Hot spring

"your highness I found the red tree" mong ki said excitedly , he wanna take a hot bath too.

After the group of man fallow su lou instruction they found the place, you could smell the sulfur throw the air , it was all over the place , you could even see the steam from a far .

"why did you stop moving?" mong li asked the frozen mong ki .

"hey brother li"


"What size did miss su said the snakes were?"

"Ah that , she said a small size, why?"

"Are those considering small snakes to you?"

"what do you mean , small mean….sm" Mong li was looking at mong ki all the time so he miss the view , when he turn around to look at what his comrade pointing he got shocked ; there were a lot of snake to start with it ; they were in deferent colors blue red yellow; and it was big really big; the small one of them were in the size of the Anaconda ; they were larking around the hot spring ; the hot spring was surrounded by a lot of bushes and trees , the hot spring wasn't small either ; you can compare it with Olympic swimming pool there were all chape of rocks around it ;it was beautiful scene to look at it ;the only problem was the snakes they were everywhere; you can't even walk without stepping on one of them or fear they gonna fall off from the trees they were hanging on it.

When the other party arrived they got shocked frizzing on the spot too; prince rong lee xie and young master lui xin rui were walking behind them; when they get at the hot spring they stopped .

"why all of you gathering here?" lui xin rui asked with irritate , they were blocking the way.

"is the spring that small?" prince rong lee xie asked this time.

"No, the size is not the problem here, I can assure you that your highness" mong li answer with horror.

Lee xie and xin rui looked at each other confused, then they steped ahead to see what were they looking at it ; when they stood in front of them ; xin rui eyes bulged his mouth drop opened; lee xie get shocked too his lips twitched 'what did she mean by small snakes' , beside the place was full of them , accept for the hot water they were everywhere, 'that damn Shorty did it on purpose, didn't she???'.

mean while At the other side of the forest there were three gown up ladies and one small cute little girl taking a hot steamed bath relaxing and enjoying their time .

"I have to ask , how did you know place like that?" lui min yaya couldn't hold her curiosity, the hot spring was in another level even she was impressed .

"beautiful isn't" su lou said happily.

"Yes, breath taking actually" lui min yaya said, she has to admit it she never saw something beautiful like that in her entire life.

The hot spring was one of the most beautiful natural creation, when they got there the first thing could be heard the sound of the falling water from afar but you would mistake it for stream or rever the hot spring was well hidden around the sea of trees and bushes ; not until su lou revealed it ; the first thing will pull you out of your mind is the color and the shape of the pond ; you could mistake in it as a huge sapphire sepher even there were a steam around the poll it still shine bright like diamond ; it was so clear and pure , to make it even better the colorful flower and the green plants ;in the edge of the pond there were a waterfall pouring in other part of the forest ; there were a medium rocks inside the pond , even the rocks were beautiful and their colors were blue or green you just can't tell but it still beautiful ; all those elements make the place breath taking.

"well I found it by coincidence actually, not many know about this place" su lou answered with delight , she love this place.

"tsk, of course it was coincidence , how can someone like you know place like that" lui min dui murmured between her breath.

Of course su lou heard her she felt the vain on her head gonna explode (what's wrong with this damn brat , I get it she doesn't like me but hey am here saving your a** ) .

"yes, and you have to thank me for that or you gonna be mating with every beast in this forest" su lou said with evil smile.

min dui shivered from that smile,she was right though, in passing time lui min dui start to become hot and little sweaty.

su lou looked at her and asked "how do you feel?" .

"it's hot ... really hot, are you cocking me or something , and why am I the only one sitting alone?" min dui shouting .

"Good... it start working" su lou said

"It's hot but not that hot, dui stop been spoiled it's for Ur own good, even the little princess didn't uttered a word" min yaya said with anger toward min dui, that cousin of her are really annoying.

"It's really hot cousin am not fake it" min dui said with small sad tune.

Su lou laugh awkwardly "actually she's right the water over there hotter than here , you see those deep blue stain it's mean the water warmer than other place, every time the color become deeper the water would be hotter".

min dui was the only one sitting alone on big pond above the other one while the three ladys where sitting on other pond lower below min dui.

"I told you am not making it" min dui said while pouting.

"and why she's over there alone?" min yaya asked .