My Princess 2

Princess An ping look at her husband and said "stop teasing the poor little girl".

But he won't stop and said with firm and loud voice "so…speak up little girl".

his voice startle su Lou and due to her nervous she stand up suddenly and said with loud voice "I love you princess An ping , could you be my princess" .

there was pin-drop in the room everybody was looking at su lou without blinking then the two general look at each other and they start wholing from laughing out loud .

lee xie put his right hand on his face , he know it that stupid girl gonna ashamed him.

while princess An ping was blinking at su Lou words she said slowly "w-h-a-t?" she can't digest what she just heard .

Su lou sober up and her face become red as boiling shrimp in hot pin , she never felt that embracement before and in front her idol on top of that , she bowed her head then she said "excuse me" and start running to the door.

"come back little girl you have to explain ur self first" general Mo chen said while laughing his heart out.

Of course su lou won't stop for any reason she just gonna find a whole for herself to hide in it.

Princess An Ping look at prince rong lee xie and said "lee xie what is the meaning of this!".

Lee xie let a sigh and scratch his forehead and said "she's one of your Fan , from what I heard from her before she even could passably be the First ranked fan of yours … she even buy your old armor from auction" .

"really they sale that old armor and she even buy it" Mo chen said propping his chin … "so how did it cost her?" Mo chen ask.

"I think she said thousand gold ingots or something like that" lee xie answer.

General Mo che eyes pop out "t_thousand gold ingots…for that old crappie armor…wife we should start selling your other armors"

"that's not the point here … I would never thought that a sweet and cute little girl like her could be my admire … they usually been a soldiers or feisty girls" princess An ping said with surprise on her eyes , the two general nod for agreement they know that better than anyone .

"you know darling from the way she was looking at you if she wasn't adorable little girl … I would think she's my love rival" Mo chen said giving a naughty smile to his wife .

princess An ping hit him lightly and said "stop it old man hehe… No seriously that was a first" she said looking at lee xie.

"I can't imagine ur rival would be a little girl with fluffy pink dress buhahaha" general zang yu said then both of them burst laughing again.

Lee xie finally talk "don't undersmate that little girl did you forgot whose her grandfather!…beside she inherited his poison skill and even his strength".

The two old men stop laughing and looked at lee xie with puzzled look "you mean that little girl is strong as her grandfather in his youth" general zang yu ask , lee xie nod .

"and she has her grandfather poisoning skill !" this time Mo chen talk.

Lee xie nod again and said "she even recognized yuwa kind of poison and saved her life".

"that little pink fluffy girl _really!?" Mo chen said with surprised in his eyes.

"En" lee xie said.

They all look at the opening door where su lou have gone with owe.

After they finish the diner they head to the main hall to drink some tea , princess An ping exhale then she said "where is that little girl room , I think I need to talk to her after all I have been in her age , I know how she feels ".

Lee xie appreciate his aunt thoughtful gustier and ask someone from his maids to lead her to su lou room.

Su Lou was leaning on her bed feeling how pathetic she was (she will think am idiot … how can I do those embarrassing things ).

There was a knock on the door su lou shouted "I told you to leave me alone xixi".

" I don't know whose xi xi but that definitely not my name" there was woman voice coming from the close door.

Su Lou jumped from her bed to open the door she knows who's the honor of the voice.

"Princess An ping what are you doing here?" su lou said after she opened the door.

"Am I not welcomed here" she said teasing here.

"Of course not … come in please" gesturing her to enter.

After they sit on the side couch there were an awkward silence , to break the ice su lou asked her shyly "do you wanna drink some tea".

"I already did" she said.

"Oh , I know you need some sweet , I have the best thing for you my princess" su Lou jumped from her place to get object from her side table.

Su Lou get her famous box of chocolate while beaming with happiness , princess An ping chuckled when she saw the excitement in su lou eyes 'such cute child , I was like her once , uhh youth'.

Su lou get the box in front princess An ping , she opened and said "taste it , I can guaranty that you never eat something like that before" she said proudly .

Princess An ping chuckled then she take one peace and tasted "emm, the taste is soft and delicious and there is sweet savory , what is this ?" her eyes light up she really never taste something like that before .

"it's called chocolate" su lou answer happily .

"where can I buy this sweets" she asked.

"You can't … I invented it … I think am gonna open a store and sold it to the first class…maybe" su lou utter , she was thinking about that for awhile now.

