
"but he want to hurt you and I didn't play for a while now , and you said it would be fun…I don't like it, you never call for me either" san yue said pretending to been wronged.

Everybody mouth twitched is this the great warrior, he was acting like spoiled child , they all get disappointed ,some of them get relieved , maybe they just valued him to much ; but san yue next move shattered their dreams and wake them off.

"tsk , what a sissy , to think his from ji…" one of lui clan guards was talking to his friend ; he couldn't even finish his words when he drop dead , his eyes and mouth was open wide .

"jin min what happened to you" his friend dropped in his knee checking his breath , he wasn't breathing, there were a tiny knife stack in his nick ; there isn't even a drop of blood ; he was wiped clean.

Everyone turn to look to the dead guard he was in the last raw behind them.

"oh no that's bad, here catch my hua for sec" su lou said while putting yuwa in min yaya hands and rushed to where san yue standing .

"cough…cough" xin rui was coughing violently ; right now he has been chocked to death by san yue , san yue drop the hand with sword and change it with the other hand squeezing his throat to death.

"you damn thief , you dare to call me sissy" san yue said with red eyes and unleash his killing aura; it was terrifying for the low skill fighter they start trembling none stop and for the high skilled like su lou and the prince lee xie and princess min yaya they could feel the tance and it wasn't small one.

"san yue , look at me , it's not him , look his dead over there" su lou try to appease his anger , she know better what would happened if he lost it.

"what's wrong with him?" lee xie asked after he get next to su lou.

"stay back, everybody don't move…if you wanna still be alive" she said with serious face.

"San yue look at me" then she approach him and hold his face in her hand they looked in each other eyes , one with cold killing eyes and the other with warm loving gaze.

"carful" lee xie said after he san yue drop xin rui to the ground catching su lou shoulders , he thought his gonna attack her , so he was gonna jump to save her; but what he saw shocked him ; san yue was putting his forehead on su lou forehead and su lou was talking with him in weird language.

"Ndio san yangu, ndiye kijana wangu mzuri, tutakuwa tunaunganishwa kila wakati na upendo wetu na urafiki, kuwa na amani rafiki yangu mzuri..."

Su lou said with the warm tune; nobody can understand what she was saying was heartwarming it made you feel peaceful.

While everybody was in daze for the change event; mong li stand beside lee xie he was there to protect his highness.

"I didn't know that pri….ahem i mean Miss su know the language of the ji kan tribe" mong li said with surprise.

Lee xie look at him then he asks "did you know what she's saying?", he didn't know either , she always surprise him , if not for mong li voice he think he was under some kind of spell , it was like mermaids used their voice to draw the sailors in the sea , he was draw to her voice.

"I don't know much but I think from how they stand right now, she's saying the ji kan oath" mong li said.

"oath!!" lee xie asked with knit brows , 'what kind of oath, why she has to make one with him, beside he's just her shadow guard, and he look crazy too…maybe she should …'

Mong li cat his thought again and said "something about blood-love-friendship I think , that's only what I could understand" he said with a bit shame , that's the only word he can learn from his friend ; it wasn't easy to even learn those few word , he doesn't know how miss su did it.

Well that's thanks to her previous life; su lou was an explorer and she was travelling a lot ; and she learn the Swahili in her travel ; that was the language of ji kan tribe.

"sorry mistress" san yue said after he calm down

"feeling much better now" su lou said with warm smile.


Then he gives her a bear hug, "you straggling me" su lou said under him.

"Let me hold you a little more" he said while he was closing his eyes.

"Am not child anymore….stopped…..you embarrassing me" su lou said

Mong li feel cold all of sudden when he turnaround he saw lee xie fisting his hand and looking at san yue with murder look; 'why he's highness become scary ) ; when he looked at the hugging couples he understand 'release our princess jin you damn scary man' ; of course he wouldn't say that out loud ; he would be dead too.

Su lou felt something pulling her skirt , when she looked down she find the little princess holding her skirt while frowning .

"What it is my hua , are ur tummy hurt?" su lou asked while she still in san yue arms.

Yuwa shook her head then pouted .

"ok , talk to me sweetie ….argh….san yue ….let me go ,I need to know what's wrong with the princess" su lou said while struggling .

"I don't want too" he said

Su lou start to have a headache she sigh then said "if you let me go am gonna let you play in the fifth peak, how about that?"

