Hot spring 2

"that's because the more hotter the water the faster she ll be cured, if she stay in our water level she will take the hall day , it's sound ok right?"

lui min yaya said nodding her head of.

"Wrong ... first her skin will start to pull off and second this place will be full of all kind of beast at night" su lou explaining.

min dui got panic "what do you mean by that, my skin will pull off, buhuhu"

"stop crying nothing will happened to you" su lou said

"really_sniff sniff" min dui said while sniffling.

Min yaya looked at su lou not convinced then asked "what are you hiding?"

"Don't worries nothing bad will happened to her but of course there is the after math" su lou said shrugging her shoulders.

"what do you mean?" min yaya asked.


The three ladies turn to the source of the sound they saw min dui in state of women been drugged with aphrudian, she was touching her body and moaning with every move as if she been touched by her lover.

"eummhhh …ummmh…huff…" min dui was making all the sexy voice and moan that you could ever heard between two lover it made su lou skin go Goosebumps.

"what's wrong with her big sister lou" the little princess asked, until now she was sitting in su lou lap enjoining her hot bath while su lou was washing her hair; but now she was hearing a weird sound coming from min dui she didn't like it at all .

"What's wrong with her?, why she's acting like that?" min yaya asked with little horror in her eyes and disgust on , that was so shameful to her as a noble lady to act as s**t.

"hehe...the after math, don't worry it will were off ... soon i hope" su lou said casually , then she looked at yuwa and saw the confuse and the displeased on her eyes.

"you don't like it my hua?" su lou testing the little princess ; yuwa shook her head violently.

"pftt...hhhhhh good girl" su lou pat her head after she finished her laugh , then she put her hands on yuwa ears covering them .

After a while min dui stopped whatever she was doing there, the three girls turned their head not interested on what ever happening.

min dui get angry after she woke up from her daze "you_you…you did it on purpose didn't you?" pointing at su lou.

"What!! I just saved Ur life, you should thank me" she said.

"Forget about that, how do you feel?" su lou asking ignoring her stare like dagger to her.

min dui calmed down "am feeling fine , the water is not hotter any more" she was feeling good actually even her skin look much better than before , not that it was not before .

"good , see this spring is not a normal one , how do you feel my hua?" su lou asked yuwa.

"it feel good, I feel light" yuwa said happily

Then su lou looked at min yaya as if she was asking her the same question.

"I feel good too and my skin…" min yaya said in daze, her skin look better more beautiful than before.

"Of course it will feel better the water here have special healing, it can wash off ur tiredness and heal ur outer skin from wound and improve it too and it can even desintoxicant some kind of poison like hers" su lou explaining while pointing to min dui.

"ok we need to get out now the boys must be waiting for us" su lou said while walking towerd her clothes.

After they wear their clothes and been refreshed; they start walking to the point of meeting ; su lou was holding yuwa In her hand chatting with her.

"do you like it my hua" su lou asked with smile.

"En, I never saw something beautiful like that" yuwa said cheerfully.

"did you see her ... she was like a boiled chicken back there pfttt" su lou whispering in yuwa ears about min dui; they looked to each other then they burst laughing out loud "hahahahaha".

"hey I heard that" min dui said angrily .

They just ignoring her and kept laughing, yuwa didn't like min dui because she was making trouble for su lou , who ever su lou like or dislike yuwa will do the same ; she's her only friend after all.

"miss su I want to ask you for a while now, why do you keep holding the princess is her condition that bad, even his highness keep lifting her" min yaya asked.

" Ah that, no she can walk, but her body is little weak and this place as you could see... is full of all kind of beasts , so I will not leave a chance to make a mistake after all she can't react quickly or defend herself" she answered .

"I get it, let me help you holding her" min yaya reach her hand to take the little princess; it's good opportunity if his highness saw her get well with his niece he will apritiated ; he love this niece of him dearly .

Yuwa buried her head in su lou chest and clinched her cloths, saying by that she doesn't want too.

Su lou laugh awkwardly "hehe, the princess doesn't get well with strangers, so…" (o.k that was awkward ).

"Oh, my bad , I wasn't thoughtful" min yaya plastered a smile after she retract her hands .

"Don't worry princess min yaya , she will be ok with you after she get familiar with you" su lou said with small smile (my hua what are you doing she's gonna be ur uncle bride).

Min yaya just nod her head but she was upset, she was fisting her hands under her sleeves ( how der a concubine daughter to reject me, it must be that filthy commoner fault, after all the princess doesn't know any one out of the palace , my aunt made sure of that…. She becomes danger I must deal with her before we get back'.

Su lou looked at the pouting princess in her arms, she laugh then start to cheer her up with pep talk.

"emm, big sister lou I want to ask you something" yuwa said shyly .

"of course my hua any thing" so lou asked .

"emm, when I grow up…"


"is my breast gonna big as big as yours" yuwa asked with blush

"whaaat!!" su lou was surprised by the question

"pfttt, of course they will" su lou said while laughing

"really?" yuwa said cheerfully , when they were in the hot spring taking a hot bath of course butt naked , yuwa was looking curiously at their body , min dui chest was small ,princess min yaya was normal but su lou breast was white big and plump and soft, she did feel it back there , su lou didn't mind she thought it was the curiosity of children so she let her do as she want , beside she's a girl too.