
the evening come and su Lou went to check at yuwa condition and get her the doll <> .

"hello, my hua…how do you feel?" su Lou said smiling

"am fine big sister Lou , did you come to stay with me?" yuwa said cutely.

"I will stay a little then I will take my leave" she said

"mmm…can you stay with me intel I sleep" yuwa said with small voice

"why! Are scare my hua?" su Lou said with sly smile at her mouth

Yuwa get under her blanket just showing her eyes , su Lou burst laughing at her reaction and sat next her , she lefted the blanket at yuwa face and said.

"who made my hua scared just tell big sister Lou and she will kick them all" su Lou said showing her two fists .

"GH…gh…o…s..t" yuwa said stuttering

"huh…what did you said my hua I couldn't understand what you saying" su Lou said tilted her head.

Then yuwa sit stright and wiyh loud sound screamed "GHOST".

"pffft…what …ghost , are you still beleiving on those old crap" su Lou said laughing.

"No, it true there is a g_ghost you can ask anyone here" yuwa explaining with irritation.

"No my hua it just story to scare the kids , didn't we agreed that your big girl now , so don't listen to those stupid story anymore ok" su Lou said pating yuwa head.

"but it's true mimi saw it right , mimi tell her , tell her what you see the other night" yuwa said look at mimi.

Su Lou turned her head at mimi waiting for her answer.

Mimi nod her head and said with shaking body "it's true miss su … I saw it , it was scary night , I would never forget his face".

"see I told you big sister Lou" yuwa said confidently.

"heheh … ok calm down guys , why don't you tell me what happened exactely mimi" su Lou said propping her chin .

Mimi approach su Lou and yuwa and start narrating the story " after I finished my chores that night …will it wasn't suppose to be my dutty to get those dirty clothes to the laundry but I have too because sister suye was sick , so I did her cleaning job and…"

"get to the point mimi , we don't have all the night" su Lou cutting her random talk.

"oh…where I was … yes right I was getting to my room and because the road from the laundry room to the maid yard was long so I get to the short way…and to get that I have to pass in front the spring courtyard" mimi stopped to take a breath from her speedy talk then she contunied.

"and then.." mimi stopped talking and put one hand on her mouth and her body start shaking with fear.

"And then what?" su Lou asked with irritation , she want to get over this stupid story but mimi suspence was kiling her.

"yes…yes, under the big tree of peach I saw a hanged man , he had a red eyes and messy hair and his … his robe was flowting at the air…miss su it was really scary I even heard his voice , he was calling my name buhuhu" mimi said wiping her tears.

Yuwa shring back under her blanket shaking with fear , su Lou knit her eyebrows and asked mimi "are you sure maybe your mistaked something …"

"no no miss su I swear I saw a ghost with my own eyes" mimi said pointing at her eyes while still shaking.

(ghost…no no she must be wrong, this stupid girl have a wild imagenation … there is nothing in the world called ghosts …yep am sure of it ).

Su lou looked left-right then right- left (hehe i know it's just crap , there are no ghost in here‬‪ ).

at that moment the wind blow and all the candles in room turned off the three of them start screaming "kyyyyaaa".

Su Lou trimbled and said "look what you do mimi you scared us with your stupid story"

"but the ghost" mimi said trembling.

"there are no ghosts here , it's just the wind…look the windows is open" su Lou said while standing from her spot and started lightning the candles .

"hehe silly me , sorry miss su … sorry princess" mimi said with awkward smile.

Su Lou sat again next yuwa and pulls her blanket and said with warm voice

"don't be afraid my hua , there are no ghosts here look it's just the winds"

Yuwa nod her head but not much convinced , su Lou saw that and claps her hands and said with smile "how about a bed story mu hua huh what do you say".

"am not a child anymore big sister Lou" yuwa said with a pout .

Su Lou snorted and said "of course your not , it just for passing time … mine better than her" she said pointing at mimi.

"then it's ok" yuwa said with warry smile.

"mmm…let's see where should I start … there were an old shop in the suburbs and leave and work on it an old carpenter….." su Lou told the same story she narrate to the emperor , the story of <> with the same excitement as before .

When su Lou finished the story yuwa was sleep , at first she was imerged with the story but then the urge of sleeping defeated her and yuwa lost in deep sleep with smile hanging on her face.

Su Lou smiled at the slipping yuwa she tackles her in the bed and print a kiss at her forehead then she exit the room with mimi closing the door behind them.

Su Lou looked at mimi and said "stop telling her those spoky story"

"but it's true miss su" mimi exlaming

"m-i-m-i" su Lou said glaring at her.

"sorry miss su I won't talk again about ghosts" mimi said hanging her head low.

Su Lou glared again at her , mimi laugh akwardely and put her hands on her mouth .

"good, now go and get same sleep good night mimi"

"good night miss".

The night was a bit cold with little wind and cloudy sky , the moon will show time to time , su Lou was walking slowly because of the dark road , there were some lanterns hanging beside the road but the night was really dark so it was hard for su Lou to walk .

Su Lou felt a chill at her back she had that feeling that someone is fallowing her of course it wasn't the first time , she even sansed when she was out the mansion.

(if someone is fallowing me I would know right…beside san yue will interfear if someone want to harm me … so what's this feling … it's all because of that stupid mimi and her silly story ).

Su Lou stopped at her track and looked back but there is no one axcept the grace and the trees were blowing by the wind , su Lou galped her saliva and keep it walking , when she feel something behind her she would stop and look back then she keep walking again , she satyed at that condition for a while.

On the tree there were a man in black watching his mistress weird behave , it was san yue .

San yue scratched his head and looked su Lou with puzzle 'is she playing! But what kind of game is this!!' san yue wondering.


"kyyyya…ghost" su Lou screamed then she start running at full speed , she just want to get to her room and hide under her blanket.

San yue blinked at the running su Lou then he turn at the brunch beside him and said "look what you did , you scared mistress"

A big yellow eyes were looking at san yue confusily it didn't understand what he was saying , it was the thing that scary sound coming from it .

it was an owl singing her favor song "woooh…woooh" every night.

Su Lou reach her room when she was inside she close the door , she stood there catching her uneasy breathing , her heart was still beating wildly and her legs felt mush she couldn't stand at them anymore.

When she catch her breath finally she heard a male voice talking to her.

"where have you been , you made me waiting"

Su Lou lefted her head slowling and looked at the source of the sound , whe her eyes fall on the object her face become pale and her heart skip a bit and she started biting her fingers .