Another broken heart

At the study room lee xie was passing throw his document as usual ; the only problem was that he couldn't concentrate at all , he keep repeating su lou act and word all the day , how she was with yuwa smiling , how she was dealing with young master Mo 'is he….No _No , he's not her type of man , but she said she want a normal and a nice one , but then she said he want him to be strong', ' yes that's why she choose yulun , but then yulun is general he could go to war' , 'but ….. his a nice guy and gentlemen on top of that , I know him well' .

Prince rong lee xie was in battle of thoughts he was lost _confused and depressed , his though was broken by knock on the door .

it was mong li to give him a report about the assassination , lee xie just nod his head and stay there hearing what mong li have to say but his mind was somewhere else .

"your highness I think we should deal with the Xing tribe they don't fear us any more ,they been expanding their territory , they even ally with other tribe" … "they become stronger every day ... bla bla...." mong li said after he finished his report.

"your highn…."

"your highness you hear me ….."

"your highness …"

"what are you screaming for" lee xie said glaring at mong li.

Mong li lower his head and murmured "I was calling for while , but your…" he just eat his last word after he feel a chill coming from lee xie.

Lee xie sigh then he get up from his sit "prepare the carriage we going to general chen yulun manor"

"yes , your highness" mong li said , 'it's good idea general chen yulun can help his highness with the Xiang tribe' ; little he know that's not the reason that lee xie was going there for.

At the general manor the defense minister has cross road with prince rong lee xie they do the usual salute then lee xie asked about yulun ; his father sigh then said "that young man what should I do with him" then he look at lee xie confused eyes and said "someone come take prince Jin to yulun room"

Then he pat lee xie shoulder and murmured "I hope you can knock some sense on him" then he bow curtsied to lee xie then he take his leave while shaking his head .

Lee xie was more confused now, since when they meet at his room ; well they do that when they were children after all they were buddies , and there family been supporting the royal family for five generation until now ; and what with defense minister expression .

A servant bow to lee xie then he lead him to yulun room , lee xie dismissed the servant then he open the door to find the room pitch black smells like alcohol ; he walk to the window and opened the curtains .

"Argh … to bright" yulun said with irritate.

Lee xie turned to find yulun sitting on the couch while hold on to the battle of wine in his hand, lee xie knit his brows he never saw yulun in that kind of state not even in his mother funeral .

Yulun squeeze his eyes then he opened them slowly "lee xie is that you .

"apparently , and why you're drunk like that?" he asked

"oh _huh …. Do you want drink" yulun said while lifting the bottle

"No,thanks" then he grab a cheer and sat in front of yulun

"so, what's the matter?" lee xie cross his legs and asked

"lee xie …. I hurt her badly" he said with a shaky voice and he take a sip of the wine "she's so frail and beautiful as butterfly" then he smile at some passing though

Lee xie scratched his fort head and let sigh "who are we talking about again".

"my beloved" then he smiled goofily


Then yulun looked at lee xie questioning eyes and said "a woman tehehe …. My butterfly "

" ….. you really drank aren't" then he stand up and take the wine from yulun hand "no more drinks for you" then he walks to the door opened and told the servant to make some tea so he can wake up.

He sat again and give yulun cup of water , he drink it then sat up right, after a while the servant served the tea , they are alone again in the room .

"better" lee xie said to him


"now do you mind telling me what's happening with you" lee xie said while sipping his tea.

Yulun lower his head looking at his cup then said "lee xie am bad man"

"you_a bad man!!!" lee xie chuckles he could be a bad man not yulun , yulun was a gentle person he's good to everyone even to his servant never do bad deeds he was up-right man .

"yes , I am , i hurt her badly , you should saw the look at her eyes while I rejected her … she_she looked like her world crashed on hard rock" then he tightened his grips on the cup of tea ; then a drop of tear fall in the cup .

Lee xie saw that his eyes get widened 'is he ….crying'

"you know , the first time I saw her I thought it was a big joke , I said to her with a mocking tune ' what a little girl like you doing in a big scary forest like that ?' , she didn't say anything to me she just stood there smiling in top of the hill, her sweet smile make me light headed , I couldn't stop looking at her"

'Is he talking about her!!!' lee xie knit his brows together then he keep sitting there listening at yulun story.

