Apart from those bastard father and son, me and Akio had soft corner for some people too. Like Akio's friends, Arata and Asahi. Coincidently Akio Arata and Asahi names begin from the letter "A" so they used to called their trio "Three Aces". Quite funny, but still it was cool to sound. Arata was Akio's childhood friend since he was five. Arata's father is a owner of some boats, he shows the ocean to the visitors who come to see the nature beauty in Oshima

Island. He is quite famous like a guide. Asahi met Akio and Arata in Junior school, in no time their bond became strong. Then they started coming home, having lunchs and dinners, sleepovers and so on. I was the one who named

them Three Aces.

Arata and Asahi always used to tease Akio by Kaori's name as they all knew what they both feel for each other but never expressed it. Kaori's family is the new addition to the town. They got shift here in Oshima ten years ago. Kaori's

father has a huge business of making and exporting firecrackers. His business works well at the time of Shinto festival (Shinto(ism) - japanese religion).

I remember the day, it was one of the most memorable days of my life last year, 17 april. Kaori came early from the school and took me to the market for shopping. We came quite late around seven. I came home with Kaori and she asked me to wait at the main gate and went inside the house, then she shouted so that I should come inside the house and I did the same. It was dark in the room, I started calling everyone's name to know if everything is okay and suddenly light turned on and kids shouted "Happy birthday Grandpa" in excitement and all that worry on my face turned into a huge smile of surprise. There was Arata, Asahi Akio and Kaori.

Eito - Arata, Asahi, Akio when did you guys come and planned all this. And that too my birthday.

Kaori - your idiot grandson and all of us planned it yesterday.

Asahi - you are most coolest grandpa ever.

Arata - yeah grandpa, you're special for us. Who named us "Three Aces"

Eito - Thank you so much kids, you made my day.

Akio - stop thanking us and make our favourite rice balls, we are starving.

Eito - you guys won't spare me even on my birthday. ( laughs)

These kids are the only ones that brought light to my dark world. Even I felt like a kid when I am with them. All of them don't hesitate to talk about anything to me. Kids are pure heart. But all this happiness was not for a long time. Bad

times can't be ignored and good times can't be enough.

Such is life.