Trackig bees

When Su lou come back from the woods she sit around the fire with prince rong lee xie and his shadow guards (how depressing I really want to beat her to pulp...b**ch) su lou sigh deeply when she heard the conversation between lui min dui and princess lui min yaya she lefted her head and couldn't breath , she once again become a fish opening and closing her mouth , she just can't understand it what wrong with that girl brain .

"look cousin what I found , its honey flower , take a bite its delicious" , honey flowers was known as the most delicious and nutritious flowers they even rare.

lui min yaya pick it the flower and wanna take a bite .

"I wouldn't do that if I was you" su lou sais with big sigh , that make min yaya stopped at her truck.

"and why is that?" she asked with knit brows .

"how can I put it in nice way...hem_ that flower calls honey bees" su lou said .

"No, it's honey flower I saw it before" min dui said angrily , she was sure of it or why would she eat it herself.

"honey flower color is red with blue , the flower you catching it in your hand now is red with purple" su lou explain

"so" min dui said questioning.

she look at them and there was confused in their eyes ; so she continued with a sigh "the female beast used to come to this peak in there mating period and eating that flower to attract males".

lui min dui face become red she said

" so what !?"

"Tell me first , how much you eat from it" su lou asked.

lui min dui duck her head and said six with hashed voice but su lou and everybody heard her .

"pfttt…." su lou spat out her tea she was sipping at that moment ; then she start laughing so hard that she fall on the ground ; lee xie look at her with knit brows and said "what's the effect on the human when they eat it" .

after laughing her heart out so lou set strait and said "huff, well congrats miss lui min dui you'll be the sexiest one on the forest".

min dui asked with red eyes "what do you mean?" .

"the meaning that you'll attract every high level beast to mate with you" su lou saying with sarcastic tone.

min dui face become red as tomato, her eyes bulged and her mouth drop open ; she looked horrified , lui min yaya throw the flower away with disgust after hearing what su lou said , lui xin rui come close to su lou and ask with worry eyes "is there antidote?"

"of course there is" su lou answer with mocked face.

"thank god what is it?" xin rui ask .

"why should I tell you , ur sister over there is trouble maker she doesn't listen, how many time did I say don't move without my permeation but Nooo, she had to do what she want".

"I say let's leave her to the beasts she'll become obedient" Su lou said mischievous.

"NO, brother help me" min dui say while crying .

then she turned at su lou and said "you should give me the antidote we hired you" .

su lou shake her head and talk "wrong his highness hired me; I only listen to him" .

min yaya steped forward and ask rong lee xie with sweet voice "please your highness" while she blushing (as i expect it from the heroine , she act like delicate flower , I can't do that ).

Su lou was leaning there on some broken trunk looking at lee xie with sarcastic face ; as if she was saying make me cure her if you can.

lee xie look at her and though 'that stubborn little girl, won't even given me face, but she deserved though ,you only reap what you sow, I can tell she just playing with her'.

'urgh she's really killing me with her cuteness ; I just wanna hug her and rube her head like little kitten' , lee xie shake his head 'focus lee xie'.

su lou titled her head (why he's looking at me like that!!?) "so what did you decide your highness" .

her sound wake him up from his daze "lou lou heal her, would you" he was asking nicely she doesn't know why but she can't refuse .

set her arms and pout then said "fine" but there was a plying look on her eyes and smug on her lips ; she made lee xie feel a pang in his heart he touch his chest, 'what was that! I should keep my distance from her ; just now I almost grab her and hugged her ; she's dangerous' , su lou playful way made lee xie feel unstable for a while.

that look didn't skip from lui min yaya eyes she fisted her hand ; she was there to approach his highness ; she's been admiring him from when she was young she just got to her aunt the empress just to see him but now there were insignificant and lowly girl who try to seduce him in front of her ; 'he is mine …only mine' , she will make sure that she gonna remove her from his highness sight .

"so how you gonna cure her" min yaya asked su lou with small smile .

"Ah, that she need to take a bath" su lou answered.

"That's it?!!" min yaya said surprisingly.

"yeah and for that we need to go to the third peak" su lou said .