of course for five generations".

" I see ,that's why you have no creativity at all" su Lou said while nodding her head .