My Princess

In the evening lee xie was waiting for his guest at the entrance of the hall way , lee xie squeeze his eyes looking at the fluffy pink thing running toward him at ultimate speed , when that fluffy pink thing stopped in front of him he knit his eyebrows .

'What did she do to herself' lee xie frown .

"Am not late right your highness" she said while gasping for air .

then she take a long breath then stand straight and said "what do you think your highness" she said while showing her dress .

Lee xie look at her from head to toe he never saw her dressing up like that before , she always wearing a simple robe with deem color and her hair always hang as pony tail she never put any make up like other girls on her age … today she was really beautiful to extant that lee xie couldn't take his eyes from her, she was like dull … literally .

Su Lou was wearing pink dress with fluff it was decorated with 3D flower … she loose her hair at the two sides of her shoulders and there was a cute bang covered her eyebrows … su Lou put some kind of makeup made her eyes even bigger they were shining like stars.

lee xie subconsciously looked at her plump rosy lips and swallow his saliva , they were seductive he had urge to touch them … 'she really look beautiful and tempting … damn she even put perfume what's this smell a vanilla' , su Lou look cute yet beautiful in weird combination even the oblivious lee xie feel something at that moment .

When su Lou didn't get any answer she said "your highness are you ok ?, your face doesn't look good".

After hearing su Lou word lee xie wake up from his daze , he look at her with his cold ruby eyes and said "why are you dressing like that?".

Su Lou look at herself, she thought she was beautiful did she put a lot of makeup, su Lou thought while touching her face.

"are you meeting your Lover or your Idol ?" he ask with frosty tune , he didn't know why but he didn't like her dressing like that for anyone even it was his aunt.

Su lou let a sigh and said "so it's not my look good then" she said then take a breath of fresh air and said :

"what do you know! , man are so ignorant human , I had to make a good impression … after all that's our first meeting" .

'That's not how to dress for your idol especially her idol is women , did she gonna meet somebody after the diner or she have crush on some other guest!', lee xie glance at her 'I think I should keep an eye on her' he take noted for later .

After a while the guests arrived , prince Rong lee xie welcomed them and he introduce su lou to them as his guest then Vera-versa.

Su lou caped her hands to her side then she bow slightly to them and said "am honored to meet our nation heroes" she did it smoothly like she wasn't the same nervous girl before.

Lee xie look at her with deep eyes 'Tsk , she never give me that formal greet , this girl really does keep surprising me', lee xie glance at the guests if he wasn't looking at them right now , he would thought that there is a young handsome man between them .

There were three guests one of them was "princess An ping" she was on her early forty but she doesn't look old she was wearing a simple green hanfu and her hair was half braid and the other half was lose she wasn't that beautiful either but she has her own charm , from one look you can tell how charismatic she was.

standing beside her husband general Mo chen he was a man at his fifty with thick black beard and strong body he was wearing brown shirt with pants that put in his boots .

next to him was ex general Zang yu , he look like a wise man with his white beard and white attire.

After they exchange the greeting they get inside the main hall , they start entering the room lee xie was walking after them .

su Lou just stood there with mixed feeling , when lee xie couldn't feel her behind him he turn around to find her dancing a weird happy dance .

su Lou was flopping her hair and throwing her hand in the air while cycling in circle murmuring some words "I finally met her … and she smile to me, la-la",

lee xie think 'did everybody lose their head when they met their idols' he shook his head and pulled su Lou from her daze and said "am too old for that nonsense" and walk with her to the main hall .

they all sit around a tea table it was around and big su Lou sat next to lee xie to his left side while princess An ping sat next to her husband facing them and general zang yu sat next to lee xie in his right side ; it wasn't that dark yet so the servants pour them a green tea .

After they drink their tea they start conversation about court and the daily talk about the decision of the emperor make about the rebellion tribes … ect .

Su Lou was just sitting there looking at them with owe while sipping her tea but the most one she was looking at it was princess An Ping , she was stilling a glance every while here and there , some time she just stare at her without blinking , general Mo chen saw that but he didn't think much .

After the tea time was over they moved to the dining room they sat as the same position as before , the maids serve the diner , there were all kind of goody rousting duck , ginseng soup ,lamb meet… but su Lou couldn't care less she just picked up bowl of rice and start eating it , of course she was stealing a glimpse from princess An ping .

( wahh…am sitting with my idol in the same table…we even having dinner together…am the luckiest girl on the world ,‬‪ in your face Jinni I met my idol and you did not…kyyyyaaaa )

Jinni was su Lou friend in her previous life , they share the same obsessed to the novel and the characters .

"prince Jin what do you think about what happen at the border last time" general zing yu said.

"I think we should take our precaution form "tie wei" tribe , even they are small tribe but they got a good warriors and they don't have any allays" lee xie said while eating .

Princess An ping nod her head and said "that's true the last time they even band with "shi mei" tribe by marriage just to get a new weapons from them"

An ping husband Mo chen nudge his wife and whisper to her "wife I think you have admire" of course they all heard him .

Princess An ping didn't understand but lee xie did he took a glance at su Lou… the current su Lou was hanging her head low and eating her rice like she is been starving for years.

Su Lou face was red as tomato , princess An ping look at her then she smiled 'such cute child' she thought .

Lee xie knit his brows , he feel if she keep going to eat like that she's gonna chock to death .

Lee xie close the meet lamb to her and said "eat slowly and eat more meat" .

su Lou nod her head to him then she continued eating .

Lee xie open another subject about war with the barbaric tribe then they all forgot about her .

After a while general zang yu get curious about su Lou then he asked her "young lady was ur last name "Su" by any chance are you related to marquise Su Fung Rui!" all of them now was looking at su lou .

Su Lou put her chopstick and answer respectably "yes general zang , Marquise su fung rui is my grandfather".

" I know I saw those green eyes somewhere before hohoho" he said while laughing , then he ask again "so how is that old grumpy man?".

"he still grumpy as al… I mean his fine , thank you for your concern " su lou put her hand on her mouth after saying that.

"what!!"general zang yu said then he burst laughing at su lou word not just him but everybody else ; su lou felt ashamed her face become red she lowered her head , her and her big mouth she thought.

"miss su I can feel that you have something to say to my wife" general Mo chen said mischievous .