Let’s play

"why she would bring the beasts?" mong ki ask the question for everyone there

"do you see his highness over there" mong li said; mong ki nod his head.

"we and the lui clan will be busy fighting the beasts" mong li said

Mong ki look puzzled, mong li sigh then said "this peak has the most dangerous beasts in all the mountain, if we start walking in this peak and fight the beasts we'll be injured and the little princess could get hurt, beside his highness need all his strength for the final peak"

Now they all get it; if they fight all those beasts in the same place they can gain time and effort.

While they were in deep thoughts su lou could be heard from a far

"The Lui groups, STAND BY" su lou yelling.

the lui clan warrior couldn't believe What they seen it made them scare out of their minds , su lou jumping between the trees and after her the tigers they were about forty Samarian tigers and they look pest.

'What did she do? to make them this angry' that what the Lui clan guards thinking at that moment.

Su lou stood in a nearby then she start talking loudly "in my mark you'll launch the attack" ; the lui group stand by with their weapon waiting for su lou command; this time they will listen if they want to survive.

"Ready…Steady….GOOO" su lou said out loud .

The lui clan launch the attack, it was a fierce battle; you could hear the sound of claws on the metal swords; there were screams and roars everywhere ; you can hear the shredding sound and the smell of the blood all over the place.

Su lou was standing there without moving a muscle , her eyes were on one spot as if she waiting for something or someone ; that's what mong li could think after looking at her , he was waiting for her command so he was watching her like a hawk.

The ground start shaking a little and there were a sound of horns buzzing at every one ears, they were the ji van elephants; now its mong li group turn.

Su lou did the same as the first group but this time she was counting with her hand "Ten, nine…five…three…one, GOOO" and the mong group start her attack.

While the two groups fighting their last breath ; su lou stood on the same tree and beside her a man in black.

(no , it's not Will Smith…i wish ;hey it's the author…bye now).

They were talking among their self .

Lee xie and his group were standing there watching the fight; min dui was so afraid that she was clinging at her brother arm almost cutting it off.

xin rui wasn't taking attention to his sister; all he could do was staring at the battle on front of him in daze it was a fierce one ; he was thinking what he could do if he was there; his strong but he lack in fighting experience; so su lou putting him in a safe place was good thing; he doesn't want to die in young age ; he still have a lot of things to do.

Lee xie look at yuwa then he sight 'how could I be a lack of sight ,thank god lou lou think of solution or yuwa will safer a lot' ; then he knit his brows looking at su lou and san yue talking to each other ; he could hear them if he concentrate; they weren't that far ,it's just the sound of the battle .

"where are they?" su lou ask

"they'll be hear , the smell of the blood will lower them" san yue answer

"so, what should we use this time?"

"the usual I guess"

"but I want to use the new one"

"isn't a little dangerous for you?"

"Ah, come on…I was really training hard just to use it" su lou said with pleading eyes.

San yue let a sigh and said "Fine, but you have to be careful"

"ok,ok" su lou jumped in happiness .

'what are they talking about and why she look happy' lee xie wondering after he heard them talking.

"what about the thing in ur hand?" san yue ask su lou

Su lou looked at her hand and laugh awkwardly "good you remind me, wait for me am gonna get back in min"

Su lou leap between the trees landing in front lee xie , she smiled at him and said "how is my hua?"

"still sleeping" lee xie said

"oh, I got present for her" she said then she put a small red fur tiger in yuwa lap , it was a new born cub .

"is that?" he ask

"uhuh" she answer nodding

"I see, that's how you lower them" princess min yaya talked looking at su lou with plaster smile on her face.

the moment su lou put her with his highness she was so happy , finally she gonna get together with her beloved prince but now she get the tiger cub and get all the light on her...that damn shorty need to be removed fast , he need a quick sulotion ,lui min yaya glance at min dui and her eyes flashed .

"yes" su lou answering with a happy smile

"isn't that dangerous?" min yaya asked

"No, don't worry I already hide his scent and I give him sleeping pill ,so there is no danger" su lou explain , lee xie nod his head , he didn't ask because he know she would never risk yuwa life , she even think about her feeling even she was just a guide there, so he trust her completely.

"why she could have one and I couldn't?" xin rui said loudly after she woke up from her daze at su lou appearance.

"because I said so , beside ur pain in the a**s" su lou said with annoyance.

"that's no fair" min dui said stamping her feet .