our biggest enemy

After walking for while they prepare the camp for the night, everybody was in his position there were two groups one from his highness side while the other was from the lui clan; they were turning the shift between them after all they were at the door of the fifth peak ; this peak have all kind of most dangerous beasts; letting their guard down means death .

At the princess yuwa tent wich was lee xie tent at the first place; during the current situation he never used it ; he need to protect yuwa at any time ; so he was always leaning on the trees or meditating that's how he would take a rest .

Su lou stood on the door of the tent talking to mong li "is his highness taking a rest?"

"he just get the little princess in the bed ,do you need his highness in urgent matter?" Mong li ask

"hehe, no it's not that urgent…I'll just come back later" su lou laugh awkwardly and said then she take a turn around to leave the place when a voice come out inside the tent.

"wait a bit more, am coming" it was lee xie voice who stop her in her track.

Su lou stopped moving and turn around again facing mong li then she gave him a stifle smile (why am I nervous , I'll just thank him and walk my way , but I don't feel good ) .

After two minutes Lee xie come out from the tent ; he was clasping his hand behind his back and standing with serious face ; he stand there as if he was going to the war; su lou get panic (he look angry , is he gonna kill me … , what am talking about…tehehe am he's guide he still need me, why is he making that face he look scary ).

"fallow me" lee xie said to su lou then he walk to the woods , su lou walk behind him awkwardly .

Lee xie just keep walking without saying a word and that scare su lou even more (yep, his gonna kill me then buried my body in the woods).

At that moment su lou forget that she's strong and know the forest better than anyone and she had on her back the most strongest shadow guard can anyone have before ; she just subtitle for her fear ; she know that his highness was her nemesis and his gonna sacrifice her live to save princess lui min yaya; (su lou, ah stupid su lou you need always to remember your own death).

fear the first enemy to our self , it will always pull us down , like the gazelle and the lion , logic speaking the gazelle was faster than a lion but she always been cut up in his clows why because she know for sure that the lion was predator and she could never defeat it .

that what been happening to su lou right now, su lou have all the elements that could defend him buy her self and even win with beat of heart but she surrender to her fear , forgetting every knowledge she get ...

"ouch , that's hurt" su lou said after she stumped at lee xie back

"why don't you look where you walk" lee xie said with cold voice then he turn around trying to check su lou forehead that she was holding at that moment.

"what are they feeding you a steal?" su lou murmured to her self

Lee xie chuckle then he said "let me see" he extended his hand to touch su lou forehead but she just jumped in second as if he touch her she's gonna burn ; lee xie was surprised by her move but he didn't think much.

"talk" he said

"huh" su lou still in daze

"you said you need to talk to me" he said

"ah that, I just want to thank ur highness after what you did back there" su lou said with small smile after she lowered her hand

"I didn't do it for you" lee xie said after he take two steps tower su lou direction, of course it was for her but he wouldn't admitted .

"huhu, is that so….still thank you , you know san yue never act like that without a cause" she said laughing awkwardly while taking steps back( that was embarrassing ,couldn't just said it was for me even it's a lie, you stingy man).

"good point , it's been a while now , I want to ask you where did you get that shadow guard from?" he said while he was still walking forward.

"as I said it was long story and it's not the right place to tell you about it" she said while backing of.

"em, and what with his attitude is he lunatic" he said

"of course not , he is a GOOD MAN….that come out strongly , it's not that am rising my voice or something ur highness… ahhh" su lou said after her back hit a tree .

Lee xie put his arms on the tree caging her and said "a good man you say"

"En , he just doesn't like to be called by that bad word….he_he just has a a little issue that's it…heheh ….who doesn't have one" she explain nervously

"a little issue…hem…and you know how to solve it" he said

"of course, after all we been together for years no_oow" su lou said her last shaking after lee xie close the distance between them and glare at her.

"you been together for years?" asking with chill tune.

"yes…I mean I was with him" lee xie rise his brow "I mean he was with me…we been together … his been my guard" su lou said with shaky breath.

"em, sound better and what about that show you do back there?" He ask again.

"show, what show?...oh you mean the bound" she said (why is he acting like this, he's scaring me)

"and NOW you have a BOUND … EXPLAIN" he said with cold tune after he hit the tree with his hand.


" yes, you…"

"there is a blood bound the ji kan warrior do with their savior , that connect them until one of them die first , then …" she said while trembling.

"and the language , how do you know about it"

"he taught me…a little…"

"that doesn't sound a little"

"it's the truth , beside I learned already, it just his presence made me talk it better"

"really , you been taught, by whom?"

"my grandpa"

Lee xie raise his brows as if he doesn't believing her.

"am not laying, you could ask him when we come back"

Lee xie nod his head then he close to her more leaving no space between them, su lou shivered she could feel his warm body on her (what_what now , leave me alone you scary man, buhuhu) she want to cry but she lack tears, su lou put her hand on lee xie chest trying pushing him but he wouldn't budge.

"and the hug, why was he hugging you like that?" he said with cold freezing voice .

"He…wait why do I have to answer that" she looked at him with annoyed he wouldn't stop interrogate her.

"ANSWER me" lee xie didn't mean to shout at su lou it just come out like that.

Su lou shrank back then her eyes start flooded with tears, she bit her lower lips to prevent herself from crying but she couldn't stop the tears from dropping .

"hic…why are you doing this…hic….why do you sound like my boyfriend cut me cheating on him….you just know how to bulling me…wuwuwuw" su lou finely burst with tears , she was crying like child.

Lee xie get panic he didn't mean to scare her, he was just fed up with anger from before; he didn't even know why he was angry at her .

"don't cry…hush hush" lee xie said trying to calm her down while he was whipping her tears with his handkerchief.