never mess with ji kan

" don't worry princess when we get back and you be healthy i will give you my secret recipe that made mine like that" su lou said while winking to princess rong yuwa.

"Give it to me too, I'll pay for it" min dui said without shame, money can buy everything right, or that what she think, it doesn't matter she saw how big su lou chest, she want one like her too, her was so small.

Even min yaya want to ask for the recipe but her pride stop her.

Su lou mouth twitched she was just joking with the princess yuwa about the recipe, she doesn't have one, and her breast was natural ok, it was family heritage her aunt has a big one too.

"Why do you think ur money can buy my special recipe?, beside my recipe only work on the smart one" su lou said snorting .

"What do you mean by that?" min dui said grinding her teeth

"if you want ur small one to be Biiiiig ….oh my God , what happened to you?" su lou didn't finish her word when she saw a horrible scene ; min dui and min yaya and the little princess turned to see what su lou was looking at, they all take a back with agape .

"Brother what happen to you" min dui ask with horror.

The scene is like that, we have two groups; one was shining beautifully and the others … well they look horrible ;the cloths was tear up ;hair was messy with tired and haggard faces; they look like they were fighting none stop.

"it's all because of her" xin rui said angrily pointing at su lou .

"me, what did I do to you?" su lou said , she could see the anger in his eyes , not just him but everybody else.

"you deceived us" he said

"didn't you find the hot-spring ,am sure it was there, did you get lost?" su lou asked confusedly ;she was sure it was there.

"not that , we found it"

"so what's the problem then?" she said

"you said it's small snakes"

"Yes , so.."

"it wasn't small and there were a lot of it" he said grinding his teeth then throw a snake at su lou feet.

The girls was agape to how big and tall that snake was ,su lou stare a little bit at it then she looked at xin rui with confused and said "so, what's the problem? I don't get it"; all of them looked at su lou as if she was "alien".

"are you telling me that a small snake" he ask angrily , she driving him crazy.

"Yes" su lou asked calmly.

"miss su , do you have a problem with size" mong ki asked this time.

"of course not , why?" she said

"emm , that's not small at all , miss su" mong ki said while his lips was twitching.

"No that's a small one" nodding her head , then she looked around her and pointed to some huge tree there and said "do you see that tree over there, the big one of those snakes look like her" ; their faces get pale , that tree was huge so how do the big snakes look like ; they don't want to think about it .

"Beside why didn't use the snake powder?" su lou asked

"What snake powder?" xin rui ask

"The one I gave it to you ….. Oh my bad, I forget to give it to you, hehe" su lou said awkwardly after searching her bag , it was an honest mistake.

"are you telling me there's a powder can made those snake go away , and that we was fighting them for nothing?" xin rui ask

Su lou nod "yes , if you said it like that"

"that's it am gonna kill you" xin rui pulled his sword wanting to attack su lou


"stopped cousin"

"big sister lou am scared"

Before xin rui take even a step there was a black shadow holding a sword to his nick standing behind him, they all taken a back who's that man.

"who are you , do you know who I am?" xin dui said trembling , he could feel his killing intense , he didn't even know from where he come up; not just him everybody feel the something , lui clan guard hold their sword high ready to fight.

"put ur sword down and we won't hurt you" someone of the lui clan guard talk.

"heheh, try he's gonna be dead before you reach him" the man in black said mischievous , when he talk he sound like the devil .

xin rui get scared he know he wasn't playing beside his sword start wound his skin and he start bleeding "stop, all of you, don't move".

"Good choice, heheh" the man in black said.

"are you done playing?" su lou said

"not really" the man in black answer

"san yue stop it!! Beside why are you here" she said with irritate

"he want to harm you"

"really, do you think he could?"

"emm, no actually I don't, but what if he can scratch you , what then?"

"you know the rules, so don't give me that crap"

"AGH, it was boring there"

"do you think am playing here?"

Before san yue can answer mong li cut them, it was starting to be ridicules they ignore everybody and converts by them self, beside they sound like mother and her child.

"excuse me miss su but who is he?" mong li ask the question that everybody want to asked.

Su lou exhale then said "my shadow guard"

"one more question , is he perhaps a ji kan"


"you mean you have ji kan warrior as shadow guard" mong li agape , he was close to xin rui so he could see the only thing was showing up from the man , it was his eyes it was ocean blue , the rare color and known only ji kan tribe can have it , no body know why is that ,but every generation they has the same color .

"do you have problem with that?" su lou asked agitated ,she can see the look in their eyes and it was judging look, she doesn't like it.

"No of course not, I think ur cool for that" mong li said while cheering ; to have a ji kan as shadow guard that was cool even his highness couldn't have one , 'now I know why his highness treat her like that and give her the spring courtyard , she deserve to be princess jin'.

If only su lou know what he was thinking she'll vomit a mouthful of blood.

"ok, enough already, everyone put ur sword down" prince rong lee xie was just sitting there watching the play but when the things get to this far, he couldn't just keep watching ; beside he know how strong the ji kan warrior could be , and that one look like he was thirsty for blood and the only thing leeched him was su lou ; thank God that girl was the wise type or it gonna be sea of blood in here.

"lou lou control ur guard" lee xie said.

Su lou mouth twitched (when did we start calling each other with first names?, well I think that happened after the incidence in the study room , agh…I'll just a low it , we could considered as friend any way, beside his my brother friend).

"San yue … please_huh" su lou coxing him.

"But he want to hurt you and I didn't play for awhile now , and ..."