"promise...you promise" he said

"Em, promise…pinky promise" then she pulled his pinky with her doing a pinky promise; san yue smile brightly then he released her.

Su lou let out a long breath then she turn to yuwa to find her looking at her with gloomy face while squeezing her skirt between her small hands ; su lou crouch down before yuwa ; she put her hands on yuwa shoulders and asked

"what's wrong sweetie?, tell big sister lou, ok" su lou asked with warm tune

"y_you through me there…and left me alone….and you said you'll only do the pinky promise with me…you even give him a hug " yuwa said while stumping in her words.

Su lou find that so cute "oaah , my sweetie want a hug too" then she give the princess a bear hug then she lifted her and start turning her in the air.

"tehehe, big sister lou you making me dizzy" yuwa said with a happy voice

Su lou stopped then she put her down and catches yuwa face and start kissing it "you're not allowed to be that cute…muah…I can't get enough from this honey…muah_muah_muah" ; suddenly su lou filet someone pulled her from yuwa and said with angry voice .

"stopped already everyone is looking" lee xie said with cold tune.

"w_what do you mean?" su lou asked confusingly then she looked around to find most of the man turning their face's or blushing , she turned at lee xie and looked at him with questing eyes ; lee xie ears was slightly red ; he clear his throat then he turn his head to the other side.

Su lou approached san yue and asked "what's wrong san yue?"

San yue snort for his mistress ignorance then he said "nothing mistress, just bunch of perverts".

Su lou blink her eyes then she blinked twice (perverts??? What he mean by that?) , su lou looked so confused, looking around her just to understand but she couldn't.

Lee xie let a sigh then he lift yuwa in his arms and said "no more kissing you two, let's keep going the sun has just set"

Su lou blink at him then she just follow "ah san yue you can go now,I'll call you later"

"En" san yue said then he just disappear.

"Someone helped the young master lui here" lee xie said

"but ur highness what about the dead guard?" mong li asked

"just buried him" lee xie said

Min dui kneeled before prince rong lee xie and talked with pleading tune "your highness you have to give brother and our clan justice?"

"what are you talking about?" lee xie ask

"su lou guard almost killed my brother and he even killed one of our guards, your highness I beseech you" then she start kowtowing .

Su lou get angry it's obviously it's against her not san yue , she couldn't stand still "you reap what you sow " .

min dui stop kowtowing then she looked at su lou with red eyes "your just guide, how dare you harm a young master from lui clan?"

"your brother try to harm me first , do you want my guard to stand still ,are you stupid ?" su lou said crossing her arms

"who you calling stupid" min dui said pointing at su lou

"duh, am calling you" su lou said rolling her eyes

"enough already you two , you giving me headache , miss lui your brother has wronged her first" lee xie said with cold tune "as for the guard …" and he turned to the rest of them and said "if you cannot response for a simple attack like that ,then what's the point in being her?" .

Everybody look upset, that's not a simple attack and the attacker wasn't a normal person; he was a profession assassin and a maniac at that; he killed their comrade for one bad word; it's obvious that his highness siding with them and they can't do anything about it; he's a prince and prince Jin at that; he's untouchable; all they can do is to shut their mouth if they want to survive.

"but your highness…" min dui couldn't completed her words when princess lui min yaya pulled her hand stopping her from talking then she bowed a slightly and said "your wise your highness ,if they can't survive that's their fault of being incompetence"; then she opened the way in front of him by moving min dui aside .

Lee xie just nod his head then he keep walking with yuwa in his hands, su lou in his right side and his entourage behind him.

min dui groaned in pain ; min yaya was holding her hand so tightly and she look angry and scary right now so she just muffled her voice ; she know how scary and cruel could be her cousin if she was angry .

Min yaya didn't even notice that she was crashing her cousin arm; she was lost in her own thoughts; she want to get rid of su lou and she can see how his highness was protecting her and the biggest problem were her shadow guard ; she didn't know that she have one and it's ji kan on top of that ; now killing her will be hard ; she have to think of another way .

"Cousin…pain" min dui couldn't stand it anymore

"En, dui from now on don't even move without my permission" min yaya looked at her with cold eyes "am I clear"; min dui nod her head in fear; she fear her cousin the most; she saw what she did to who oppose her; this cousin of her look delicate and fragile but the truth she's like venom snake ; you wouldn't know how she even killed you.