
"pfttt" the emperor chuckel then he cough to hide his smile while putting his fist on his mouth , lee xie stare at the emperor rising one of his eyebrows , the emperor look away claiming ignorance.

Commander An was red as boiled shrimp , he point his finger at su lou and said "You _ what do you mean by that?" is she moking him.

"I bet … you never get out from the training camp or battlefield" she said folding her arms to her chest .

"how did you know! … ahem I mean … so what if I am!!" he ask with low vioce he didn't know why but he feel embaressed all of sudden.

Su lou shake her head then said "to rise a great generation we need them to become more intelegent more decent and the most important thing to be creative" she said counting on her fingers .

Commander An didn't understand so he ask "what's that had to do with princess rong yuwa and the story".

Su lou let a long sigh and said "me I explain your majesty" she said with small bow.

"go a head" the emperor also was curious to what she gonna said , he could tell from the doll and the story , this little girl in front of him wasn't simple.

"princess yuwa is the next generation … in the future she'll become a ruler of her people so she need to learn how to open her horizons so she could be more clear ; more creative to step up with this kingdom to another level , you may say she's just a woman and in the end she'll become a wife" su Lou said.

the emperor nod his head approving su lou word that's wasn't wrong every women have to married eventually.

Su lou shake her finger back and forth disapproval and she continued "we all know whose empress zhao ming right … and we know that she was married to the Ling Zou kingdom as a concubine right!"

Su lou stopped for a moment then continued "but because she was creative person she make the most poorest kingdom the richest one with the most strong military that all other kingdom fear".

"not our kingdom thanks to prince Jin military strength and our wise emperor" su Lou then bow to the emperor , the emperor nod his head to her.

"did you get it ? never judge a book by his cover , so plz let the brain stuff to us and just stick to the military things ok" su Lou finished her words with smirk.

commander An get offence she was saying his stupid man with muscle , his face become red from anger .

commander An couldn't utters any words accept "You …you…you" he keep reapeting those words with frustration .

he turn to the emperor and said " your majesty do you hear what she saying" .

the emperor didn't know if he should cry or laugh , he was in judgment hearing not running kids garden , she is just small girl and her age didn't pass the fifteen yet she managed to shut the mouth of a twenty-eight man … a commander that been in battlefield countless time.

The emperor exhale and said "Miss Su apologize to commander An" , he start feel a headache.

Su Lou titled her head cutely then she clasps her hands together and said shyly

"i apologize commander An" then she said with small voice "that you born uncreative person".

(it's not my fault that your un idiot )

Everyone in the hall heard her the maids and the eunuchs lowered their heads so they couldn't be seen laughing , su lou look adorable at that moment even the emperor couldn't said anything to her.

"Miss Su!" the emperor said while rising his eyebrows .

"sorry your majesty I couldn't help myself" she said with small smile "hehe".

One of the princess maids barget in hurry , she kneeled in front the empror and said "your majesty her highness princess rong yuwa woke up"

"good good let's head to see her" the emperor said and head to see the prince rong lee xie .

both the emperor and lee xie want to see yuwa but lee xie notice the maid have something else to said but hesitated , so he asked.

"is there something else" lee xie said to the maid.

The emperor stop walking and look at the maid , the maid hesitate first but after that she tell them that the princess rufuse to take her remedit untel Miss Su see her.

Lee xie and the emperor stared at su Lou , su Lou gives them a wry smile

(I think I am in big troubel now … they will say that I bewitched the little princess … look at what they done over a doll )

Commander An didn't disappoint her "ur majesty I think Miss Su is bad influance on the princess , we should keep her away from her highness" said with glitter of happiness in his eye.

Su Lou mouth twitched (Tsk…of course you will say that … I really wonder did I kill your familly in our previous life why do you hate me so much_uh )

The emperor sigh a breath of air 'if those two start again I will get a headache for sure , and I need to see my baby'.

He looked at su Lou and said "follow us , I wanna know what you did to the princess that she make fuzz over you" then he walk away .

lee xie look at su lou then he shake his head and follow the emperor , xixi helped su lou walking after them , then the other maids and eunuchs follow suit.