San yue

"Agh…my neck is killing me" su Lou said after stretching her neck.

"what happened yesterday … how did I come back to my room" su Lou wondering.

She left her bed then stretched her body a little she feel stifled then she get close to the window and said "san yue".

A man in black was standing beside her "yes Lou Lou did you call for me" he said with smile on his lips after he remove the cloth on his face.

A handsome man with blue eyes was looking at su Lou warmly , su Lou smile back and said "good morning to you too san yue" , she was used at his weird attitude all the time and she never mind it , everyone has his own unique personality so it's ok.

Su Lou walk at her bed and sat on it and said "do you mind explain how did I get to my room and why my back neck is killing me" she said then rub her back neck.

"apparently you were taking a stroll at night with lee xie.."

"his highness"


"call him…his highness"

"whatever" he said rolling his eyes with annoyance.

"and then" she could remember that.

"for some unknowing reason you start crushing his arm…pffft" he said that and start laughing...

Su Lou knit her brows and said "stop laughing and continued"

"ahem...what's there to continued , he couldn't stand the pain so he knock you down…tsk sissy" he said

Su Lou sat there blinking her eyes at san yue words and her head roam in daze.

(so I harm him…oh my god he's gonna kill me for sure this time , wait if I am right he didn't meet princess lui min yaya yet so he won't kill me yet I hope so buhuhu…I can't believed I did that , even he wouldn't kill me he will punish me after all his prince and where his dignity go…what to do! …su Lou think … I know I'll give him one of my grandpa pills and act a bit pitiful then he will forgive me right! )

San yue was looking at the changing face of su lou with amusement and said

" mistress fear nothing , do you want me to finish him…it's not that hard" he said with smirk.

Su Lou opened her mouth widely and winded her eyes , then she just stand from the bed and start beating san yue and sai

"do you wanna see me dead or what"

"ouch that's hurt" he said blocking her hands easily.

"you deserved…what if someone heard you huh"

"so what we will just shut them up"

"Ahhh!... you maniac what if anyone heard and tell on us , it's not just my head gonna role but all my family his <> after all".

San yue grab her two hands and become angry he release his deadly aura and said with chill tone while his eyes glitter with murder looks "who dare? I will kill them all , I would never let anyone touch a single hair of you".

Su Lou mouth twitched that's always happened when she manchen her getting killed , she know he meant every single word of it , she sigh and said

"san yue look at me! Am fine…see no body could harm me ok , come here big boy" then she left her two arms in the air , san yue looked at her arm then he step slowly and stand between them .

Su Lou hug him and sooth his back and said " hush sweetie…everything gonna be all right…I will be always by ur side".

san yue put his head on her shoulders and hug her tightly .

Su Lou sigh that's happen since she save him she know he have a problems , but she didn't mind after all who haven't .


"hey guys…look what I found" middle age man said

"wait am coming uncle han" a small girl with green eyes answered

There were four gown up men and small girl , their cloths were covering them from head to toe, you can't see anything from them except for their eyes , of course they have to dress like that because they were in the middle of the desert .

"what is that?" the girl asked pointing at a thing in the sand.

The object was wrapped his half was buried in the sand and the other was showing , there were a stained of blood around the ragged cloths.

"let's dig it out" she said

The four men dig around the object , when they saw the thing they all agape it was humane , it was a man his face covered with dust and blood you couldn't tell his face his chest stained with blood…someone stab him in the chest.

The aged man checked his pulse he get surprised , he turn to the group and said "he…he still alive" , who could he still alive with those serious injury and in the middle of the desert.

"let's carry him inside the tent" the girl said

"but miss , we don't know who is or where he come from" one of the other man said.

"he's right miss su" the middle age man agree with his comrade.

"I can't leave him here…uncle han you know how vexes the wolf and animals here…it's already a miracle being alive with those wounds" she said

The four men carried the unknown man to the tent , one of the man cleaned him up and changed his cloths then the little girl dressed his wound , she give him some pills and wait for him to wake up.

She did all she could and the rest up to his luck , the group of men and girl finished their mission and get back home.

All the way the girl was attending the man injuries but he never woke up , so she decided to take him with her.

At home a young girl with green eyes was sitting beside a bed cleaning the face of sleeping man .

"young miss until when you gonna attend on him , let xi xi do that" a young maid was standing beside the girl.

The girl smile at her and said "until he woke up , don't mind me go and do your work"


"No buts just go"

"oh" she nod then take her leave.

After the maid xixi left , she turned and said "you can open your eyes now she's gone".

The man open his eyes revealing a beautiful blue eyes , he looked at the girl whose smiling in front of him then try to get up and said

"Agh…who are you? And where am i?"

"slowly , your wound didn't healed yet" then she lifted him with her tiny hands and make him sat at the bed.