
The two maids enter the room holding to object in their hand ; one was small cage raped in black cloth so you can't see anything inside it ; the other was a covered tray , he can tell it was a food but what was in the cage; 'let's just wait and see'.

"your highness do you give us the honor to reveal ur presents" su lou said happily holding yuwa shoulders in front of her.

"yes , uncle do the honor" yuwa repeating after su lou.

" I guess I have no choice" lee xie stand from his place and walk tower mimi and left the hood he kneet his brows and said "a C-a-t?"; there were a cat with a white chining fur and blue eyes , it was sitting there gracefully playing her tail looking beautiful.

"No –no – no, ur highness that's not a simple cat, that a Sumerian white puss it rare race" su lou explaining.

"Ok, let's see this one" and he left the cover it was two small melons , lee xie get confused 'what's that mean'.

Yuwa saw her uncle lost in his thoughts so she thinks he didn't like her presents, her smile fell and she said with a teary eyes "you didn't like it uncle?"

Lee xie come back to reality with yuwa voice and look at her wanting to ask what's the meaning of that but he was faced with a teary little girl so he swallow his words and just smile and said "of course I like it ,anything from you I would like it" then he gave yuwa a hug then said "thank you my princess" and that made yuwa happy again.

Su lou was standing there trying her best so she wouldn't burst laughing her a** out (the look in his face priceless).

Lee xie look at su lou and he could tell that was her idea but he didn't understand the meaning behind it.

"how about to explain a little to uncle about ur gift huh" lee xie said to yuwa.

Before yuwa say any word su lou interrupt and said "wrong question, you should ask where did she get them for, right sweetie, tell uncle where did you get from" su lou said holding her laugh.

Yuwa said smiling proudly and loudly "from "Ming Ji" house, I heard it's uncle favor place", lee xie froze with shocked face , mong li was about to fell from the roof if he didn't catch the pole beside him.

su lou couldn't hold it anymore and burst laughing "pfttt oh-my -God ur face; it look funny" she laugh until her tears start to dropping .

Now lee xie think a little a finally get it, his ears become red and his face couldn't be explained , he look at the laughing su lou 'that damn Shorty ,she dare to mock me' lee xie greet his teeth with anger , then he turn to yuwa and give her half smile and said " thank you my princess, how about to take the cat and go play with him outside and leave the melon to me huh".

Of course she didn't object that was her attend at the first place she get the puss to play with it and her uncle eat the melon his favor fruit , so it's Win-Win, yuwa get out with the two maids and the cat when su lou want to follow her lee xie grab her hand and said "you stay" then he close the door behind her and pushed her to the door putting his two hand on the door and su lou inside them (wow is this push to the wall move, well in my case it's a door).

"what's the meaning of this?" he said with cold tone

"Nothing it's my hua being thoughtful to her uncle" she said while smiling ear to ear.

Lee xie close the distance between them then he sniffle "did you drank before you coming here?" he asked, she didn't look herself and her cheek bit red; well he wasn't wrong at morning su lou woke up at her happy memory with yulun then the day that he rejected her ;her heart was full with sorrow so to left her spirit she start to eat chocolate at first then that wasn't enough so she decided to have a drink with it, she wish if she had a champagne but she will have what she get.

"am not teheh not that much" she said while laughing.

Lee xie let out a breath and said "what should I do with you, Shorty" said then he smile.

"hey am not , beside that's not our topic right now"… "did you like the pussy with melon ;I have been told its ur favor it ….pftttt" then she start laughing again , then she continued "I even choose her with white skin and blue eyes , a slim body and a Big MELON, how is it ? at your taste?....hahaha" ; lee xie forehead vein pop-up he was really pest this time; so he corner su lou to the door with his body tightly there was no space between them , then he leaned and talk to her with chill tune "are you tired of leaving , do you wanna die?"

Su lou finally stopped laughing and lift her head to lee xie to find him so close to her ; she stare at his eyes deeply then said "are you trying to seduce me with those beautiful eyes of ur hehe" ; ok , lee xie was sure now that she's drank or how could she felt to recognize a threat .

