Iron fist 2

Su lou point her finger to commander An without turning at him and said

"it's ok not to grow up as that acacia tree over there" then she sigh and leaned a bit to whisper something in princess ear .

"look to that poor man he's body all grown up as gorilla but his brain still in the process" , yuwa giggled and the others in the room turn their head hiding their laughing .

Lee xie look at su lou 'tsk…that damn shorty she wouldn't let anyone bully her even in the emperor present' lee xie smiled and shook his head.

Commander An face become red as tomato he never been humiliate before like that ; and it was a little girl who did that , he will make sure she'll pay for that later.

After a while xi xi come with a fancy wooden red box and hand it over to su lou

su lou opened the box and were showen all kind of shapes of a little round brown sweets , it look elegant and the smell was delicious .

the princess take one piece shaped as flower and put it on her mouth , yuwa shake with happiness, the emperor saw the princess reaction so he get curios to know what's that sweets she's been eating joyfully , as an emperor he saw and taste a lot but he never saw something like that , so he cough lightly.

Su lou get that the emperor want to tasted too but he was embarrassed to ask so she turn the box to the emperor gesturing him to take one and said

"your majesty I heard that ur the quite taster and wouldn't eat anything normal or simple , would you majesty honored me to take bite and grass me with your opinion" su Lou said while bowing her head.

"since you pleaded me to in light you , as a monarch I will bless you with my a opinion" .

the emperor took one piece he was exited he love sweets the most and the princess catch that habit from him , su lou was smiling widely over the emperor childish behave .

the emperor extand his hand and take one and closed to his mouth , he open his mouth happily but before he could take a bite commander An shout out loud .

"STOP your majesty , don't eat it" commander An said

the peace in the emperor hand fall on the floor while su lou box was shaking in her hand she almost through them in the air .

All the audience glared at commander An overreaction , su lou was the first one to talk, she put her other hand on her heart and said

"God commander An _did something bite you … didn't you know there is a patient in the room , GOD you scare her" she said grining her teeth.

all the eyes turned at the princess and saw her shrinking on the bed while her tears lurking there threatning to fall down at anytime .

Su lou put the box on the bed and run toward the shaking yuwa , she cast prince Jin aside and gives yuwa a big hug while patting her back and said

"don't be scared my hua big sister lou is here no one gonna hurt you _O-K" yuwa hug her back and nod her head (poor child).

"what's the meaning of this commander An" the emperor said angrily while his eyes stack at the chocolate on the floor , he didn't even have the time tasted.

su lou turned to commander An with annoying look and said "and why he can't eat it … plz inlight us".

"it's could be poisoned… who know what you put in it ,beside no one has saw that thing over there before" he said while folding his arms.

The emperor look at su lou with knit brows , su Lou shook her head

(that damn day gonna end up with me dead for sure…first I was poisoned the princess then witchcraft and now the emperor buhuhuh …why I am not lucky today

Su lou look at commander An and said "did ur Nanny drop you on your head when you were a child or something like that"

Su Lou said with angry voice "W-h-o wanna assassinate the emperor in prince Jin presence … and who would give a poison food with his own hand , are you insane" su Lou was angry to the point you could hear the sound of her squeeking teeth.

"you could be one of those crazy suicider " he said with smirk.

Su lou agaps she almost faint with anger , she couldn't handle that crazy man any more so she pat princess yuwa head and get up from the bed and bowed to the emperor respectfully and said "excuse my behavior your majesty I will take any punishment as you want later" .

Lee xie knit his eyebrows 'what is she's up too now' ,the emperor wave his hand and said "sure…sure" he's mind still with that fallen chocolate.

Su Lou took a long breathe and toward yuwa while walking to commander An and said "don't copy me my hua violent is not always the solution".

then she gave commander An a sudden punch in the stomach send him flying over the door to the end of the courtyard.

"Bang" there was a loud bang and crushing sound coming from outside.

ever body mouth was hung opened even the emperor , only prince Jin mouth twitched he know her family was a monster in strength but he didn't think she would do that in front of the emperor ; 'she's really bold for her size'.

" Miss Su what's the meaning of that?" the emperor said with cold tone , he know that commander An was over reacting but to her acting like that , where his dignity as emperor go if he didn't show his authority .

"Sorry your majesty but i couldn't stand two kind of people insult one and brainless people" she explain , and commander An fit the profile.

" you know you did wrong and you'll be punished for that" the emperor said while letting a sight .