
"is it because the source of the water , I saw river back there" min yaya said.

"No, she need a special kind of water" su lou said then she looked at princess lui min yaya and asked "so how about taking a hot bath princess?"

"that would be nice" she didn't know what she means by that but she need a hot bath after those days she feel sweaty and dirty from all that walk and sleeping in the wild.

"Good let's go then" su lou said smiling.

Then she gets to yuwa and lifted her from where she was sitting and whisper to her "how about a hot bath with big sister, huh" she said with a big smile.

Yuwa wrapped her armed around su lou neck and happily said "that would be great", in her uncle palace she was taking a bath every day but here she couldn't.

"Ok, let's go" su lou said loudly.

When she walked she could feel a lot of figures behind her ; su lou stopped on her track and turned around to find everyone fallowing her ; her mouth twitched ; then she asked "where do you think ur going?".

"With you of course" xin rui said

Su lou turned toward min dui and asked with confused face "is your brother some kind of pervert? is he usually peeping on you while you taking a bath?".

xin rui felt embarrassing and angry, he start shouting at su lou "what do you mean by that, how dare you said that?".

"did I said something wrong , four ladies going to hot-spring…what do you think they do there?" su lou said with snorted , from the look of confused on his face he didn't get it , su lou let out a breath and said "to take a bath , here we go I said it" then she turned to min dui and asked "is he usually that slow? Poor man he look healthy thought" ; then she looked at the other behind him and turned to princess lui min yaya and said "I don't think only young master rui has problem, even ur subordinate , I hope it's not contagious or ur clan have to face a big problem".

min dui and min yaya felt embarrassing what su lou was saying from other perspective wasn't wrong and they know they just fallow them out of concern nothing more, but still they felt a shamed of her clan member.

xin rui and his subordinates felt ashamed they lower their heads .

Su lou looked at them smirking then she remember that someone was missing; then she looked left-right (oh they was there).

She was looking for prince rong lee xie and his guards, they was sitting far way of them, su lou looked at them smiling and said "look we have gentlemen's over there".

Everyone follow where su lou pointing with her chin, when the members of lui clan get even more embarrassed.

Mong ki looked at su lou and said proudly "of course , we aren't some kind of peeping perverts"

"I bet you are, isn't that right Ur highness?" su lou said with big bright smile.

'she really can hold grudge , it wasn't even on purpose' lee xie think again at the moment when he was holding su lou breast , his ears get redden.

Then he clear his throat and said "of course".

Su lou smirked then she turned to the other group and said "let's go…LADIES only".

"Wait!!" xin rui said.

"Yes" su lou said.

"You can't go alone, I must go with you" he said.

Su lou almost fall on the ground, she take a few step back looking at him with horrified face and wide open eyes, she was ready to run away at any time now, then she said awkwardly "O.k, it's official he's a pervert".

min dui screamed with anger "brother what's wrong with you?", he was embarrassing her, even min yaya was felling disgust right now ; her cousin was too much.

"It's not like that" he said with panic.

"like what?" su lou asked

"there is beasts everywhere and … you'll be expose without protection , so I think at least you take me there…for protection " he explain .

Su lou rise her eye brows and said "is he for real? , first of all I prefer to be expose to the beast than you, secondly do we look weak to you!! , ok ur sister might be, but me and the princess over there am sure were not weak!!!"

"What do you mean am weak, am not" min dui said with irritate.

"isn't why ur brother want to fallow us so desperately , I bet ur parents will beat him up if something happen to you" su lou said while snorting.

Min dui lower his head, she was right that was the main reason why he want to be with them desperately, his parents was always unfair to him they just spoiled her if anything wrong happen to her they will just make him take the blame even it wasn't his fault .

Su lou shake her head how pathetic (he look a quiet good looking man, I bet his sister gonna drag him to black pit, tsk).

"we need to go quickly , you don't want the beasts to fallow ur sister right, so please, beside it's for ur own good , believe me " su lou said.

xin rui hesitated for a moment then he nod, it's better to cure his sister first.

Su lou walked with the other ladies then she remember something, she stopped walking then turn around and said with a loud voice.

"Hey boys , I forgot to tell you there's another hot-spring if you wanna go but…" then she stop talking .

"But what?" this time it was lee xie who asked.

She looked at all of them then said "its kind small, and it have a little snakes around him, am sure you can handle it".

"it's ok, where is it?" lee xie ask again.

"ah, walk five kilometers to the west then turn left , you'll find red tree walk passing her a little and you'll find it , do you get it or should I made a map?" su lou asked knitting her brows.

"No need, I get it" he said.

"ok , have fun then , we will meet after half hour in the middle of the road , the springs in the opposite way, bye now" su lou said smiling .

The two party departed on their own way, each of them take a deferent road; in tree nearby there were a man in black sitting there watching those two groups , then he stand suddenly on crossing thought 'did mistress said a small snakes' his lips twitched , 'mistress has problem with size , when she said small it mean big when it big that mean huge' , he think a little bit then he shrug his shoulders 'after all they are fighter, nothing will happen to them'; then he fallow his mistress , yes he was su lou shadow guard san yue.