Old memory

"kyyyya … jack stop it" a cute little girl brown chocolate skin with black curly hair said while taking her breathe after a little boy scared her to death.

"I get you…nah nah nah" a little boy said sticks out his tongue while cheering over his small victory.

"smack" a loud slap could be heard , it was a young woman in her late twenty slapping the back head of the boy.

She said with irritation "cut it out already jack…if you scare your cousin again you'll get more than one slap".

The boy hangs his head and said with frustration "I understood auntie".

"you better be , Now apologies to ur cousin" said the woman folding her hands.

"s-sorry Lou Lou … I won't do it again" the boy said but he doesn't look that sorry at all .

the little Lou Lou sigh then said "it's ok jack, just don't do it again ok"

The little boy nod his head but he smiled mischievous .

"good … play nice to each other ok" the woman said then she enter the kitchen to prepare the dinner.

The previous event continued to happen from time to time , the boy will scare the girl and the girl will scream in fear .

The boy would tell ghost story to scare the little girl and find away to scare her after that , he will wait for her under her bed and when she sat on it … he would grab her legs and she will scream her lung … or he would jump from her closed closet wearing a mask of gorilla or something else … or he would turn off the light while she's in the bathroom and make scary sound.

The boys favor trick is to take the little girl to the field behind their house and shut her in the old spooky cottage and leave her until the dinner time , where her auntie come to find her shrinking and crying her heart out.

He keeps doing that for years until the girl get trauma and her biggest fear was GHOST.


A sleepy girl start to flutter her eyelashes like a wing of butterfly then her her eyes start opened slowly , she could feel that she's laying in soft object…it must be her bed … did she fall asleep without noticing , maybe she was too tired… but why she have that weird feeling and her head spins a little bit … her forehead was throbbing too.

She straightened her body and said while rubbing her forehead "Agh…my head hurts …did I have a dream! … It's all thanks to that jerk jack".

(man! that's hurts like hell…even after I die and had a new life , that bastard jack …Agh … he real left a deep scar on me…I even start dreaming about ghosts now…it was a wild dream )

"are you full awaken now?" a husky male voice asked her.

su Lou turn her head toward the voice , she frizzed with fear , so it wasn't a dream after all , she bite her inner lips and wrinkled her eyebrows .

(w-why…why he still fallowing me buhuhu )

"kyyyya…go away scary ghost…leave me alone" su Lou said while throwing the bed pillows next to her to hit the ghost.

"Quit doing that" lee xie said while blocking the pillows with one hand , he didn't get hurt from her mushy attack , it was annoying instead.

Su Lou jumped outside the bed and from her panic she stumbles to the blanket and fall to the floor.

"Argh… that was painful" she said.

"are you ok?" lee xie ask while he extend his hand for her.

Su Lou misunderstood the hand , she thought his gonna grab her…who know where he would take her … maybe to the dark shadows or hell or underground…who know!.

That's what su Lou wild imagination been telling her … su Lou slap the extending hand and start uttering rubbish .

"Mister ghost why don't you leave me alone … I promise if you leave I'll give you my fortune …I have a lot of money and jewels " she said closing her eyes tightly.

Lee xie knit his brows he was about to help her standing and tell her his identity but she keep doing this.

Lee xie smirked and looked at su Lou trembling body on the floor , the room was dark and she couldn't see his face , so why not play a little with her.

"really…how much could you give me…how about a store" lee xie said randomly .

"sure…w-what kind of store you want" she said shaking

Lee xie get surprised he didn't think she could say that so he continued "are you trying to trick me…those your family stores" of course he know her family owned a lot of stores in the capital .

"No…no of course not , how could I deceive you , am talking about my personnel property" she said.

"really what do you have?" he asked for fun but su Lou answer shocked him.

"how about a restaurant huh…when you feel hungry go to <> and they'll serve you the best food and when you finish you could have a tea and snacks at <> tea house … or you could…blab la bal" su Lou naming the most famous store in the capital .

Lee xie know her family were rich but he couldn't believe all those famous stores were owned by su Lou .

He knit his brows and ask cutting her endless talk "how did you get all of those stores?" he asked , 'was she working in some kind of shady business' lee xie thought with frown.

"oh that, it's easy … am good at trade and stuff" she said proudly then she feel she missed something important.

It was the Voice , the ghost voice was kind a familiar , she could swear she heard him somewhere recently.

Su Lou sat folding her legs and probing her chin and sank in deep thought , lee xie still a bit in shock from what he heard from su Lou so he didn't mind her weird act.

"Ahhhh…I know I know … your highness it was you" after su Lou screamed she stand pointing her finger at lee xie face with opened mouth.

Su Lou scream awaken lee xie from his daze , he glare at su Lou pointing finger and said with cold tone "are you tired of leaving miss su…do you wanna play with ghosts this much"

Su Lou instantly lowered her finger and said "sorry your highness…b_but it wasn't my fault you were scaring me" she said with small voice.

"if you wasn't that idiot … you could Fugger it out earlier" he said.

"oh" she said with a pout and avert her eyes to the side .

(well he wasn't completely wrong … and I was scared…argh…now I think about it I passoout… oh my God I pass out and he carried me to this room ‬‪).