Broken Wing

"you look beautiful today" yulun said to su lou with a big smile , 'she so beautiful my butterfly , I want to hug and kiss her'…then he shake his head 'what are you saying yulun focus".

" Thanks general you look handsome too " su lou said with blush and bright smile.

"what did I said about my name" he said half angry half smiling.

"sorry, it's just old habit of mine" she said while sticking a little of her tongue out.

'Aghh , I really want to hug her ,she's so cute' , 'control yulun control' , then he clear his throat and say "let's sit" , they sat together and the waitress poured them their meal they eat silently and awkwardly ; after they finished ther lunch they served some ginger tea with some snacks, it was su lou favor tea .

"so how's been everything" he said

"good , I guess" (it feel awkward , I hate that kind of atmosphere , I don't know what to say , huff_huff calm down su lou I, you need to be strong , fighting).

Then su lou pulled all her courage and start talking with red face "general … I mean yulun hehe ; I have something I need to tell you about"

Yulun put his cup of tea and put all his attention at what su lou want to say and said "yes please" with a serious face.

(you making harder to me if you gonna keep looking at me like that )… she let breath of air and then said with shaky tone "Yulun I like you" ..; yulun wont to said something he was shocked he know she liked him but he didn't expect her to confess to him first.

Su lou put her hand in the air stopping him from talking "let me finish please, at first I saw you as friend but then after every meeting with each other and how sweet you was treating me , I start to think of you in spare time then at night then every moment"… "whenever I think of you my heart can't stop beating loudly just like now…s_oo what do you think" she finished with shy red face as tomato .

Yulun all the time she was talking his heart was beating like drum he was feeling happy he felt that he was in the nine sky on the cloud , she was feeling the same way as him he could felt before but he wasn't sure but now she make it official ; yulun didn't think much in the heat of the moment he just stand up and brought su lou between his arms and give her a big hug; he want to do that for awhile now; 'my butterfly like's me too' he hug her tight and rest his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes savoring this moment forever.

Su lou was shocked at first but then she hugged him back with big smile and rest her head in his chest (I guess he like me too ) then she start her happy dance mentally.

After awhile su lou start talking "yulun let's get married huh; I think we know each other for awhile now and we even like each other , what do you think"

Yulun was so immersed in his though so he just said "En" , su lou was so happy she can't stop her heart from beating that hard , she was a fried that she goona have a heart attack before she could married yulun; little she know yulun next word won't stopped her heart but it will broke it to pieces .

Suddenly yulun saw his father face at the study room threaten him to hurt su lou and her family if they didn't broke up with her and he know better that his father always honored his word ; his eyes flew open with panic expression ; he must protect his beloved lou lou no matter what even if has to broke her heart.

He catch su lou shoulders and moved her from his chest gently ; when he look at her face he got pang in his heart she was looking at him with full smile and sparkly eyes those eyes field with love and admiration ... so warm , the most beautiful green eyes he ever saw , he knit his brows 'you make it hard if you stare at me with this face'… 'am sorry but I have to do that for your own good'.

"lou lou"

"En" said with bright smile.

"am sorry , if I made you misunderstanding" he said with serious face.

"what do you mean!!!"… "ohhh_ I know did I rushed talking about marriage while I just confessed my feeling to you?"

"No , it's not that" she really make it hard for him

"then what's it?" looking at him confusingly

"lou lou you get it wrong , I never saw you like that" he said after let a sigh

"like what?" su lou start to get panic (No_no_no I must get it wrong , he definitely didn't mean what I think, No su lou you have to be positive).

"You're a nice person and a great friend and …sister" su lou heart skip a bite she couldn't hear his last word ; she knew what's those words means , she just doesn't want to believed .

Su lou woke up at the word "sister" ; "pfff … oh my god yulun ur joke… it's not funny" she said while laughing

But just keep looking at her with knit brows and serious face ; " Are you serious" su lou smile fall out ; she felt dizzy and her legs get soft ; her heart hurt so much .

Su lou look at him with sad eyes and said "are you telling me , all that time we met you didn't feel anything for me , it was all my imagination!!" yulun just lower his head he want to say NO but he couldn't.

"All those smiles , laugh, walking , talking … you even_even send a gifts for me ; all those my imagination" then she hold his face in her hand and stare at his eyes looking for answer "All that and you saw me as friend…si_sister" su lou said while her hand and voice was shaking .

Yulun looked at her in the eyes and said with a firm tune "YES" , when that word come up from his mouth su lou world broke up she never fall in love not even in her previous life so she never know what a heart broken means , now she know and that was hurt so hurtful she could feel her heart squeezing she couldn't breathe , her respiration start to hash; her eyes become hazy with tears , she drop her hands from yulun face wich made him panic ; su lou used her hand to pushed him lightly then she take to step back .

"lou lou am sorry" he said panicking

"No, it's not ur fault , it's mine, please answer this question"


"do you usually hug ur sister like that?" yulun froze then said with cold tune "YES" ; su lou tears fall down she couldn't hold them anymore.

Yulun heart fell down he hurt her so badly he can see it on her eyes; he take few step forward and rise his hand to her face he want to wipe her tears ; he couldn't stand seeing her like that it's hurt his heart , when his hand reach her face su lou turned her head and said with stuffed voice "please general, don't make me misunderstood again" she was calling him general again.

"lou lou am.. am really sorry but I couldn't mislead you"

That phrase of him just put the last stab in her heart making her shudder and go limp.

Su lou just take a sit just that so she couldn't fall apart "could you do me a favor plz"

"anything" he said without hesitation , he would do anything for her.

"could you leave me alone…"


"please…sniff_sniff , pleeease" she said while shaking bcz she hold herself so that she wouldn't burst crying out loud.

"I understand" yulun bold his fists then he walk away of the room he close the door and just stand behind him when he heard su lou burst of crying , she was crying so hard he just wish that he could flew there and hug her between his arms and said it was all lies he love her , he really do he want to marrie her and have children with her ; he too was thinking about her all the time he even dream about her ; yulun slide with the door hugging his own legs to his chest feeling sad and broken too .

After a while he head of to his manor and just drown to his buzz.