New game

It was dawn when the groups decide to move on to the next peak; this peak was known as the most big one with all kind of beasts living in it .

There were three deadly species live in it of course there were another beast but they can't be compared with those three groups.

The first pack were the Samarian tigers they was in small size with red fur they look like the normal tigers accept for the black lines , there size no more than a calf but they well organized they attack in packs ,they were fast fierce and deadly .

The second pack was the "Jai Van" elephant, they have the shape and fur of the mammoth, they live in small number they almost extinct because of the hunt , the hunters will come to this peak risking their life just to get their cuspid they got a fortune over it , the wealthy family and royalty used as jewels and the doctors as medicine .

The final group was the real threat, they known as "kifo cha kimya" or "The Silence Death", as their name sound not many know about them

The weight : unknown

The size : unknown

The color : unknown

The speed: the speed of the sound

The only thing was known were their speed; Not many known about them because they never survived, su lou fought with them once if not for san yue she will be dead by now.

Su lou stop walking and clap her hands to get everybody attention and that worked well, after they stopped moving su lou start explain her plan.

"Attention-attention everyone" (why do I sound like air host )

"ok , everyone it's time to shine , some of you will shine the other will die or get serious injury" she looked at the gloomy faces and said

"am not cursing you, it's a fact, I myself almost die in this peak" when she said that everybody faces change some was pale other were afraid but all of them have the same thought, she was from the Su family a family known with her strength, they saw a little of her skill back there, to work as guide in this dangerous forest it's obviously not normal person.

" emm, let's see mong li group could you come forward please" she said ; the group come forward as su lou said.

"yes , miss how can we help you?" mong li ask with respect tone.

"o.k., you look like a taught guys, so I'll handle you the <>" she said

"Yes, miss su" mong li said with confused

"The Lui clan , step forward plz" she said

"You'll handle the <>" she said, she wants to finish her word when one of the Lui clan step forward and ask.

"why they have the easy tusk?" he said with discomfort , she obviously siding with his highness group, that was the thoughts of the Lui clan.

"heheh , are you really thinking that am siding with them?" she said questioning , and the look on their faces said it all.

"seriously… I didn't even complete my words" she said .

"we can have their mission if they want" mong li said

"let me finish first then we can diced after" she said with annoyed

"mong li group , you will not gonna kill those beasts" she said

"then what?" mong li ask with confuse

"you'll gonna knock them down without shattering any single drop of blood" she said

Everyone eyes pop it out .

"how the hell we gonna do that?" mong li ask with irritate , the ji van elephants was easy to kill but to knock them down without shading a blood was not easy tusk , those beast has a thick fur and strong muscles and when they get angry they destroy any thing on their way, now they know why she give them this tusk.

"do you still wanna change your tusk?" she asked

"No, were fine, thank you" one of the lui clan answer with blush

Su lou get pest so she said out loudly "listen up everyone, I know you have ur doubt everyone have his, I wouldn't put my life in ur hands too"… "am not asking you to trust me but at list you can do ,trust his highness wise judgment".

"for love of GOD ,his prince JIN…The Prince of War" she said pointing at lee xie.

"do you think he will risk his life and yours just for wimp moment"

"I know , it must be hard for your males pride to be lead by a little girl" then she looked at their eyes which most of them avert it .

"let me said that one more time, am here to guide you so you could go back to ur family in one piece" she exhale then she continued

"so if I say jump you gonna jump, if I say duck you'll do it, even if I ask you to role you'll role with happy smile on your faces, because that gonna save ur as**s"

When su lou finished her voice was echoed everywhere, all of them hang their heads down , and a moment of deadly silence come up.

"clap…clap…clap" there were a sound of clapping , all of them turn to the source of the sound; it was the little princess clapping with happy face

"you look so cool big sister lou" yuwa said

"aoh, my hua…it's only you who make me wanna throw hell with bright smile; my cold breeze in hot summer night" she put her hand on her chest ,then she go to her and take it from lee xie hand and hugged her then she start spinning her .

tehehe , big sister lou am dizzy" yuwa said with laugh

"ok , I'll stop but you have to give me a kiss" she said


"I said no kissing" lee xie said after he grabs yuwa and put her in his hand.

"it just a kiss, do you need to be this stingy?" she said it with huched tune and a pout.

"stop playing we have mission to complete" he said

"your right"

"so what about us , what we gonna do?"

"oh that, you have the most important tusk"

"what is it?"

Su lou look right- left then left-right, then she said "you four fallow me"

Su lou stand under a big tree then she said "your highness , princess min yaya come here" when they get close to her she take their hand and get them close to each other then she circulated them with some kind of powder .

"what are you doing?" lee xie ask

"wait , I'll explain" she said

Then she took out red pill and stands in front yuwa and said "say Ahh for me sweetie" and she put the pill on yuwa mouth, yuwa immediately faint.

"what did you give her?" lee xie said with panic

"relax it's just slipping pill" she said

"why she need a sleeping pill for?" he ask

"Seriously, man are the most ignorance human, do you wanna her to see all that blood and dead people , do you want her to become traumatize?" she explain.

"Oh" he forget that yuwa just a child.

"yoe, the two sibling come here" she said then she make them stood two miters away from the prince party, then she sprayed the same powder .

She dusted her hands then said "ok , your mission is ….to stand still"

"what do you mean?" princess min yaya asked

"as you heard , you will stand there, not moving any muscle , no moving , no loud talking ,and the most important thing "No Matter What" you heard or see you'll never intervenes , that powder will keep the beast away from you" she said

"and you , what you gonna do?" lee xie ask

"Me!, am gonna watch their back or all of them gonna die" she said with serious face.

"that's why you have to stand still , I can't split myself to two , can i? she explain ,they nod.

"good, oey SAN YUE" she shouted

"yes mistress" in blink of eye he was beside her.

"let's go and play" she said with smile , he nod excitedly .

"I was thinking to use 4-2-3 what do you think?" she ask

"Not bad, how about 4-4-2" he said

Su lou nod "it's good too" then she stop walking and said "guys we'll go and bring the beasts so heads up", then she disappear with san yue in the woods.