You're not qualified

Su lou froze at first then she felt she's been somehow suffocated her breath become hitched and she start opening and closing her mouth to talk but she couldn't find the right words .

she pulled herself together and calmed down , lee xie was looking at her changing behave all the time when he saw her calmed down he though she maybe was happy after all who wouldn't married a prince and be his princess on top of that , he wouldn't mind marry her she's not that bad .

yes there were much better choice than her , lee xie saw women as a disturb and a hustle he wouldn't marry more than one , he wasn't at hurry to get married too but if he must … he would do it anyway .

That was lee xie thinking but su lou next word made him discover a new side of her he didn't see it before, and that side made every single though he had crashed on a hard rock.

Su lou exhale and said with cold tune "what big honor to think the lowly me can married the prince Jin himself , "THE PRINCE of WAR" … WOW , I would be the most lucky girl in the country , women would be killing to have that position , wait do I get to be the main wife or the concubine….never mind , just standing in your shadow would be all right" then she finished with big bright smile and a bow.

Lee xie frown he could feel her sarcastic and mocking tune, but he has to ask "what do you mean by that?".

Su lou smile disappear and all you can see her cold face now she's talking serious "do you think I would jump with happiness that you give me some charity by marring you"

"that's not wh_"

She cut his word saying "it's not you who would or not marrying me ,I wouldn't marry you no matter what"

Lee xie get pest "what do you mean by that?"

"prince rong lee xie _ "PRINCE JIN" , what do you have qualification to be my husband , let's remove ur title a side and your skill as "Prince of war" too , those require at court or in battlefield , we don't need it at home"

Lee xie tightened his grips on su lou hand and said in cold voice "are you looking down at me"

Su lou chuckles and said "as prince of course not your my rule model"


"BUT as man and husband you're not" su lou saw the confuse in his eyes when he ask "what's the deferent?".

she sigh and said "let me explain, am looking for a husband not a position or fame or statue, I know you feet most girls profile … but not me"

"I wanna man would love me for me, man can calm me when am nerves shield me from any danger, heal my broken heart, he would always hug and kiss and love me only me … it doesn't matter if he is poor I have money _ heck I own half of the capital stores , I have money could last for both of us for next fifty years ,and it's my money not my family , I know am strong and have skills but still … I need man make me feel protective all the time , safe in his nestle"

"I could do that" lee xie said without thinking.

"pfft ….NO you can't , first of all ur prince ur position will be always ur biggest obstacle to have those , ur wife would always have to be strict by the royalty rules , you'll be at war at any time and ur poor wife have to leave in fear of losing you at any time …am not cursing you am stating a fact and the most important thing I want a warm man you're so cold I bet you couldn't feel anything in that heart of yours"

"am not that cold"

"yes you are, you even been cold to your niece…huff my poor hua she lost her mother at young age her father couldn't give her love just so he can protect her from her stepmother who try to kill her at every corner and her only shelter is iceberg" she said it in one breath.

"no , that's not true I always protect her and gifted her all she want"

"exactly you gifted her, she's already a princess she doesn't need any thing she want your hug , a warm smile from you , to dine with her sometime , I bet you never dine with her because you always busy"

He can't deny that he always busy.

"see you think am right"… "just answer that question ok " lee xie looked at her then he nod.

"Ok , could you take ur wife to camp at night to see the stars…" he was to say yes then su lou said "ALONE _no guards, no fear of assassination attempt in any moment" lee xie knit his brows together he couldn't do that … EVER .

Su lou nod then she said "let's forgot about that it's not that important any way"

"could you kiss and hug ur wife every day … I know it's easy task for any man ,but... his the trick ,could you do that with love!? a real love" lee xie get aback by her words he can married and have a sexual life with his wife but he can't guarantee he would love her, most of the royalty get marriage for the background or complete offspring , love never been their first choice .

Looking at his face the answer was "NO" she wasn't blaming him that what was happening all the time in the royalty or nobles.

"now answer of that question and we are done" lee xie nod

"I know what am gonna to say is little harsh but bear with it please" lee xie nod his head again.

"would you prefer a marriage like your parents or like what I want a simple happy and a normal one?"

lee xie got shocked by her question it wasn't hard one it just he never thought of it , what su lou was saying wasn't wrong ,who would want to leave in stress and fear for his rest of life , if he want to look seriously at what she said before he really hasn't any qualification to be a true loving husband , he couldn't blame her for wanting a peaceful life , he would take it if he could too , but that was privilege he could never have.

After a while lee xie let go of su lou and helped her to get up, he felt defeated he never felt that before.

Su lou look at him then sigh "please don't give me that look , like am wronged you"

"No it's not that , what you said was true" he said

"I know I am right , beside you have to thank your royal blood"

"for what?"

"because if it was someone else I would make San yue slash him to hundred pieces for insulting me" she finished talking with big scary smile , lee xie had a Goosebump all over his body.

he felt scare for his first time since so long a long time , she said it with half joking but he could tell she was not kidding ,she would really could kill him even when she was under him he could tell she wasn't using her full power .

she was restrict her strength so she wouldn't hurt him ; his royalty after all and as she said his blood weight a lot 'I guess she was doing it for her family so they can't get any harm; of course harming royalty could drag all her nine generation to be executed'.

That exactly what su lou was thinking about ; her family was her bottom line she wouldn't make them get hurt because of her , not after what they shower her of love and kindness that she never had in her previous life.

"I think we lost them" she said cutting his thoughts , then she looked left-right then right-left .

"I know the place , I can take us to the main street , we just have to walk for a quarter of hour "

lee xie know she's telling the truth so he just said "lead the way please" .

While they was walking down the road lee xie couldn't helped to look at su lou back and recall every word she said to him .

he never thought a little girl like her could think so deep about marriage and building a family, he feel ashamed , he was at this age and couldn't think like her , he has a bad experience of marriage from his family but that should motivate him to leave a better life not to married out of whimp ; 'I really feel ashamed'.

After awhile they get to the main street as su lou said , they found that the prince guards were looking for them , so they just take a carriage and head to the prince manor .

At the prince manor they agreed to check on yuwa so they head to her room to find her sleeping peacefully at the bed while san yue was standing on the shadow guarding her.

"how is she ?" su lou asked with low tune.

"she's fine, she just fall asleep after a busy long day" there were a cold husky voice coming from the corner of the room it was san yue voice.

Lee xie really had no idea what to think of him , if not for his high skills he could never detect him.

After checking at yuwa the three of them head to his own way lee xie to his study room and su lou and san yue to her courtyard to take rest after all it was a long and busy day .