Finally lost it:

"hic…hic don't shush me... you bad man" su lou said while she beating his chest with her hands .

'and we back being a bad man again' lee xie lips twitched , he thought she was comfort with him and stopped being scare of him , now they get back to the same place as before.

Lee xie hug su lou in his arms and start soothing her back .

"am not a child…sniff_sniff"

"of course " still soothing her back

Su lou stopped beating his chest , and she clang at his shirt ; at that moment she find his chest wide and warm so she just close her eyes just for a second to rest them (I am tired; just for moment….so warm and cozy) .

Su lou stopped hiking and moving at the same time; her breath was steady and calm; lee xie take a look at her to find her sleeping peacefully at his chest; lee xie chuckle then he lifted her in his arms and walked a way to the camp.

At the camp everyone looked at lee xie who carrying su lou with a wild open eyes and their imagination get wild; some of them thought they collide beasts and su lou was injured that's why his highness carrying her ; they even start to imagine how the battle want .

lee xie didn't mind all kind of staring eyes he just walk toward su lou tent and putt her at her bed wich was a sheep skin covered with a blanket; when he was putting her on her bed su lou rolled over it and snuggle in her blanket ; lee xie stand and get ready to exit the tent when he feel his robe been pulled ; he looked at his robe to find su lou clinging at it ; he crouch down so he can pull it but su lou grip as so tight , if he move just a little she for sure gonna ripe his clothes .

"why are clingy today, huh" lee xie said after he sat beside her.

Su lou at that moment was having a dream it was when she was kid and her grandfather teaching her how to fight .

"grandpa …am t…" she was murmuring

"what did you said" lee xie leaned to hear her better , su lou put one hand on his neck and the other at his waist and one of her leg between his and "Bam" ;

She just flipped him under her.

Su lou open her half her eyes and looked at lee xie with knit brows

"lee xie …what are you doing in my dream?"… "did grandpa send you….that grumpy old man…am tired , can't you just make me cheat …tell him I complete my lesson" su lou said with half open eyes and just like that she just lay flat on him completing her sleep peacefully , su lou wasn't sleeping well before there journey and after she start the journey she never take a wink , no matter how strong she is , she just still human after all , so right now she was mixing reality with dreams .

Lee xie didn't know what to say e really have the urge to laugh ... she always surprising him in all kind of it , first she suddenly flipped him and now she was on top of him spiting nonsense; she's obvious still sleepy he could see that...and that what make her interesting and defrent of other women .

"would you…help me cheat…huh" su lou looking at him with puppy eyes

Lee xie chuckle then said "En", he thought she was funny and cute

"I know you're the best…mouah …mouah, that's ur reward for been a good boy" su lou give lee xie two kisses on his cheek , then she just hug him and snuggled on his chest .

Lee xie smile froze on his face 'that damn girl she always do that'; she make him confused and shaking deep inside his heart and the last one start beating loudly.

"why are you like that ?" he asked

"liwe vhat(like what" she answer unconsciously

"so carless around man…around me" then he put his hand on his head, who would sleep peacefully on stranger man chest; and she look so comfortable.

"thiv no men hever(there's no man here)" she said

"really ,then what am I?" lee xie at that moment want to cry but he was lack of tear ;she didn't see him as man.

"yoau're a goaad man (you're a good man)" she said

Lee xie just shake his head then he smile awhile back there she was calling him a bad man but now , huff 'I guess she just tired and doesn't mean what she said'.

Lee xie pat her head ; then he remember something "ah right, lou lou what boyfred mean?"he ask

"it's called boyfriend" she said

"Whatever, is it mean husband?" he asked , su lou always say a weird word he didn't understand it

"No, it's like…emm…lover I guess" she said

"lover!!" lee xie knit his brows and stare at su lou 'lover, did she mean yulun back there, no no I don't think so' and he open his mouth to ask but su lou put her hand on his mouth

"shhh, sleep…stop talking…if you sleep I'll give you a candy…good boy" then she patted his face.

Lee xie mouth twitched, did she think his a child to give him a candy; beside how can he sleep will she was moving on top of him; he barely can control his self ; he feel hot and itchy down their ; he really feel embarrassed but he can't helped ; that only happened when she was intimate with him ; and right now su lou sleeping position didn't help much.

She was hugging his waist and rubbing her face on his chest like a kitten , she was putting her leg between his and she was pressing him down there; it's feel uncomfortable ; lee xie face start getting hot and his body too ; he have that urge again it didn't feel good and he hate it when his body start reacting at her touch .

He hate to admit it but he like her touching him; he felt like a pervert at that moment; what was he thinking .

it's not like he never been close to women before he even go to the brothel ; he have seen naked women before; well that happen when the empress send someone to seduce him but he didn't feel anything accept disgust of course ; that woman body was fine even better than su lou but this feeling only su lou make him feel it and he like it a lot ; 'I really feel ashamed of myself but I want to touch her ' .

Then he start touching her hair playing with it in his hand 'so soft'.

then he put one hand around her waist then he pulled her to him wich made su lou snuggled even more to his chest; he can feel her hot breath on his chest it tickles.

What su lou did next was the deadly move she start moving her waist on his ; su lou was looking for good position to sleep but that didn't help lee xie.

Lee xie have a reaction down there and it just raise up with all his glory; lee xie heart was pounding loudly and his breath start to hitch, his throat was dry and he was like stove right now .