"I always thought should be delicate and protected , not because I look down on them it's just the way that they were frail looking at my mother weak body , but she prove me wrong …" he take a deep breath and continued.

"she was small and cute with beautiful face but also strong _ wise _and big head think of every think a head" then he smile to her picture in his head.

"you know she saved my life back there multiple time , I was started to get depressed 'how can big general like me been saved by a little girl' that what I was thinking that time hehehe"

"she saw that and didn't mind it at all ,she just keep doing her job with big smile without any judgment about me , I could see it in her eyes , she never look down on me , and there is one day my man ego pock up and I burst at her, do you know what she did?" lee xie shook his head.

"she didn't say a word , she just walk away from me so I could calm down, when it's noon she come at me with food and cup of wine her smile never leave her lips, I was ashamed I know I was at wrong but I couldn't say anything to her, she sat next to me at the ground eating her food"….

"Then she said : general don't take it to ur heart , it's not your fault… well maybe 50 % …30 ….20….fine 5% and that's Final I can't help you anymore"

I was shocked by her words she was joking in time like that with a man who insulted her for doing her job , I really was depressed , and her next words didn't help either it make me feel worst she said with the same smile

"you're not the first one who did that to me" I froze she must thinking am jerk but to my surprise she didn't she was even laughing she said "you know there was a client ; a young man with hot blood at first he thought it was ok because he pay for it but I could feel his irritate , and then I did something make him faming with anger I thought his gonna have a heart attack hahahaha…"

She stopped laughing then she looked serious and said "at that moment I just was thinking how to save his life , so I lifted him in bridle position and start running with him …..Pfttttt , I could never forget his face it was funny hahahaha" then I couldn't hold my laugh then we start laughing together .

"am sorry" yulun said .

"it's ok , it's not ur fault I always act without thinking , I just take my job more seriously , my clients life is my top priority so I would never hesitate to take action and you see where we are ,this place won't give you a second chance"

"I know it's hard for a great general like you been in battlefield to be saved by a little girl like me….But_Hey you should be thankful I didn't carried you the same way as him…." they looked at each other then they burst out laughing again.

"After that we get along and when the mission ended , we separated but we kept meeting with coincidence at first but then I liked sitting and talking to her and …. I start to create a chances to meet her, she didn't mind at first she saw me as friend, then we fall for each other, she was my perfect mate , I want to married her as soon as possible " yulun let out a shaky breath.

"ok , that sound good , then what's the problem?" lee xie said with big question marked above his head .

"my father happened"

"what's the defense minister have to do with anything" lee xie knit his brows.

"she's a commoner and I …. my father want me to married a women with good background so she can supported me"

"and you want to married her as ur main wife"


"so what did he do"

"at first he just warned me but after we keep meeting , he start to harassed her by sending some man to sabotage her work , she didn't think much bcs she was strong and have a good reputation"

"he really did that??" lee xie couldn't believe what was hearing .

"Shocking right, the up-right defense minister, he thought she was seducing me while the truth I was stalking her, it was me who fall for her first … me it was me …" talking sadly then he hold his head in his hand.

Lee xie didn't know what to say his best friend was in braking state bcs of love but he couldn't do anything about it, it's not that he doesn't want to help ,it just doesn't had any experienced before and as su lou said he was a cold man.

"is the women you talking about…. Su lou" lee xie asked carefully , he was hope some how she wasn't.

Yulun lifted his head and said surprisingly "how did you know?"

Lee xie leaned back at his cheer and let a long shaky breath "that does explain a lot".

"She told you?"

"No, not exactly"… "keep going what happen latter"

"later on with my father pressure and threatening me to hurt her and her family , I start to reduce my meeting with her but then she started to search for me, I was always giving her excused"…. "until yesterday ; she send someone to asked me meeting her at the Zang , at first I thought I shouldn't meet with her but ….Huff I missed her smile and her sweet scent , I didn't think much and just meet her"

"she was fully dress up , she looked like princess , my beautiful butterfly" then he knit his brows together and pout, then he looked at lee xie with a sad smile .

"lee xie am coward she was braver than me , she was there to confess her love to me and she said … to live her last day with me … me a coward that couldn't even defended her against my own father"

"you're not a coward , it just…" lee xie couldn't find the word.

"hehe … don't bother , I am a coward and useless man too" … "you know when she confess I was so happy the happiest man at earth but then…." .