Iron fist

The emperor sat next to princess yuwa bed and takes her hand between his hands and look at her warmly.

"how do you feel my princess?" he ask

"am fine , father" yuwa answer with small smile.

lee xie was standing at opposite side of the bed watching the two of them with warm eyes he know how much the emperor love yuwa , he even throw all his work and rushed to find her … it's just…his hatfull empress and her clan.

"my princess why don't you want o take ur medicine? Huh" the emperor said coaxing her.

Yuwa lower her head and said "it's bitter and I don't want to be in pain again" she said with small voice then she pout.

the emperor feel pain in his heart he feel depressed he couldn't protect his lovers just bcz the fight behind the throne and the power that larking in the dark ; the emperor squeezes yuwa hand.

he notice that the little princess keep looking at the door as if she was waiting for someone, he know whose she waiting for.

He sigh then said with loud voice "Miss Su … come in".

In the hall way there were a contest of staring was running between su lou and commander An no body wanna Broke their gaze first ; they just keep glaring at each other like two wild tigers.

The emperor voice brook their staring contest ; both of them look at the room then su lou go to the room while giving commander An big "hump".

Sou lou enter the room then she bows to the emperor and prince lee xie then she stood next lee xie and smiled widely and said "how is my hua , are you feeling bitter now" .

Su Lou didn't even think she just take yuwa hand and checked her pulse , then she smile and said " ur fine , I know you did it to get our attention didn't you my hua" she said with sly smile on her lips.

Lee xie had urge to smack his face , he get it now … she just thoughtless little girl her act were implosive and hasty , she's the kind to act then think.

The emperor blinked few times and said "Miss Su are you a doctor?" the emperor ask

Su lou froze and blinked her big round green eyes , when she saw the princess yuwa , she become excited and forgot that she wasn't the only one in the room.

(damn I forgot my self again…agrh when I'll laurn to think before I act…I geuss I can't help it )

Su lou bows respectably to the emperor and said "No ur majesty am not a doctor but I know a little bit about poison".

that was a lie to be able to save the princess life and stop her acting poison means she's inexpert lee xie though.

The emperor nod his head then said "did you learn from your grandfather?"

su lou nod her head, actually su lou grandfather Su fung rui was known as the best poisons who can make a deadly poison and due su lou job in her previous life he saw that she was interested in learning about poison so he taught her, su lou was quick learner so she know almost everything her grandpa knows about poison and how to cure it.

" if marquis Su fung rui who taught you I think your being modest here" the emperor said with smirk .

who doesn't know about her grandfather ability with poison , he try to recruit him many time but he always decline with reason that he's old and can't leave his house ; but that a good thing if su Lou wasn't there to save his princess at the ultimate time he doesn't know what he could do then.

"am not that good as my grandpa your majesty" su lou said with a worry tune, in that era for a woman to learn something like that's it's not a good thing .

"don't worry miss su am just asking , look here my lovely princess say that she won't drink her medicine until you come" the emperor said with sigh.

Su lou looked at the princess rising one eyebrow and said "is it bcz you want me to get you more chocolate my hua".

yuwa face get redden "No…yes…maybe…I don't know" said shyly.

Su lou smirked and said "I thought so but my hua didn't I told you before if you take ur medicine you'll grow up as big sister here"

"pfft" commander An snorted , su Lou glance at him from the side then she contunied her talk with yuwa

"beside to much sweets isn't good for your health … you will get fat" su Lou termined her last word whispering.

Commander An snorted and murmured "look who's talking she look like a plump midget ; she didn't even grown up as other lady at her age and yet she dare to give advices".

Of course commander An meant his words to be heard by su Lou.

Su lou glance at him she heard him and everyone in the room (if I still in my previous body you'll drool all over me Ok cave man … am still in the midle of growing …but in this era women have to be growing up in her teenage ‪).

su lou previous body was tall and slim with fine chest and proud buttock bcz her blood was mixed she got most of the latina side with her brown choclate skin and beautiful face with black sexy eyes and plump rose lips, her hair was black and curly if you saw her you'll think she's model .

we could describe the privious su lou as sexy and the curent as cuty and now she's stack in this body and she can't do any thing about it.