The second peak

After a good sleep everybody packed up their things and head off to the forest , they walk from the first peak to the second without problem , now they in the entrance of the second peak they made it at sunset.

"guys we'll make a camp here , build a fire and make some rest before we head on at dawn" su lou explain then she pick up some small bottle from her spatial bag and start spraying some kind of powder around the camp ; (the most thing I love in this world is those spatial bags , they been made from the magical animal skin , it's quite ould put anything in it and it's still light like a fither) , after finishing what she was doing su lou sat next to the princess yuwa and start a small conversation with her :

"How are you doing my hua" while picking her hand and taking her pulse.

"am fine big sister Lou" yuwa answered with a big smile.

"I know my hua is strong" patting her head and give her pill to eat , prince rong lee xie approached su lou and ask with whispering voice "how's she doing and what did you feed her" it's obvious there was little worry in his eyes .

su lou look at him with small smile and said "she is gonna be fine don't worry , I just feed her medicine that will make her hold on to the fifth pick"

lee xie thank her and pick up his niece and put her inside her tent .

Across their fire there were princess Lui min yaya and her two cousin's talking "I don't get it why do we had to listen to that Shorty, she obviously just trying to seduce his highness" said lui min dui with angry tone .

"she's our guide we can't just ignore her" said her brother lui xin rui , he doesn't like her either but to make the prince trust her that must be something we don't know about it , Lui min yaya didn't said a word but if you look at her eyes you can see the hatred and disgust she hold toward Su lou ; she can approach his highness while she can't ; he always kept distance between them whenever she try to talk to him.

At midnight while some of them were sleeping the other's were watching . there were a sound of wholing could be heard coming from a distance , su lou jumper running from her tent to see where those sound coming from. "what's going on , why are they here?", they were the Fang xian wolfs they lived in the second peak they never leaves their place unless something happen .

prince rong lee xie approach her and ask " aren't those not supposed to be here " su lou look at him with knit brow

" of course ,they never leave their territory " .

then she heard lui xin rui asking around "did anybody saw my sister?".

su lou knit her brows together " why do I have a bad felling about that?" .

well that didn't take a long time for her to get the answer , there were a screaming rumbling the sky coming from the woods "Kyahhhhh ... brother help me" .

it was lui min dui running to the camp while been chasing buy a wolf and that wolf look really angry and viscous.

su lou , lui min dui , rong lee xie and lui min yaya take a head of to the woods , they stopped not far away from lui min dui looking at her crying while running for her life with full speed and behind her a big blue wolf with thick fur sharp teeth and big claws can tear down the steel , it look fierce and really angry .

"nobody move ... Arugh! that damn girl why she can't listen " su lou said then she take a leap on huge acacia tree , she take her time standing there waiting up until lui min dui past her at that moment su lou jumped at the big blue wolf landing with her fist first on his witch made the wolf passed out on the spot , let's not forgot which family su lou come from after all the old society called them monster's for a risen.

that move from su lou earlier get them a big shock and a bit of awareness ... su lou just knocked off a big wolf with one blow , she made it look so easy as taking candy from child mouth .

on another tree was a shadow guard cheering happelly for his mistress "mistress is the best".

Su lou walked at lui min dui with big stride and said with loud voice "what did I just said back then...didn't i said don't walk around alone".

lui min dui said with embarrassment "I want to use the bathroom and you was sleeping so I just want alone" .

su lou put her hand on her forehead and said "so just wake me up ... that's why am here that you can ask me anything at any time , am your guide for love of God and you think I was sleeping are you kidding me?" how could she sleep in place like that , only stupid do that.

lui xin rui interfere and said "my sister look frightened and that wolf could wake up at anytime now we should head to our camp" .

su lou turned back looking at the other sibling giving him the look of "seriously?! she's frighten.!!" , (fright my a**#... that f**ing moran almost killed her self and as with her because she hate to wake me up .... yeah right...bull dang , that b**&# obviously hate me to death , i an see it on her eyes).

su lou exhale then walked together with them to the camp .

At dawn everyone keep walking their journey they get to the entrance of the third peak ; that peak doesn't have any wild beasts but it has a wild and toxic plants so the beasts won't go there from fear to get poison buy eating or taching the plants .

Su lou gather all the groups and start speaking "this time will camp here, so everyone start making a three camp-fire, a big one put in the center circle it withe tent every tent will have in front of it a small fire , you don't want to be freezing to death at night right".

(and those carnivore plants won't eat us while we were sleeping ... let's not scare my hua ) and she look at the princess yuwa with big smile .