My idol

While su lou was walking bored to death in the garden , (there is something wrong here from the morning the servants was running all over the place like chopped head chicken…what's going on here let's ask).

Su lou turned to her maid mi mi and asked "what's the matter mimi?" pointing with her finger to some running maid .

Mi mi followed her gaze she smiled and said "ah! That…his highness has a special guest".

su lou nod her head and asked "and whose might be that guest! , the manor was upside down from early this morning".

"Ah that! i heard it's <> and her husband <> , some other general" mimi said excitedly.

Su lou nod her head then she froze and said "who did you said is coming?" turned her head asking her .

"princess Mo An Ping and her…" mi mi didn't finished her words when su lou screamed "kyyyyyyaaaaa" and just take off running .

xi xi and mi mi look at each other confused then they start running after her "wait for xi xi young miss" said xi xi while running .

Su lou stopped at middle of her running then she take a turn to her room, she searched for something then she took a box and start running again.

In front of the study room su lou stood gasping for air ( calm down su lou calm down everything will alright our plan will work out , just stick to the plan and everything will be ok, now breath in ... breath out ) .

The door of the study room was opened lee xie could see su lou standing there in daze ; 'what's wrong with her now!' , he knit his brows and said "miss su is something the matter?" lee xie asked waking her from her daze .

Su lou entered the room , she bowed politely to him then said "ur highness I see that you working hard those days … it's not good for your health you know"

Lee xie knit his brows and said "that's the way it happened every day , so it's fine" he wonder why she's interested with his health , it must be something behind her sudden care.

"NO no your highness … your body should be good and take care of it , after all we have only one" … "so I told myself , Girl Lou Lou look at how his highness working hard for us , for our country ,so you have to help him a bit" she said with sparkling eyes.

Lee xie look at her puzzled he stop whatever he was doing and stare at her 'she worry about me!' he just couldn't buy it .

Su lou approach him and opened a box was in her hand, the box was full with of chocolate .

She smiled brightly and proceed talking "you may not know but scientist said that we need sugar to left our spirit and there are no better sweets than chocolate" she finished her talk closing the distance to him and offered the chocolate .

Lee xie took one peace and eat it , lee xie was looking at su lou while eating , he doesn't buy that crap she was talking about , aren't she always scare of him what with the nice gesture? , 'am sure she have something behind it , let's wait and see'.

"Can I sit your highness" she said with same smile , lee xie nod his head .

( good job Lou Lou the first step work it out . now keep calm and proceed the other steps ).

"ur highness I heard from my maid that princess Mo An Ping is coming today for diner" su lou said with sparkling eyes .

"that's right ,so?" lee xie ask.

"do you know ur highness I always think that your wise person and I think you take it from your aunt princess An ping" she said with serious face while nodding her head.

"get to the point miss su" lee xie start to feel a headache .

Su Lou sit on the edge of the chair clasping both hands in pleading way using her puppy dog eyes and said "can I join the diner ur highness".

Lee xie look at her and said "No , that's won't happen" while shaking his head.

Su lou get frustrate and said "but why , I promise I would be obedient , you won't feel me there, I swear".

"it's still a NO and why you wanna attend the dinner?" he asked.

"good question your highness … after you know you'll change ur mind" she said

she take a deep breath and said "you know ur highness I was in love with princess An ping for years" .

Lee xie knit his brows and frown 'she had been in love with my aunt for years! What kind of girl would say that?'.

Su Lou thought it come out wrongly so she shake her hand and hurried to corrected she said "that's not what I mean … I like MEN , am women of course I like men … not all men you know!__wait that's even worse ,URGH that's not the point here".

Su Lou took deep breath and calmed herself and said "princess An ping is my Idol, yeah that's it…thank God I get it right this time"

Lee xie was looking at her flopping over the place , of course he get what she was saying but it was quite funny seeing her like that .

Lee xie exhale then he said "the answer is still No, there will be other guests beside my aunt , you can't attend".

Su Lou get desperate she has to attend that dinner no matter what so she give it her best shot and said :

"you don't understand ur highness it's might be my last chance to meet her, you know she royalty and am commoner , did you know ur highness I even bought her old armor from auction , that armor was used to defeat liang zou kingdom , I heard that she killed hundred soldiers with one blow using her golden spear , she even …blab la bla"

Su Lou wouldn't stop talking about princess An Ping achievements , lee xie get a headache he can feel her inside his head he start massaging his temples .

"stop talking , she's my aunt I know all of that , and my answer still NO" he said glaring at her.

Su Lou get it , with all those big figure she has no place , so she stand up and bowed sadly then she said "I understand ur highness" then she take her leave.

( they all looked down on me bcz am commoner , I just want to meet my idol what's the big deal…would it kill him if he say Yes for once … stingy man ).

The look she give it to lee xie while she was leaving was resembling abandon puppy in a raining night , how can you said "No" to that face , 'urgh just this time' , lee xie told himself.

Su Lou was walking slowly sulking with sorry look when she heard

"wait" lee xie said ; su lou turned around waiting for him with hope .

"I know am gonna regret this but if you do something bad or ashamed me in any how … you do know what am going to do with you right" lee xie said scratching his head with annoying stare.

Su Lou face lit up she nod her head happily and said :

"I'll be obedient , you won't even feel me there , I know ur the best ur highness" she said then she made a hard turn that she almost fall on her face.

Su Lou flap her hands like newly born bird , she took a moment to balance herself , she smile awkwardly and bowed to him and start walking this time still in happy mood , if it wasn't for lee xie and the servant watching she's gonna dance her happy dance .

Lee xie shake he's head and proceed his work .

"xi xi where are you … we have a lot of thing to do and we have no time" she said loudly to her maid .

"am here young miss" xixi said next to her.

"Ah ur here hurry hurry we have no time" then she take her hand and run with her all the away to her room .

'It's ok to have someone you admire but isn't she over reacting , I know my aunt is great but still , is this the one am gonna take with me to tien chen mountain could I even count on her' , lee xie though knitting his brows.

Inside a large room there were two maid looking dumbfound to their mistress flipping her closet throwing all the dresses on all over the place .

"No_ to showy ,to small , to bright , what's that even doing in here" a young girl at her teenage was throwing the dresses everywhere.

" mmm_those two doesn't look bad" she said nodding her head ; then she turned to her maids showing one blue dress in one hand and another pink one in the other hand .

"I think the blue dress will make you look elegant and cut your figure greatly" xi xi explain to her mistress happily .

Yep that mistress was su lou picking up her dress for the diner , actually su lou has big crush on princess An Ping because she's the only women in that era who did what she want and fight for what's right .

even she was from royal family that didn't stop her she become the first explorer and general at her eighteen and lead the soldiers to the battlefield and win it … heck she even propose to her husband general Mo chen ; she was so cool or that what su lou thought.

"what do you think mi mi?" su lou asked .

" I go with what sister xi xi said , the blue one will suite you" mi mi answer.

Su lou look at the two dresses then she throw the blue one and said nodding "the pink it is".

"Now let's get to the jewels….." su Lou said with sparkling eyes .

And like that they spend the evening between dresses jewels and make up grooming su lou.