CHAPTER 2: Conflict

I can't be mistaken, that guy is Draco! They are sitting on a bench, having what looks like an enjoyable conversation. I haven't seen Draco smile like that in a while.

I leaned in closer by the window trying to determine who's the girl beside him. She was wearing a long sleeve dress so she must not be a student here. Looking at them, they looked very close and comfortable with each other. But looking the mysterious girl, she looked somewhat familiar. It's like I've seen her somewhere but I can't put my hands on it. But what I know is that Draco is not that busy if he has time to meet up with other people.

'I thought he was very busy? He even canceled our lunch' I unconsciously said to myself.

I became more agitated when the unknown girl suddenly hugged Draco and what made me even more surprised was that he hugged back! Some of them might not know but Draco hates physical affection. I didn't notice that my hand unconsciously curled into fist. Upon noticing it, I slowly took a deep breath and calmed myself down. I should not be jealous, Draco may be my fiancé but does he really have to treat me like this?

"Isn't that Pierce?"

I flinched as I turned to the owner of the voice. It's just Zack. He asked while creeping up to me. God, he always has a habit of sneaking up to people. I gave him a good glare which made him laugh. Then he turned back his attention to Draco as his face became serious.

"Hah the audacity, is he openly flirting with other girls knowing he is engaged?" he snorted.

"Not now Dalton," I said, turning my back at the window as I leaned on it with my expression clouded in confusion.

He then did the same and leaned on the window, "Just saying but hey, if you need someone to kick his ass I'm here for you" he then reassured as he bumped his fist on his chest with a silly smile.

"Thanks, anyway we should head to our next class" Zack Dalton is one of my closest male friends. Apparently, the Dalton's are pretty close to my family. After a while of talking, Rosette then came out and the three of us walked to our next class.


"As the Kingdom of Hezra, we're on the brink of ruin due to King Phillip's reign. A brave hero named Darvyn along with his trusted companions challenged King Phillip and defeated him in the Great war." the old male professor wearing a tacky blazer was pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back as he narrate an old story.

As I scanned the room, I can see that most of the students were divided into two: its either they're listening or fighting their drowsiness. I mean you can't blame them. Listening to the professor's storytelling of a myth is very dull. Since earlier I've been fighting the urge to fall asleep. This story has been taught to us since we were born. Why retell it again? I rested my chin on my left hand and continued to listen on this overused myth.

"The noble hero along with his 4 allies was granted gifts by the Gods for their compassion and bravery. At the end, Darvyn became the new ruler of the Hezra"

A female student with a glasses raised her hand, "What gifts were given to them?" He then stopped pacing and answered the question.

"No one knows or seen what these gifts are. Rumor said that the Gods offered them immortality" The professor then answered back as he went to the white board and erased some of the writings. Zack who was sitting at my right leaned to me and whispered.

"Maybe it was a mountain of golds, I'd love to have a mountain of gold" He commented with a chuckle. Well I'm not surprised. He is fond of anything gold because his family owns a mining and jewelry business. I think in runs on their blood.

Hearing this, Rosette then butted in the conversation as she was writing on her notes, "Well some say that there was never a gift. Apparently for them, being acknowledged by the Gods is a great honor" she said without breaking eye contact from her note notebook. She really was a studious student. Unlike me.

"What? That's boring" I commented as I rolled my eyes upward.

"If I were him I'd asked them to-" I didn't hear the rest of Gilbert's blabbering as I slowly laid my head at the desk. Ahh, I'm already at my limit.


After our club meeting, I bid goodbye to Rosette as she went inside her car who is waiting for her. We finished pretty long, all I want to do is get to my soft bed and roll around. After her car took off, the black car behind them stopped in front of me. It's not my car but I know exactly who owned this. The car window rolled down revealing the driver, then the door opened. He motioned at me using his head for me to get in, so I did.

"Hey, long time no see Draco" I sarcastically greeted him as I closed the door. He then looked at me like I'm weird as he shook his head.

He started to drive out the campus, not responding to me. We drive for a while without talking, there is an unbearable silence, until I speak up first.

"So great of you to finally show your face after avoiding me" I said while crossing my arm not giving him a glance.

" What are you talking about? We saw each other just the other day" he refuted while focusing his eyes on the road.

"You mean three weeks ago?"

"Look, I'm sorry I flaked our meetings but I've been busy for this past few weeks"

"Oh, you're too busy to even meet your fiancé?" That's when I turned towards him.

"I don't want to have this conversation with you right now" he said as he was getting annoyed.

I sighed in frustration and shifted my body forward as I leaned back the seat "Of course! You always cut off our conversation that's why we can't resolve our problems"

That's when Draco snapped.

"Oh yeah? If you don't like it then why don't you break off the engagement!?" he yelled while clenching his jaw

I furiously looked back at him "Are you that determined to break off our engagement? If so, fine! I'll have it your way"

That's when our conversation was put to a stop. I closed my eyes fighting the urge to cry. Looking outside, the sky is getting darker and the moon is gleaming beautifully. A tear fell on her cheek as she said as I said in a shaky voice.

"The moon is especially bright today..."

Just when Draco was about to react, a beam of two bright lights flashed in front of us. Before I could even react, the car's airbag immediately inflated as the car hit us.