Melon and Pussy

"how she's doing, I heard she leaved in your manor this days" yulun said to lee xie .

"what do you want to know that she still crying over you or she just move on"

"No , it just I want to know if she was fine" he said knitting his brows.

Lee xie stand up from his chair and pat yulun shoulder and said "let it go brother, you already reject it her , Now she's not ur concern if she's happy or sad" then he walk to the door and turn around and said "I wish you never regret your choice" and just walk away .

"me either brother…me..." yulun said and just sit there spacing out.

When lee xie get at his manor he find housekeepers ciao waiting for him, lee xie look at him and ask "what's it?" for him to wait for him at front door , it must be urgent .

"your highness you have a guess" housekeeper ciao said after he bow at him.

"guest… who?"

"his highness prince Mo Jui"

"what is he doing here?" lee xie said with annoying tune ; then he walk past housekeeper ciao to find the annoying prince.

At the main hall there were a young handsome man wearing a yellow shirt with a pants his robe was elegant and you can tell that it was expansive with all those gadget hung on it ; he has a beautiful ruby eyes with small nose and large lips his face a bit feminine but still handsome ; he was sitting there sipping his tea waiting for lee xie .

When lee xie enter the hall and so prince Mo jui he let a sigh.

"cousin ; hey don't look at me like that , it would hurt my filing" mo jui said with cheerful tune.

"what are you doing here?" lee xie said with cold voice.

"what_can't i miss you and just come to visit you"

"you _ coming here_ without any ulterior motive, tsk I would never believe it" he finish talking crossing his hand.

"ouch , that really hurt cousin , how could you think of me like that" he feign that he get hurt.

Le xie stood there staring at him .

"fine am here to visit yuwa , I heard she get sick lately" lee xie rise his eyebrow and mo jui get defeated and said with low voice "and stay at ur manor for couple of days"

"that's more like it, so whose you hiding from this time?" lee xie ask

"am not hiding"


"the daughter of minister of labor"

"and what did you do to her?"

"nothing I swear"

"No let me rephrase my word, what did you promise her"

"nothing, you know I don't do promise , I thought she was a nice girl at first, who would know that she's crazy" he said while lifting his hand in the air .

Lee xie just sigh he doesn't know how can this man the son of two great general , he was general mo chen and princess an ping son and he was a playboy on top of that, he always brought him trouble but bcz lee xie like him he always helped him.

"you can stay but if you do any ruckus , I will kick you out"

"really , I know ur the best" mo jui said with happy tune , his cousin will never fell him , then he said "let's go to see yuwa I brought her a gift".


Then they walk together; "hey cousin I heard you hide a beautiful flower in ur mansion"

Lee xie stop walking and ask "what flower?"

"hey , do you intend to hide her from me , my mother said she's beautiful like a doll"

Lee xie get what he was talking about it was su lou , he chuckles and said "you better don't mess with that doll, she's not in a good mood lately" .

"really _ why?"

"stop asking and do as I said"


Then they just in their own way.

In the noon su lou decide to visit yuwa she missed her dearly; when she was there she find yuwa consulting her maids about something.

"anything , I can help with"

"ah, big sister lou you come" said yuwa with big smile

"hello my hua; are you feeling better now?"


"good , then what are you talking about?"

"well , actually my uncle work hard and I want to gift him same thing make relax" su lou smiled then nod her head "good thinking ,my hua, so what's kind of gift you want to give it to him" .

"a pussy with melon from ming jin house" yuwa said with a happy face, su lou almost fell from her sit "a what?" the she turned to yuwa maid and asked "a what?" , yuwa though su lou didn't heard her so she just reset it again.

Su lou just throw her cup of in the floor and said "what's the meaning of that?", all the maids get scared by su lou act and they all get down on their knees.

Su lou sat down holding her forehead and said with cold tune "someone start explaining before I start braking you like rotten stick" ( what they making a child learn at this age!!!?) .

"miss su , we didn't do anything wrong , we was just fallowing order" one the old mama said while shaking.

Su lou glared at her "HOW DARE YOU" "she's just a child , she never leave the palace so she doesn't know , what about you , are you child too?"

"no miss su it's not like that" the old mama said while shaking her head, the maids were really ferried of su lou especial after the commander an accident.

"big sister lou what's wrong , why are you mad?" yuwa said with confused

"stay out of it my hua, am gonna teach some bad guys how to act decent"

"But that's not their fault , it was my idea" yuwa try to explain.

"don't cover them , they here to serve you and guide you not to mislead you"

"no _no it's really my idea"

"really , could you explain to me how did you get that brilliant idea from" su lou said rising her eyebrows.