Su lou bite her lower lips and put her hand on lee xie face and start caressing him and said with low sexy voice "are you trying to seduce me my prince?" ; lee xie knit his brows 'whose seducing who and why she do that every time she's drank, what's that even mean bcz when she wake up either she's afraid or angry at me!!!' before he could said anything , su lou talked first while caressing his face "what a shame , what a beautiful eyes , hemm" then she pat his face "that's won't work on me ,I don't like man who intend "Ming Ji house" looking for a pussy with melon" then she pushed him lightly , lee xie couldn't utter a word he wasn't a regular client at ming ji house ; he goes there a few time and just for job he never touch those women there ; beside he would never touch them it was disgusting , it was all Mo jui fault ; sou lou just opened the door and get out leaving lee xie standing there in daze.

After awhile lee xie shook his head and walk to his desk to complete his works 'that girl is trouble maker, huff what should I do about her, she really make…' his thoughts was interrupted by the sound of close door he turn around to find su lou standing behind the door lowering her head she was shaking like a leaf in the wind 'is this a new trick of her' lee xie thought ; then he approach her ; he had enough of her today he try to opened the door and kick her out his not interested in her nonsense whatever it was.

Su lou block his hand so he couldn't open the door; "what's it now? You start to…" lee xie was pest and talking with irritation but when su lou lifted her head what he saw shock him ; her face was haggard and pale with teary eyes she look like she had seen a ghost ; so lee xie couldn't help himself from teasing her "did you came across the angel of death out there" he finished his talk with a snort .

Su lou couldn't stood , she felt limp so she reach her hand to cache the first thing in front her and it was lee xie at that moment ; she buried her head in lee xie chest and clung at him with both hand as if her life depended on it ; she couldn't care for anything at that moment she just need a safe place to hide in and lee xie provide that.

Lee xie was shocked by her action; he never saw her like that before even when she was facing the assassin back there, she never budget , so what made her like that she felt like a little bird with broken wings in his clasp; lee xie get the answer sooner that he thought with housekeeper ciao .

Housekeeper ciao knock on the door and lee xie felt su lou clashed his shirt tightly, what ever scare her was behind the door.

Su lou murmured with a plead "please don't open the door….please" her voice was trembling.

When housekeeper ciao didn't hear any response he knocks again "ur highness are you there?" he asked; he could swear he saw him there a moment a go 'did he left but where!?"

"what's it?" lee xie asked.

"ah, ur highness ... general chang yulun want to meet you" chang yulun was standing beside housekeeper ciao , he usually met lee xie at his study room all the time but lee xie was acting weird today first he didn't response quickly and even he know he was there he didn't open the door ; 'is he having a guest inside' yulun questioned himself with narrow eyes .

Lee xie could feel su lou jolted at yulun name ; 'so it was like that and I thought she moved on , she was just pretending , I guess it's hard after all she's just a teenager'.

Su lou murmured again "don't opened please…pleaaase"

Seeing su lou pleading like that make lee xie heart broken she look so weak and fragile she could broke at the first poke , he couldn't help it ;he just wrap his hand around her in big tide hug ; whatever he like it or not su lou was someone important to him ; he didn't know when it started maybe when she saved yuwa or when she always surprise him in a good or bad why like today ; maybe it was her free spirit and how she transact with him ; all those made her special .

Lee xie let out a breath and said "take him to the main hall; am coming in awhile"

"yes, ur highness" housekeeper ciao answering , " this way general" then he lead yulun to the main hall.

"En" 'whose that important guest lee xie don't want to show him even to me , could it be a woman...' yulun thinking while fallowing housekeeper ciao.

"they gone you can let go now" lee xie said to su lou.

Su lou shack her head she wouldn't let go, she can't ... if she do she will fell on the ground she couldn't feel her legs.

Lee xie just let her be she wasn't fine and it was all right to stand there until she regain her strength, they stood there for awhile until he could feel su lou start to relax and calmed down.

"Am sorry" she said .