Better taste 2

" i suppose he cut you there and ask you to name it" he said looking at su Lou green eyes.

"how did you know ! , only me , my grandpa and the painter know about it" su Lou looked at him puzzled .

Lee xie put his forehead on her and chuckled ; su Lou panicked she didn't know what to do or why he acting like that.

Seeing her frustrate face lee xie chuckles again then said "I can't believe it was you"

"huh! Me…what?" she asked

Lee xie couldn't stand it anymore and he burst laughing ; he was laughing to the point he put his head on su Lou shoulders.

Su Lou didn't mind at that point she was bewitched by his laughing face , since she met him the only face he was giving her or anybody else was the cold hard face , she didn't even seeing him smile for once.

(oh my God! How handsome , I never seen him like this before … his laugh look like a symphony I could play it over and over for century…oh my God his eyes … they laughing... too shiningly how breath taking )

Lee xie finely stop laughing , he clear his throat and said "sit we need to talk" then he walked around the desk and sat on the chair.

Su Lou looked around to find some place to sat on it but there isn't except for the bed and the chair he sat on it.

"I prefer to stand … so how me I help you your highness" she said awkwardly.

"do as you wish" he said

( asking me to sit while there is no place to sat on it, are you suggested to sit on the floor or on your lap…hmpf and you dare to call yourself a prince)

Lee xie clear his throat and said a bit blush on the cheek "miss Su about what happened previously …I" he said knitting his brows , he thought it would be easy to apologize but he couldn't do it , his proud self prevented him.

"huh…previously… what do you mean!" su Lou titled her head and looked puzzled , then her face become red .

(did he still think about that…damn that was embarrassing now I thing about it , I was acting as possessed , how shameful )

"how about we forget about it ur highness" su Lou sais while standing awkwardly.

( please forget about it …it's like someone put a black dot on my bright white record , but fear not su Lou that will be the last embarrassed situation he would ever see me in ...) said su Lou confidently to herself.

Poor su Lou she didn't know that it would be more embarrassment moment he would oversee it , that she would wish could find a hole to hide in it…but that's another story for another time.

Lee xie cough lightly with a bit of embarrassment and said "good then, I know you would understand".

Su Lou lower her head looking at the floor with a knit brows (of course I understand how could I not know …can't we just move on this damn point).

Su Lou lifted her head and said "if that's all , I would get to my room … it's late your highness" after she finished her words she turn to exit the room.

"En" all lee xie could say.

Su Lou stopped at her tracks and asked "by the way your highness , where are we?" , she doesn't know where she is right now.

Lee xie snorted , she's in his room but she didn't even know , he wonder what her react would be if she knows , lee xie stood from his sit and walk toward su Lou and said

"come , I will escort you to your room" he said

"No need your highness…how could I bother you…you must be tired and want to take a rest so.." she explain with awkwardness .

"do you know where you are miss su?" he asked

"n-no" she said shaking her head of.

"then fallow me and stop uttering nonsense" he said with firm tone ; then he exit the room.

"oh" su Lou hummed and fallow behind him but all the way she couldn't stop looking around with a bit fear , so she hassle her steps so she could walk close to lee xie.

it was dark night without a moon but lee xie could feel su Lou beside him at first she was walking behind him and know she's beside him he could feel her stumped feet she was looking around her since ever they left his room , lee xie lips curved he find her funny.

"woooh…woooohooo" a sound crack the silence of the dark night.

"ghyyyyyya" su Lou screamed then jumped clinching her both hands around lee xie arms , her grips were strong , lee xie could feel his arm is gonna tear up if she didn't let go of him.

"miss su…lose your hands" lee xie said with irritation.

"no…no, he will get me" su Lou said trembling

"let go…miss su" he said , now he could feel his muscles start cut down , he feel pain in his arm.

"NOOO" su Lou in her daze didn't noticed that she's been crushing lee xie arms … all she could saw that arm was her only safe place and shelter from the ghost.

Lee xie couldn't stand the pain so he just knock her down with a swift hit on the back neck , su Lou drop on the ground and pass out.

Lee xie was holding his arm still feeling the pain … he left his head when he felt a presence in front of him , it was a man holding two swords in his hands…he couldn't see his face bcz of the darkness and he was covering it with cloths.

A blue eyes chine in the dark night…they resemble a fierce tiger.

"how dare you harm my mistress…do you have wish for death" a clod ice voice talk to lee xie.

'so that's her shadow guards' lee xie said to himself knitting his brows .

"are you ok your highness" Liang Zhen said after he appear next to lee xie holding his sword along with three other shadow guards.

"huhuhuhu…more company I see , so you harm my mistress and you wanna just walk like that huh!" san yue said with chill tone.

'how dare they…my mistress is red line nobody can cross it' he thought.

"insulate…how dare you talk to his highness like that…how about I give you a small lessen " one of the shadows named mong li talk with rage.

"you royal brats doesn't have a shame… haven't you" san yue said with a mockery.

The situation start losing his direction , lee xie didn't meant to harm su Lou … he was known for sure if he didn't knock her out with her strength she will break his arm.

The su family was known with their monsters strength , even lee xie with all his amazing skills couldn't beat them in strength matter.

Lee xie let a long a breath and said "look here, I didn't mean to harm miss su but she was crushing my arm and you know how strong she could be" he said with irritation.

San yue think a little then he put his swords inside his belt , the swords were the kind of soft and would become wobbe when you move it but could cut you if you touch it.

"I let go just for this time but if you dare to touch a single hair of her … you'll be dead" san yue said with firm tone

"how dare…" Liang zhen didn't finish his words when lee xie stop him.

"enough… back off" he said with chill tone.

Liang zhen along with his comrades back of putting their swords down with frustrate , even if they don't like it they still have to listen to his highness command.

San yue picked su Lou from the ground and said "good boys…you should always listen to your master…so you can't get harmed" he said with smirk then he just disappear in the dark of the night.

"your highness , why didn't you let us teach him a lesson" Liang zhen said with anger.

Lee xie glance at him then just said "retreat".

Liang zhen and the other knit their brows but they just disappear as san yue did before.

Lee xie clasp his hands behind his back and let a sigh , he did that for own good that shadow guard didn't look normal and that blood thirsty in his eyes he saw it before in his father eyes.

Lee xie was bother about something else all the time … his eye …he hope what he was thinking was wrong , but he know better than anyone who those blue eyes belong too.

'miss su how did you get a shadow guard like him' lee xie knit his brows , for moment there they could all lose their life.

"su Lou who are you really?" lee xie asked staring at the horizon but no one answer him except the silence of the night and the sound of the wind.

Inside su Lou room san yue put his mistress inside her bed and cover her with a blanket , he sat next to her playing with her smooth hair and stare at her with warm gaze.

He took one of her hair string and kissed it and said "sweet dream my little princess , big brother san yue will be always here to protect you" he said then stand and start walking toward the window and jump from it somewhere close to watch over his beloved mistress.