Keep chasing

For the first time they got there lui min yaya approached su lou asking her in a hashed voice "I don't think the cold is the only thing you light up those big flame for it !?" .

su lou look at her with knowing eyes and said "as I expected from Lui clan princess , smart as I thought" and then she continued with serious face "you may be able to defeat the beasts but at this peak there's a cannibal plants will eat you up, even ur bones won't be found" , everybody get startle after hearing the conversation between them , and that make them shivered with fear , why they have to come to this mountain not only the beasts are fierce but also the plants...

Su lou was sitting at the fire camp guarding , it was her shift , she can't sleep anyway especially at this peak she need to guard them from those plants .

all of sudden she heard a wholing again (what the heck!! why there's wolf in here) .

lee xie turn at her and ask "didn't you said they wouldn't leave their place" .

"I know ,that's impossible they don't ... go and pick up the little princess I'll check it out " when su lou was about to get up she saw a big grey eyes looking at them in the dark.

"oh_man are you for real ? , I'll handle him go to the princess" then she screamed "everyone heads up protect yourself" .

The wolf start jumping from tent to tent making a big mess at the camp , he look like he was searching for something ; some of the lui guards try to stop him but they get beating up or injured ; you can never underestimate the fang xian wolf they maybe not ranked at the top predators but they have a sharp teeth and big claws can tear up the steel... literally ; they can tear up humane bones like straw.

In all that chaos lui min rui was squatting under tree hiding, su lou was fighting the blue wolf with the other groups subordinate.

"don't kill it" su lou command , lee xie was holding the little princess on his arms , the prince shadow guards putting the flame off that been make it buy them before ,the wolf even get crazies looking around the camp .

Lui min yaya and lui xin dui was watching them from a safe place , they won't risk their lifes for stuiped wolf that their subordinates job .

Su lou suddenly spray some kind of powder on the wolf , the blue wolf start swaying then he fall to the ground , he wasn't dead that powder just paralyze it , he was still awake ... just can't move, the blue wolf release a small squike; everybody sigh deeply they controlled him at least .

Out of nowhere lui min dui come forward and said to her guards "kill it" pointing to the blue wolf.

Su lu stood on front of the blue wolf and said "Are you out of ur mind?" looking at lui min dui with ridicules look "do you want to kill us all?".

lui xin rui look at the wolf "it's just stuiped wolf , if we kill it we wouldn't have any problem later" .

su lou look at her with red angry eyes and said "that's if it's a normal wolf but it's not; do you see that little golden horn on her head ..".

lee xie cut her and said while walking next to su lou "it's the clan leader" .

"yes it is and if we kill it every one of their pack will chase after us until they kill every single one of you" su lou explaining with annoyance , everyone get scared .

su lou turned to lui min dui and said "what did you do to make their leader chasing after us out of his territory?".

lui min dui get startled when she find everybody looking at her with angry eyes , she said with small voice "nothing it was not my fault" .

suddenly the little princess screamed with cheerful voice pointing at the door of lui min dui tent "look uncle , big sister lou a puppy ... can I play with it" .

everyone turn their eyes to where the princess was pointing , then they understand what happened .

Su lou stand there opening her mouth and closing it like fish while pointing at the little puppy ; well actually it was a blue wolf cab .

"my hua close ur ears for me" su lou said smiling at the little girl .

"ok big sister lou" said yuwa while potting her little hand on her ears .

su lou screaming her lungs off while cursing "you_ you ..are you out of ur F***kg mind , you piece of s***t airheaded girl , you stole blue wolf cab and it the leader son and she's a female wolf by the way" the blue wolf female was known as the fierce one….

Su lou continued "her cab was stole by you and now we all been chased by it" she exhaled then continued "guess what will happened when the pack won't find the leader and the cab?" .

one of the prince shadow guard said "they gonna search for them and gonna tails them to us" .

su lou nod her head and said "yes ... thank you , and that idiot girl over there wanna to kill it _ there leader, do you even known How many members of the herd out there?"

she said "let me tell you ....HUNDREDS" all of them looked at lui min dui with anger and disdain .

"now give me that cab so I can returne it to his mother" su lou pointing to the cab that lui min dui holding on her hand.

"No, his mine I worked hard to get it I won't give it back" lui min dui said hugging the cab strongly, the cab felt her strength and start wholing; his mother heard him and start wholing too.

su lou shack with anger if they keep wholing like that their pack will be there for no time she said angrily "someone please get me that cab, bcz if I want there ... am gonna crush her bones , I don't give s**t who she is" .

her brother felt the serious of the situation so he took the cab from his sister and hand him to su lou .

lui min dui get angry "brother why are helping her" she said with teary eyes .

lee xie has enough of this drama so he stood there and talk with cold tone "if you don't behave, am gonna throw you to the wolf pack with my own hand" he said while grinning his teeth .

lui min dui get scared and burst with tear then she start running in the forest, su lu look at her brother and said "you better follow her I won't be responsible if some plant eat her" .

after a big sigh lui xin rui chase after her ,he's sister was always spoiled by their parents and he always need to clean after her , she's his sister after all.

su lou take the cab in one hand and lefted the mother in the other and turn to lee xie and said "plz settle everything here while I return them to the third peak" then she left .

prince rong lee xie settle everything, he take the little princess to sleep meanwhile the shadow guards was sitting around the fire discussing what happen earlier .

"did you seen how did she pick up that wolf like it is nothing" mong ki said to mong li .

"yeah it was a six hundred kg at least and she pick it up like nothing".

mong li prop hi chin and said "come to think of it she's from the Su family that family known of her tracking and strength they say the male are the stronger one".

mong ki pursed his lips and said "if that just the female how strong the male would be" they look at each other then exhale big breath depressingly .

mong li said "let's make sure she won't get angry with us I don't wanna end up being crashed by her" they nod their heads then sigh again (miss su is so scary) .