Secret room

After su Lou chat a little bit with san yue , she decided to give lee xie a quick visit , at the study room lee xie sat behind his desk roaming on his papers work as usual when he had unexpected visitor.


"come in" he said.

Su Lou open the door with a shaky hand and grimased face , she greet lee xie with a bow an said

"your highness are you free…am mean not busy for the moment , I need to talk to you" she said.

"Sit" he utter one word pointing at the chair in front of him.

Su Lou gulped and walk toward the chair with unstable steps and sat on the chair , su Lou sat there playing with her fingers while hanging her head low.

Lee xie didn't even looked at her , not even once…after awhile he put the papers that were in his hand and leaned back at the chair and folded his hands and said with a firm voice "you can talk now" .

Su Lou gulped her saliva and said "I came to give you something…and to apologies" after she finished her words she put a small bottle on the desk.

"what is this?" lee xie said narrowing his eyes.

"it's a regenerating pills , grandpa made it…don't worry it's good we tested on a broken arms before and it worked very we…so how is your arm your highness?" she explain.

Lee xie mouth twitch , did she think she broke his arm or something like that.

Lee xie clear his throat and said "No need … take it back" and he push the bottle toward su Lou .

su Lou though that his mad at her so she panicked , she stand from her sit and kneel in front of him and grab his leg and said with teary eyes :

"am sorry … I am really really sorry…forgive me your highness…I won't do it again…I would never crush your arm again , I won't tell anyone…please buhuhuhu" su Lou said shading a tears while clinging on lee xie leg.

Lee xie get shocked he didn't expect that behavior from her , 'why she acting like that' , he only return the pills because he didn't need it.

"miss su let go of my leg , that's improper behavior" he said and reach his hands to get her away from him.

"I don't care…I won't until you forgive me…sniff_sniff" she said and clang even more at him.

Lee xie had the urge to cry but the tears won't come out , is she planning to crush his leg too.

"your highness, urgent litter from the palace" mong li said while entering the room , the scene that his facing right now made him panic , he didn't mean to disturb his highness intimate time , and mong li have a wild thoughts.

Su Lou and lee xie both of them looked at mong li , he startle he start moving around himself not knowing what to do , 'is his highness gonna punish me…but I didn't meant too' , after stumbling in his feet he decide the best is to exit the room , so he run away from the room covering his eyes and said

"am sorry for disturbing your privet time your highness" he said that while he was running.

Su Lou become confused and asked "what's wrong with him?"

Lee xie put his hand on his forehead and said "don't mind him…and you , move your hands before I get angry"

"but…but you didn't forgive me yet" she said looking at him with pitiful poor eyes.

Lee xie sigh "I forgive you , Now let go" , somehow he can't say NO to those green round puppy eyes , 'she resemble yuwa' .

"really , I know you have big heart … so you won't punish me your highness?" she asked carefully.

Why would he do that , he know she didn't do it on purpose , he sigh and said

"I won't but if you don't remove your hands I will".

Su Lou left her hand immediately and said with awkward laugh "teheh thank you your highness…I hope you leave for a thousand year and year".

Lee xie chuckle and said "get up from the floor"

"oh" and she get up , she bow and said "if you excuse me your highness" then she wanna take her leave.

"where do you think you're going?" he ask

"to my room" she answer the obvious.

"No stay here , I need you for something am gonna see that idiot mong li and come to talk to you" he said

"what should I do alone here , it's better to wait in my room and you can send for me" she said

"No it won't take along , if you bored grab some book" he said pointing at the library , then he exit the room.

Su Lou looked at his leaving back (oeay your highness aren't you trusting me too much…I mean leaving a stranger in your study room…it's not like I gonna steal something but still, I guess he trust me).

"let's see what he got here" su Lou talking to herself while roaming at the books shelf happily.

( but you have to give it to me…tehehe am good actress , he really buy it back there…it low I know but it's my life here we talking about ‪).

While su Lou was happy and proud of herself she find a book with interesting title so she pulled it but the book only leaned forward , su Lou knit her brows and put her hand again to pull it but something else happened.

Su Lou heard a sound of cracking and metal clashing to each other and the shelf start moving to the side reveling a passage , it's obviously a secret room.

Su Lou agapes and her eyes winded , she start panicking … Su Lou try her best to put the book back so the room will close but even after she do that nothing happened.

(oh my God…am done…I really didn't meant too , now he's gonna think am spying on him…please please close or am gonna be dead ‬…buhuhu why is this happening to me ).

Su Lou used her strength and tried to push the shelf from the side but he didn't badge , now she's really in big trouble.

(what to do am dead meat buhuhu).

"child come…come" su Lou heard a whispering sound coming from the inside the secret room.

"what…whose that…show yourself" she said after she crouch on the floor

(su Lou calm down it's just your imagination , nothing there right…yeah it must be)

This time su Lou heard him loud and clear .

"child come…I've been waiting for you…come" the sound become clear but hypnotizing at the sometime.

Su Lou stand from the ground and start walking into the secret room , she become like a puppet someone controlling her movement .

"good child , come to me" the sound said again

Su Lou kept walking all the way , while she was walking the torch on the wall will light up.

"good…come…my lost child…come to me" the sound urging su Lou to walk ahead .