"Really! I think am gonna be the first client then" princess An ping said smiling.

"I'll be honored , I was that close to get the emperor too … if not for that big baboon" su lou said with angry face .

Princess An ping rise her eyebrows she heard about the accident that happened to the commander An , to the public they said he was injured protecting the emperor from attempting of assassination , to save commander An dignity but the closed one known the truth .

'don't tell me the rumors was true…that's mean what lee xie said was true too' princess an ping thinking while looking at su Lou in new light .

She looked at su lou and asked "did you by any chance was the one who do that to commander An!!".

Su lou get panic "it was not my fault , he was so annoying … and I didn't punch him that hard … who knew he was that weak" .

Princess An ping rise her eyebrows as if she saying 'Really'.

Su lou get even nervous "he said am bad influence to my hua I mean princess yuwa … he even said am witch … and and he mock my high , and said am gonna assassinate the emperor" su lou was babbling nonstop .

"calm down I just asked , so you really did punch him " princess an ping said hiding her laugh , who would think that can come up from such cute fluffy girl.

"he get on my nerve , he should be thankful I didn't poison him to death; it's not like am gonna do it but still…" su Lou put her hand on her mouth she did it again , her big mouth strike again .

'we shouldn't underestimate that little girl strength , I heard she leaved him as sac of bones , he was lucky he didn't die and all of that under one punch , she's really marquise su fung rui granddaughter , her grandfather was a monster in his youth , the only disappointment was that he doesn't care for politic or military ; he just want to built a peaceful family , I guess he succeed in that after all' princess An ping lost on her thoughts .

Su lou saw her straying on her thought so she said her nicely "my princess , can I ask you some question"

"En" she said.

"did you really beat a hundred soldiers with ur golden spear alone" su Lou said while her eyes were sparkling .


"wow ,that was so cool" su lou said excitedly .

Princess An ping chuckle and said "what else you want to know?"

Su lou felt happy but then she get blushed "it's kind of personal question" she said shyly .

"it's ok , just ask" she said.

Su lou eyes light up and asked right away "did you really was the one who propose to general Mo chen?".

Princess An ping nod her head , su lou eyes pop out "waoh … ur really my idol , ur so cool".

Princess An ping laugh lightly and said "did you have someone you like little one" ; su lou nod her head shyly .

"I see; are you lovers?" she asked again.

Su lou shake her head , princess an ping look at her "did he even know that you like him".

Su lou then nod and shake her head .

"is that YES or NO ; don't confuse this old lady here" she said joking .

Su lou panic and start babbling again "your still young and beautiful my princess … he _we know each other and we have good relationship , he always been nice to me , but I didn't confess to him yet".

"do I know him , is he close to lee xie" princess an ping said testing the water.

Su Lou looked at her then she nod her head shyly .

'ohh so it's lee xie! … I think she's just shy to tell me' princess an ping misunderstood and thought su lou was talking about prince rong lee xie while su lou was talking about general chang yulun, they were friend after all that's what she mean when she said she know him.

'I think they will look good together' so she try to encourage her "I think you should tell him , he will not gonna reject you" princess an ping said to her with warm smile.

"you think that too , I was thinking to invite him to some fancy restaurant in romantic weather then confess to him, what do you think my princess " su lou explain with sparkle on her eyes.

'I think that gonna be hilarious hehehe but still , I really wanna see lee xie face at that moment' princess an ping chuckle for her inner thoughts .

she cleared her throat and said "I think that's gonna be a good idea".

"Really I thought so too" su lou said happily.

After some more girly chatting princess an ping bid su lou good bye.

At the entrance all man was waiting for princess an ping to get home .

"did you blend well with ur Fan" general Mo chen said joking .

"En , such nice child" she said then she turn to lee xie and said "if she confess to you don't hurt her ok, she's sensible girl , you have to treat her well".

Lee xie get confused "what are you talking about aunt?".

"you'll now soon, I know ur cold man but if you hurt her am gonna kick ur a**" she said while patting his shoulder.

Then she walk to her husband and walk with him to their carriage , "you like her darling , aren't you?" her husband ask with smirk.

"such nice girl she reminded me of myself when was young " she said after letting a sigh.

"hohoho _ I still remember those days…." They kept chatting until their carriage despaired .

lee xie was standing there in daze 'what did that dummy told my aunt? well I guess I'll know soon as she said' , he shrug his shoulder and walk to his room to get some rest .