Let the Adventure begin

The three days want fast and the day of departing has arrived ; In the entrance of the forest all carriages has stopped and all people get down of it , they start walking to the main entrance where su lou has waiting for them , su lou had wake up early in the morning cleaned her self , dressed a practical outfit , had light breakfast , peek up her things and raiding horses with san yue so she could made up early at the mountain before coming of the other's , finished descending from there carriages it concluded two kind of groups there , the first group was princess lui min yaya and her two siblings lui xin rui and lui min dui with her guards , some workers and clan best warrior's , the second group had prince rong lee xie , princess yuwa and his shadow guards , of course su lou for the guiding and san yue in the shadows garding his mistress.

while prince rong lee xie was carrying his niece princess yuwa ; Su lou take the oupertenty to introduce her self and talk about her mission , so she stood in front of everybody and start talking with a big smile hunging on her face . "welcome everybody my name is Su lou and I'll be your Guide for this little journey , i hope you would take care of me and i will do the same ".

then she walked a little close to lee xie and yuwa and said " as all we know where here to save our beautiful little princess " pointing to princess Rong yuwa with bright smile and continued "my beautiful hua" she said with hushed voice … then she leaned in front her and knock it a little bit on the princess nose with her own nose which made the princess giggles , princess yuwa crossed her arm and pouted saying " i am not a child big sister lou".

"of course your not , your my hua _my hua is all grown up girl ; she'll be taller than her uncle when we found the cure" ; lee xie look at his niece with warm smile , which made someone unhappy.

"tsk...what a fawny b***ch...she just know how to flirt with his highness" lui min dui murmuring to er self , she hated su lou the moment she saw her back there in the restaurant and what even make her even worse she was a comuner .

standing next to her her cousin princess lui min yaya "MaNNERS lui min dui " sais princess lui min yaya , she shares the same thoughts too about su lou but she has to maintain her appearance in front everyone , as the graceful and delicate princess.

"oh" hammed lui min dui with grampy face , she never get it... her cousin hate su lou too but she rother show her calm appearance than her true feeling and that opsett her a lot .

if we describe lui min dui we would said that she is the kind of arrogant and spoiled seens was child , she always get what she want no matter what , even that mean she's gonna to step on other's , and her been from high class family didn't help either she always looked at other people like slaves and rubbish, they exist to serve her and her family , so in her eyes su lou just a lowly servent and she need to know her place , and she gonna show her soon what she worth .

su lou took a small peak with her eye looking at the stuiped min dui , of course su lou heard her she just doesn't give a damn about it, she always meet people like lui min dui that will not depress her in any way , su lou shok her head while talking agin to the other people "listen up guys , there are a few rules you have to do without any questioning ".

"First rule and the only important one ; you'll do as I said without any hesitation ; in that jungle ... i am the king and you are all gonna be my subjects , that's mean you can't wonder around without my permission even if you wanna take a pess ; you gonna ask me for that too..." then she looked at every one with serious face and said :

"am not kidding guys if you wanna walk in one piece from that jungle you have to listen to me" said pointing at the forest .

that jungle caired alot of beasts with defrent size and viscous power beside the poison plants , trappes left buy the hunters and other sprizes, even with experience guide and big force you could die without knowing what or how that happened.

"I won't take any responsibility for airhead people" she said looking at the two sibling while they "humpt" at her to her annoying talking .

"from here we gonna start walking ... All clear ... any question !?"

Lui xin rue asked "why can't we take the carriages or the horses ".

"Ah...good question , we can't do that because there are beasts larking in every corner and that gonna startled the poor horses and we need to watch our back there or you wouldn't know how you even died" she answer while clapping her hands , "any other question people …No " she look it at them and obvious they take her word seriously "good then...we will camp here tonight and launch at Dawn , we will take the chance and start our journey while the beasts were sleeping ( let the adventure began).