"it's brother jui idea"

"who??" (I know the name of the prince and the princess but that name!!! did the emperor have other son I didn't know about it, man he really work hard hehe).

Xixi answer this time "it's prince mo jui son of princess an ping"

"ahh_ok" ( he wasn't a main character in the novel so I don't know much about him, but am sure I read something odd about him , what is it I can't remember)

"all of you get out" su lou said to the maids , "next time if you see the princess do something wrong guide her well, or tell his highness or me UNDERSTOON"

"yes , miss su" the maid said in union and take their leave.

"now sweetie can you tell me" she said with smile

"oh ,that…" then the princess yuwa start telling su lou that lee xie and his cousin visited her in the morning and he even give her a gift and then mo jui start to said that lee xie was always in stressed and big presser so he need to calm down and relax and he need to get a pussy with melon from Ming Jin house "so I thought to gifted to uncle" yuwa explaining.

"pfttt…ok so what did his highness said?"

"I don't know why but he did get angry and said if he didn't behave he's gonna kick him out"

(I now remember the thing about him , he was a playboy , what a shame to be born from two grate figure to become like that ) .

"my hua do you wanna make ur uncle happy ?" su lou said with mischievous smile ; yuwa nod her head.

"good, wait for me here , am gonna get back soon" then su lou pat yuwa head and leave the room.

After awhile she su lou get back with her two maid xixi and mimi ; in each one of them was holding object.

"what's those big sister lou ?" yuwa asked with excitement.

"do you wanna look?"


Then she opened the too objects, yuwa screamed in happy surprise "WOW , big sister lou you really get it"

"En, let's go and surprise him, his gonna be really happy, hahahha" su lo said while laughing (I want to see the look on his face; it's gonna be fun ).

Little she knows that she's gonna regretted her action later.

There were a room penetrated it by the golden sunlight and smelt with ink , there were a library stacked with all kind of books ; a desk fraught with paper ; a handsome man with a serious face sitting behind it his head was lower reading some paper ; he was so concentrated that he failed to note two little shadows observing him from the entrance ; when the sun touch his skin it well glitter , the two shadows stood there with owe , you don't see this scene every day it was weird but breath taking .

Su lou leaned at yuwa ears in front of her whispered something "your uncle really live for his name, he give me the urge to draw him and showed to the world so they can be blessed too" su lou said half joking half serious.

"En, it will be grate" yuwa said proudly, of course her uncle was the best in the world.

Su lou continued whispering "do you think he'll pose for me? Not like a titanic though or the sixteen chapel, well one without shirt holding his sword will do"

Lee xie can hear those two ; at first he thought it was one his servants or mong li so he didn't worked out but the moment they start talking he knew who they was and didn't mind them ; but now they start talking nonsense .

Lee xie held his head high and put the paper in his hand down and said with a vivid voice "what are you two doing here?".

When su lou heard his voice she lifted her head to answer him but she was stund ... her heart skip a beat; it was looked like whenever the sun touch his face it will glittered and shine and his body look strong and well shaped (hey mister author that's not fair for the women and the other guys out there, he look like leaving sculptured) and his eyes … ( oh – my – God , how that can be real ... his eyes look like Ruby a real one , I want them so bad, their so beautiful) ; if you see su lou eyes right now you could swear her green eyes shaped as heart sparkling .

She just blurted out without thinking with sweet warm voice "your highness did you know that you have a beautiful eyes" su lou weakness was ruby she really like them, she didn't know why but she love them to the point of maniac , she had a lot of ruby jewels in her house all kind of shape and size.

"yes , I have been told" lee xie knit his brows , 'she really mean it this time not bcz she's drank , I could see it in her eyes ,should I be happy or…' his thought been cut by her next words.

" I wish I could have them…Huff too bad they come with you" su lou murmured with sorrow tune .

Lee xie " ... "

Mong li hiding in the roof " ... " , 'too bold miss su'.

Yuwa standing smiling cutely ; obviously didn't understand any think.

"cough , you didn't come here to admire my eyes"

"hu_oh, right!" su lou said waking from her daze (what am saying , I think I ate a lot of chocolate with wine).

She clean her throat ans said "my hua here was thinking that you work hard so she thought of present to cheer you up, right my hua?"

"En" yuwa nodding happily .

Lee xie smile to how cute and thoughtful his niece "really , let's see it then"

" xixi … mimi come in" su lou said with bright smile , lee xie knit his brows 'why do I feel something wrong!!!'