Ghost 2

The lights on su Lou room were off and the only light there was the moonlight coming from the window and infront the window stood a black shadow with messy hair were flying by the wind covering his face and the only thing was appearing was his red fury eyes .


Su Lou almost had heart attack her first reaction after screaming of course fleeing out of the room , that would be easy if she just could find the hand of the door.

Su Lou was hiting and screaming at the door , she's gonna lost her mind if she stay a minute longer there.

"don't be scare , it's me…" the voice couldn't complited his words when su Lou start screaming again.

"kyyyyah…go away … go away" su Lou said kicking at the door.

"calm down it's me…" and he start to get close to her.

Su Lou panicked more and said screaming "I don't know you…Go to the light…find the light shoo shoo"

"what light?" he asked with confused

"click" the sound of the door opening in su Lou hands , su Lou rejoyed then she start running while screaming.

The lightmoon shine lightning the room reveling one handsome man with ruby eyes and loose hair it was prince rong lee xie .

He stood there puzzled , he left his right hand and put his long messy hair behind his ear showing his eight abs looked down from his open robe , if only su Lou could see that view she would never run like that.

"am I really that scary to her?" lee xie wondering.

Actually after he get at his study room he noted him self to find su Lou later and apologies for the previous misunderstanding but the time fly away and he find himself in the night , so he decide to take a quick shower then head to talk to her.

When he finished his shower it was late so he didn't tidy his hair and he just wear his owter robe without even closing it .

When he get at the spring courtyard he didn't find any maids , he thought they were sleep it was late , so he turn to leave he thought she maybe was sleep too.

But then he decide to talk to her and he walk at her room but he find the door of the room open and it was empty , so he stay there waiting for her.

Lee xie let sigh and said "I should follow her probably" , then he exit the room.


Su Lou start running were her feet will take her, whe she's out of her courtyard she find her self standing infront the peach tree mimi described it previously , and su Lou almost fainted.

She saw a shadow of hanged man moving back and forth , su Lou agaps then start running again , the last time she run to exit her court yard this time she doesn't where she should be and she didn't care…she just wanna be in safe place.

(nice ghost please leave me alone…buhuhuh…why is this happening to me I promise I will do a good deeds for you so you could rest in peace…so please mister Ghost shooo ).

She run left-right then up-down , right down the wall and she find her self in spacious place all she could see from the moon light was the dark grass and a big building , the place was quite as if no body leave in there.

Su Lou galped she never been in hear so she doesn't know where she was.

So she thought the best thing to do is to head toward that building and ask for help , when she move one step she heard the same voice she heard in her room .

"here you are , you made me looking for you every where"

So Lou have the urge to cry (why?…why he still fallowing me ‬‪).

Su Lou was nervious that she fell to recognize the voice, heck she couldn't tell where it coming from , so she took to steps backword and turned and run at full speed .

"ouch" she bumped at hard object ; hard chest to be exact , two strong hands catch her so she wouldn't fall .

"why where you running?"

Hearing the voice su Lou looked up , the night was pitch black , the only thing su Lou could see was the sparkling red eyes.

Her mouth twitched and her face paled and said "g…G….h…T" , her eyes roled in the back of her head then she pass out .

Good thing lee xie was catching her , all she will be on the ground by now.

'I really didn't do a thing... am that scary! Right' lee xie said to himself knitting his brows looking at pas out su Lou , he picked her and walk to the building.