San yue 2

The man blinked in shock …how could a small girl like her lifted a twice weight and size of her so easily.

He said still in shock "who are you?"

"oh, hey my name is Su Lou , you can call me Lou Lou…what is yours?" she said waving her hand at him with bright smile.

"I don't have one" he avert his eyes after he talk.

"w_what , how could a big man like you doesn't have name but fear not…I'll give you one" she said then lost in deep thought.

Of course he have a name but he would never share it with strangers ; he thought , he think the little girl is funny , she must be innocence looking at her small age.

"so … where am I?" he asked after he take a quick look at the room , from the room he could tell that the place he was on his owner were rich and class.

"oh, you're in my house"

"who saved me?"

"that would be me" she said lifting her hand in the air.

He stare at her as he didn't believe her words "you … alone!?".

"of course not" she said , he nod for approval , how could a small girl be in the desert without any superior , but still why she was in that dangerous place! , he wonder.

"I applies the medicine on your wound and give you a reappearing pills but uncle han and his friends carried you" she said

then she continued "we were exploring to find rare herbs…it want well we find it after all…but you know those wolfs were fierce but fear not I handle them all" she said proudly while smiling.

"what do mean by take care of them?" he asked puzzled , he know better than anyone how could be dangerous dealing with those wolfs.

Su Lou scratched the back of her head shyly and said "it might be hard to believe but am strong…really strong and I wasn't with them I was their guide".

"what do you mean!!…how old are you?" he asked with confuse , of course he didn't believe her , but her eyes look sincere 'could it be a midget! that could explain a lot' .

As if su Lou could hear his thoughts she said "No, I am not…don't you even think about it , am just teenager with huge strength that's it" she said grinning her teeth.

"so you're not?" he ask

"of course not , beside am not the only special one here…" she said , then she looked at him and said "I was wonder…who could hurt a <>?"

He startled she identified him , how many more did too , he must get out of here .

He try to stand up but he couldn't , he feel numb he can't move his body.

"what did you do to me" he ask with irritation.

"don't worry it's for your own good , I expected that reaction from you so I decide to drug your body…you need to be cured quickly or you wanna stay in bed for another month" she said.

"what!...i been unconscious for a month"

"yes, now lay down … don't be afraid no one know that you're here , you can trust me"

"how did you know my identity ?"

"duh, gray hair . blue eyes . and weird tattoo…you fit the profile dude" she said with a mockery…"and it's my job to know, remember I told you am a guide".

"but your child"

"child your head…my family work in this job for generation now , so it wouldn't be hard for me to tell"…"so what's your story? And don't give me that s**t about don't know don't remember bcz I won't by it , now tell me" su Lou asked with sparkling eyes.

He clear his throat and turn away his head and said "it's privet matter"

"oh come on , just a little huh" she incest

"Lou Lou leave him alone" a man voice coming from outside could be heard.

"but…grandpa!" she said with frustrate.

A grey hair man enter the room , you could tell he was the man of the house from his strong stand and respected cloths , he look in good health even he was old.

The old man stand in front of them and said "my name is Su fung rui , you are in Su mansion , I see your one of the Ji Kan worrier … you can stay until you healed , you'll be safe here…but you have to tell me ur story , Lou Lou brought you here and you were lost conscious so I have no other choice … but now that you are awake" and he finished his words giving him the look.

"you know if weren't for his pills you'll be dead by now…isn't my grandpa the best" she said happily with admiration in the eyes.

Su fung rui smile at his granddaughter and pat her head , he has the most sweeties granddaughter in the world.

The man looked at them then he let a sigh he could trust them after all they saved his life , he cough and said

"my name is san yue am from ji kan tribe as you said and I get those wounds from a fight inside the tribe … every year we have that stupid contest about the next leader of the tribe and I had to participate in it…as I could you see I lost and the loser have to leave the tribe" he said with depressed.

"so ur homeless now?" su Lou asked.

"Lou Lou!" her grandpa said , he could tell he hide more than he tell but his words didn't seems a lie.

"yes , am now" he said with irritation , he never thought he could be in this status one day.

"grandpa could we keep him" she asked

"his not a stray dog Lou Lou"

"look how poor he is , he leave at street now his family abandon him"

"Lou Lou…we can't his ji kan after all".... cough ... cough

"can I join the conversation" he said , both the grandfather and the granddaughter look at him.

"please grandpa…look how obedient he is" su Lou said.

"fine … but you'll take his responsibility" he said

"yay…I know my grandpa is the best" then she give her grandpa a hug and kiss , the old man become happy and hugged her back , he only have this granddaughter and he adores her the most.

San yue mouth twitched , what a weird family … 'are all the family member as those two, they didn't even take my opinion'.

Su Lou looked at him with a smile and said "don't worries we are the less weirdest in the family but I guaranty that you will love us"

"she do that all the time , you'll get used to it" su fung rui said.

And that's how san yue joined the Su family , after his wounds healed he become really close to su Lou and he grow loving her more than anyone so he become her shadow guard.