Chapter 2. CUNNING

My life was affected by that bastard, Danuja in the past and later, Danuja with his spoilt brat son Chibi. Danuja wants nothing but power, so that he may always stand above the people and crush anyone under his feet. As much as Danuja loves power, His son Chibi is lustful for money. Danuja is the owner of an industry that takes over the waste from tokyo and dumps into the dump yards of his own which were the lands he bought long ago and the

japanese government pays him well for keeping the main city clean. But the father son duo did not just stop here, father wanted to rule over the entire japan and son wanted to be the richest. It was 2009, when that fucker kid Chibi came up with an idea to his father that may make him and their company rich and danuja may become powerful. They arranged a meeting with japanese government officers one day in their industrial office building and told them about their idea. Chibi welcomed all the members of the managing committee of tokyo, main people of his work

and his father Danuja of course. Chibi began with "gentlemen, we all have gathered here, for the benefit of

tokyo which may also end up providing benefits to the entire Japan. As we all know, our company looks after the cleanliness of tokyo, as tokyo is growing rapidly with its development, so is the waste there. Our industry's dumpyard is at the limits to swallow more waste now. So we have found a new dump yard. Not only for tokyo, but the entire japan.

(Indistinct chatter started happening)

Chibi - hear me out gentlemen, we all are familiar with the Oshima Island outside japan facing the ocean. There are 7 volcanoes out there. What if we dump all our waste in those dead volcanoes that may save the the land in tokyo for more beneficial purposes rather than making stupid

dump yards and maximum waste of the country will be cleaned.

(one of the committee member tried to cut chibi's words by bringing up some questions)

Commitee member - Mr Chibi, we all are familiar with Oshima but not the volcanoes there. There are seven volcanoes of which six small volcanoes are dead ones and we've heard that the main big volcano is still active.

Chibi - Sir, the last eruption happened with that volcano was in 1990, which was years before now and will be 20 because this huge project will be done within a span of a year and for your convenience, we will promise the people of Oshima to make a complete new home, infact an exact similar town. There are maximum 50 families, we can have them moved.

Committee member - but how are you gonna pull that off?

Chibi - that's my call, you leave it up to me and my company. We wont trouble you Sir.

(Chibi continuously started bringing up the name of tokyo and country to make them just focus on their nation so that they may not bother about Oshima town, but the committee members kept a condition for them)

Member - we all agree with you but we have a condition, first you take all the waste from your dump yard and dump it in the main volcano of Oshima as a practice drill for our convenience. If nothing happens then the entire tender of waste dumping will be given to your company for a whooping price.

(Chibi didn't even have a second thought in his mind and nodded his head for the condition. Later on, Danuja was happy with the presentation of his son in the meeting and they were celebrating it for the future with drinks that as chibi will be rich, Danuja will be powerful with the money)

Danuja - (happily) I am proud of you my boy.

Chibi - (smiles) all your genes dad.

Danuja - ( burst out laughing) you see this scar on my lips son, I got this in Oshima.

Chibi - C'mon dad not again. whenever we sit for the drinks, all you say is about this ugly scar on your face. Cheer up atleast for now Oshima itself will make us rich in coming time.

Danuja - yeah my son. But where is our beautiful lady of the house?

Chibi - who dad.?

Danuja - (blushes) your stepmom idiot. my lady, Nomiko.

Chibi - (laughs) ohhh dad, you're drunk. She is not well, might be asleep in her room.

Danuja - (drunk voice) you know son, I have come a long way like, what's the phrase for that. Umm, yeah from rags to richest. I belong from Oshima as well.

Chibi - (stopping him) ugh there he is again, Dad I have heard it a million times and I also know that you hate Oshima town too. Because of your past. You always say this to me but whenever I ask about your past, you don't utter a word. You just carass your scar and start thinking something. What happened dad.?

(Danuja passes out and sleeps on the couch)

Chibi - (whispers) I will conquer Oshima for you dad, I promise.

But who knew that promise will give Oshima sleepless nights.